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Beaten woman gives police detailed statement


…alleges rape and violent beating

Robeson Benn Jr who has been accused of raping and violently beating his 27 year old ex- girlfriend at her apartment in the wee hours of Sunday morning, has now claimed that he was invited into the woman’s home and that the intercourse was consensual.


The police have received a detailed statement from the woman who stated that she was violently beaten and raped by the young man.
The woman gave her statement to the police yesterday in the presence of attorney Nigel Hughes. She was also examined by a doctor who has since forwarded his report to the police. Kaieteur News was told that the young man has also given a statement to the police in which he claims that he was invited into the home by the young woman.


It is unclear what he has said in regard to the injuries the woman sustained. When Kaieteur News visited the woman on Sunday, her face was swollen, her eyes were bloodshot and she was crying out for pain in her head.


Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell announced on Sunday night that he has launched an investigation into the alleged assault of the 27-year-old woman by Benn. The commissioner said that any report of this nature was a serious one and would not be taken lightly by the police.


The alleged victim said that Benn who was brandishing a gun, repeatedly punched her in the face and stomach after forcing his way into her home at around 04:00 hrs on Sunday. The man, according to the woman, sexually assaulted her.


But in his statement to the police, Robeson Benn Jr denied that any gun was involved.
Bruises were clearly visible on the woman’s face and upper body, and her eyes were bloodshot when she spoke to media operatives at her home on Sunday.  The woman had severed a relationship with the official’s son and had made several reports that he had physically abused her.


The woman said that she was in bed when she heard a knock on the door. She said that she was expecting a relative who was spending time with her, so she opened the door, only to be confronted by her ex-boyfriend.
The woman said she immediately tried to shut the door but the younger Benn forced his way in.


She said that after she kept insisting that he leave, Benn became annoyed and began punching her to her face and about the body, leaving her entire face swollen and her upper body badly bruised. Things escalated and he allegedly sexually assaulted her. The woman estimated that her ordeal lasted about 20 minutes before her ex-boyfriend left.


Afterwards the injured woman said that she contacted close friends who took her to the Alberttown Police Station. However, officers there told her that she should make a report at the Brickdam Police Station.
She alleged that when she attempted to file her complaint with an officer, the rank, whom she identified, left to go into a room and never came outside. “We were waiting there for about an hour and a half and no one came to me so I left”.


According to the woman, she then returned home. She alleged that her attacker then called to find out how she was doing. “He called me later in the morning asking if I was ok and I hung up the phone.” The woman has shown this newspaper the call records.
Later in the afternoon friends again encouraged her to get a medical report and return to the police station. She said she then went to the Georgetown Public Hospital.


The woman had spoken to Kaieteur News in April about a similar beating she had allegedly received at the hands of Benn. .
She had stated that the relationship started in July 2012 and the abuse started soon after. She said that she still stayed in the relationship, even though friends warned her not to.
The woman was beaten severely last October and had to be taken to a private City hospital for medical treatment.  According to her she was required to take a CT scan.


Less than a month later, the woman said she suffered a more severe beating. At the time, she was in the early stages of pregnancy and was beaten so severely that she miscarried.  That incident happened at her home. She said that she stabbed him once in self defence.
That matter was reported, but her attacker never pressed charges.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by seignet:

Nothing will happen to the fella. Most likely he will get a political posting in America. First Secretary or something.


Indian women are accustomed to getting abused-in Guyana.

She is lucky she wasn't murdered.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Nothing will happen to the fella. Most likely he will get a political posting in America. First Secretary or something.


Indian women are accustomed to getting abused-in Guyana.

She is lucky she wasn't murdered.

call rohee and tell him to protect the indian women or he is a ppp blackman and can do as he like


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