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Some questions by Anil Nandlall.

May 2, 2017

Dear Editor
I have been charged for stealing books, the subscriptions for which were paid for by the Government of Guyana, which I specifically requested as a condition of my service as Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs and which was granted by the President of the Republic of Guyana. The market value for these books is about $420,000.

Sometime in the mid-1980s, the then Chancellor of the Judiciary, Mr. Keith Massiah, was offered the position of Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs by President Desmond Hoyte, upon his retirement as Chancellor. Chancellor Massiah indicated his willingness to accept the appointment only if he would enjoy the same remuneration package which he enjoyed as Chancellor. This package was more than double of what a Minister was paid at the time. Mr. Desmond Hoyte granted that request. Mr. Massiah was appointed Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs and was paid that remuneration package for several years until they lost the 1992 elections. The total sum paid even then would have run into millions of dollars. Should Mr. Keith Massiah now not be charged with larceny?

The Coalition Government as a collective, sat at a Cabinet meeting and made a decision to pay themselves a 50% increase in salary as part of their contract of service. The incredible rationale was that they were earning this level of income prior to their appointment. I challenge anyone of them, publicly, to prove that they were earning this level of income. This increase in salary is a recurring monthly expenditure on the treasury,running into millions per month and hundreds of millions, annually. Should each of them not be charged with obtaining money by fraud or by false pretenses?

Additionally, at the same Cabinet meeting,Moses Nagamootoo demanded that the Prime Minister’s salary, as a matter of principle, must be higher than that of the Attorney General. As a result, his salary was increased by a further few hundred thousand to make it higher than the Attorney General’s.
Again, this became part of his contract for service. I challenge the Prime Minister to show that he was earning $1.7M per month prior to his appointment. Again, this is a monthly recurring expenditure that is costing taxpayers over $20M annually. Should the Prime Minister not be charged for obtaining money by fraud?

On top of this astronomical increase in salaries, I am aware that the Government is renting residential premises in which ministers reside at an average monthly rental of $500,000 -$1M. This is costing the treasury millions of dollars annually. These rentals are obviously part of these ministers’ contract of service. Should they not be charged with some fraudulent offence as well?
Two ministers are currently on scholarships;this must be part of their contract of service. These two scholarships are costing taxpayers approximately $7M. Should charges not be filed here too?

By a Cabinet decision, this Government rents a house in Albouystown from a party crony for $14M per month to use as a drug bond when a property of similar size, condition and in the same neighbourhood can be rented for $150,000 per month;and when they refused the same square footage of space offered to them in writing at the New GPC Storage Bond, a world-class storage facility for pharmaceuticals, at a rental of $1.3M per month. Taxpayers continue to pay this $14M in rent monthly. Why should the entire Cabinet not be charged for this criminal wastage of taxpayers’ money.

As President David Granger said to Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo recently, “I recognise that Governments change and the shoe is on the other foot.” Clearly, his Attorney General does not understand this reality.

Mohabir Anil Nandlall M.P


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Those law books and Nandlall’s explanations.

May 3, 2017

Dear Editor,
Assume that your child received physical injury after being given a sound spanking by a Prefect for arriving late at school one day. In defense, the Prefect said he was instructed or permitted to do so by the Head Teacher (HM). Even if the HM did confirm that reprehensible arrangement, the HM could be easily sanctioned by the Education Ministry with resulting disciplinary action being taken against the Prefect for inflicting such punishment that caused your child physical injury. If it became a Police matter, charges of Assault causing actual or grievous bodily harm could be filed.
In juxtaposition with the cited Prefect, the former Attorney General has implicated a former President as the giver of permission under some ‘oral’ agreement for him to be the beneficiary of Law books purchased with state funds.
The Law books in question are (14 of) 15 Commonwealth Law Books/ Reports, paid for by the Ministry of Legal affairs (with YOUR tax-paid dollars) to the tune of almost $2.5 Million from 2012 to 2015. The supplier was a UK publisher.
The Law books were declared missing from the Legal Affairs Library when the APNU/AFC Government assumed office in May 2015. Subsequently, the former Attorney General,Mr. Anil Nandalall declared that the 14 Law Books were in his possession. The 15th Law book, which was already paid for in March 2015, was received from the UK supplier in June 2016 and is now in rightful safe keeping of the Legal Affairs Library.
Controversy surrounding the custodian and ownership of those law books escalated after it became the subject of two main findings in the report of a Special Audit conducted by the Auditor General in January 2016. The Auditor General’s report was satisfactory, but contained a flaw; a flaw relevant to storekeeping procedures. The Auditor General’s report suggested that the Law books were not subject to storekeeping procedures. However, Section 18 of Store regulations of 1993 notes that “All goods purchased shall be taken to the store and shall be subject to store keeping procedures outlined in these regulations”. “The storekeeper shall make entries in the Goods Received Book in Form 4 and shall prepare goods received notes in Form 2, with appropriate remarks”
Based on a response to the Auditor General’s report from the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Law books in question were not taken to the Stores nor subjected to the relevant storekeeping procedures. They were instead delivered directly to the former Attorney General,Mr. Nandalall, in direct contravention of the Stores Regulations.
Although the Law books were indisputably purchased with public funds, it must be noted that the findings of the Special Audit exposed an apparent breach in the payment procedure where the purchases were not done in accordance with such procedures governing the Fiscal Management Accountability Act of 2003. Such breaches raised suspicion that there may have been a collusion with, or circumvention of, the Head of the Budget Agency. The Ministry of Legal Affairs in its February 2016 response to the Auditor General also noted that it has no evidence of this (Law books) agreement between former Attorney General Mr. Nandalall and former President,Mr. Donald Ramotar.
It was based on the foregoing that the matter was given Police attention. Police action further intensified after the breach of a gentleman’s agreement by the former Attorney General to return the Commonwealth Law books. Criminal charges were then filed against him. All other facts and details will most likely unfold during the judicial hearings. In this regard the citizenry should exercise greater patience and try to appreciate the intricacies of such investigations.
It is fair to say that the Police did not act ‘Ultra vires’ or above and beyond its powers by arresting Mr. Nandalall, as some seek to suggest through various missives. Mr. Nandalall held an entrusted position of the state and clearly abused the privileges and fiduciary responsibility so vested upon him by misappropriating the state’s assets (Law books bought with YOUR tax dollars) to his own use. The fact that Mr. Nandalall took the Law books discretely, without permission of the state, is a form of embezzlement and has resulted in the charge against him in the form of “Larceny by Bailee”.
It is also fair to say that slothfulness of some officials in handling this and other matters seem to be manifest in them taking “an abundance of personal and juridical caution”, or by overwhelming intimidation of some who still wield fear and power,thereby causing timidity in decision making by those now vested. From whichever angle one wishes to view this issue, in the discourse of common law jurisdictions, the principle of open justice is most frequently expressed in the form of an aphorism (pronouncement) attributed to Lord Chief Justice Hewart in his judgment in Rex v Sussex Justices Ex parte McCarthy 1923: (quoted) “It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance, that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.” (End of quote).
Orette Cutting (Mr.)


PNC daylight robbery and theft goes unanswered (Is it black protecting black criminals ?)

"On top of this astronomical increase in salaries, I am aware that the Government is renting residential premises in which ministers reside at an average monthly rental of $500,000 -$1M. This is costing the treasury millions of dollars annually. These rentals are obviously part of these ministers’ contract of service. Should they not be charged with some fraudulent offence as well?
Two ministers are currently on scholarships;this must be part of their contract of service. These two scholarships are costing taxpayers approximately $7M. Should charges not be filed here too?

By a Cabinet decision, this Government rents a house in Albouystown from a party crony for $14M per month to use as a drug bond when a property of similar size, condition and in the same neighbourhood can be rented for $150,000 per month;and when they refused the same square footage of space offered to them in writing at the New GPC Storage Bond, a world-class storage facility for pharmaceuticals, at a rental of $1.3M per month. Taxpayers continue to pay this $14M in rent monthly. Why should the entire Cabinet not be charged for this criminal wastage of taxpayers’ money."


Take a peek at Mr.Orette Cutting letter,the books cost G$2.5 million dollars,paid with tax payers dollars,the question is why Mr.Nandalall should have possession of the books.

"former Attorney General has implicated a former President as the giver of permission under some ‘oral’ agreement for him to be the beneficiary of Law books purchased with state funds."


please use 0.0001% of your 1000%  honesty and tell us if the books should be returned.


The rule of law applies. Anil will kick these racist PNC idiots in court.

Django, for a second time I am telling you that "Dem Boys Seh" is not law.

How about the PNC stop crime within their own PNC Crime Family ?


yuji22 posted:

PNC daylight robbery and theft goes unanswered (Is it black protecting black criminals ?)

"On top of this astronomical increase in salaries, I am aware that the Government is renting residential premises in which ministers reside at an average monthly rental of $500,000 -$1M. This is costing the treasury millions of dollars annually. These rentals are obviously part of these ministers’ contract of service. Should they not be charged with some fraudulent offence as well?
Two ministers are currently on scholarships;this must be part of their contract of service. These two scholarships are costing taxpayers approximately $7M. Should charges not be filed here too?

By a Cabinet decision, this Government rents a house in Albouystown from a party crony for $14M per month to use as a drug bond when a property of similar size, condition and in the same neighbourhood can be rented for $150,000 per month;and when they refused the same square footage of space offered to them in writing at the New GPC Storage Bond, a world-class storage facility for pharmaceuticals, at a rental of $1.3M per month. Taxpayers continue to pay this $14M in rent monthly. Why should the entire Cabinet not be charged for this criminal wastage of taxpayers’ money."


cain posted:

Nandalanda should shut up. Like yugi, the idiot loves to stir the pot and when it start to get hot, complain like a wimp.

Last time I checked, you and D2 are the BIGGEST cry babies at GNI. Yuji takes on the HOBOS toe to toe.

yuji22 posted:

The rule of law applies. Anil will kick these racist PNC idiots in court.

Django, for a second time I am telling you that "Dem Boys Seh" is not law.

How about the PNC stop crime within their own PNC Crime Family ?



please use 0.0001% of your 1000%  honesty and tell us if the books should be returned.

cain posted:

Nandalanda should shut up. Like yugi, the idiot loves to stir the pot and when it start to get hot, complain like a wimp.

Yall rass playing wag the dog to take the focus away from how the jackasses in the PNC are mismanaging the economy. How come you didnot support Granger in his call for expats to invest in Guyana?

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Nandalanda should shut up. Like yugi, the idiot loves to stir the pot and when it start to get hot, complain like a wimp.

Yall rass playing wag the dog to take the focus away from how the jackasses in the PNC are mismanaging the economy. How come you didnot support Granger in his call for expats to invest in Guyana?

Cause HOBOS cannot contribute to the economy.

A lil sport and wine down is good enough for them. PNC crime family has taken over and looted the treasury but they are still in anti PPP mode.

cain posted:

Nandalanda should shut up. Like yugi, the idiot loves to stir the pot and when it start to get hot, complain like a wimp.

In all seriousness, why doesn't he just relinquish the books? Lot more serious issues need to be addressed.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
cain posted:

Nandalanda should shut up. Like yugi, the idiot loves to stir the pot and when it start to get hot, complain like a wimp.

Yall rass playing wag the dog to take the focus away from how the jackasses in the PNC are mismanaging the economy. How come you didnot support Granger in his call for expats to invest in Guyana?

Cause HOBOS cannot contribute to the economy.

A lil sport and wine down is good enough for them. PNC crime family has taken over and looted the treasury but they are still in anti PPP mode.

Does this mean that Cain et al are hobos? Just the other day djangy was boasting about owning a commercial building. Maybe these folks have no confidence in the PNC but they prefer to see Blacks in charge despite the shortcoming of these current lot of crooks running the country.


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