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From reliable sources out of Guyana - reports: Unconfirmed


AFC is losing support at home and abroad due the many controversies surrounding the party. Khemraj Ramjattan is in a fix trying to explain himself for Mr/Mrs Nigel & Cathy Hughes involvements with Sithe Global and the death of Amaila Falls Hydro Project. AFC constituents are furious and reclaiming their votes from the AFC for supporting APNU's agenda. Now, it's well known by Guyanese that the AFC is NOT an independent party, and the people are now turning against them.


Unconfirmed Report:

AFC Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan admit that Nigel Hughes did declare to him that he was involved with Sithe Global and he kept is a secret from the public. He also admit the AFC was also involved in the Agricola riot to make the country undovernable. The AFC leader is hoping to come clean and give a new face to an already damaging party. This comes as a surprise and a little too late to save the AFC reputation that was never there from the beginning. 


Stay tuned for more breaking news from Guyana!




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August 22nd, 2013


The Alliance For Change, after considerable review, has determined that its parliamentary actions in relation to the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project were consistent with its commitment to the Guyanese electricity consumers, as well as its commitments to renewable energy and to making Guyana an attractive venue for investors.

In light of what has since transpired, the Party is convinced that it acted in a rational and responsible manner to safeguard both the people of Guyana and the project, pending an ongoing analysis by the IDB. 

The AFC still believes that this Project was handled badly from the inception, with no formal project document being laid in the National Assembly, and no attempt made to seek early political consensus.  Further, there is no evidence of a formal and transparent tender process leading to the identification and selection of the project's developers.   The failure to share critical information on the project with the political opposition, while negotiating with the developers for the last six years calls into question the sincerity of the government's last minute efforts to achieve support from all political parties.

Notwithstanding this, the AFC, in recognition of the advanced stage of the project financing process, and an appreciation of what it takes to bring a project of such magnitude to this stage, took a position to approve two parliamentary measures intended to support the project.  Neither of these measures, as approved, present any risk whatsoever to the people of Guyana.  The party wishes make it clear that it has by no means endorsed this project in its current form.

The AFC wishes to remind the PPP Administration that Guyana has entered a new era where the Government must, in a timely and meaningful manner, consult the people and their representatives on all matters pertaining to the country's development.  

The AFC still believes there is a window of opportunity for the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project to remain on the table pending its thorough analysis.  We urge all interested stakeholders to engage meaningfully, and free from confrontational and incendiary language, in an attempt to find a solution to what has become a national embarrassment.

Significant sums of taxpayers' money have already been spent. If are to salvage any of that, we must act now.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

Like you can't come to grip with reality. Look around and tell me how many AFC die-hard supporters left on this board? The few that is holding on straws are out of touch with what's happening within the AFC. How many times you guys get confused with AFC agenda and APNU agenda. Where is your independent party?

it those not matter which party you support in guyana as a guyanese you should know that this hydro  was not the best deal for guyana their is some in the ppp government that is willing to sell out the country for their own gain and no guyanese should aloud this to happen i think APNU with some other out spoken guyanese  did the right thing and help stop this project 


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