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Law does not prevent GECOM from live streaming recount

– observers, lawyers argue

Apr 27, 2020 News 1 , Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...e-streaming-recount/

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is legally empowered to stream the national recount live for the benefit of the general public.
That is the argument being put forward, in response to GECOM Chair, Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh saying that the law does not allow her to have the recount streamed live.

GECOM’s Chair, Justice (Ret’d) Claudette Singh

In her explanation for her rejection of the proposal, the former Justice of Appeal cited Section 90 of the Representation of the People Act, which speaks to the maintenance of the secrecy of the count.

That section states that “Every person attending at the count of votes shall maintain and not communicate any information obtained at the count as to the list of candidates for which any vote has been given.”

“Because of the secrecy, they cannot show the ballot but what they can do, they can show the results after the results would have been tabulated, I have no problem with that,” Justice Singh recently told the State newspaper, Guyana Chronicle.

But Attorney-at-Law and People’s Progressive Party (PPP) candidate, Sanjeev Datadin is of the view that section 90 is not applicable to the live streaming of the recount in the way that Singh is implying.

Attorney-at-law, Sanjeev Datadin

Datadin told Kaieteur News in a telephone interview that the ballot paper does not contain an identifier of the voter. Hence, showing the ballot paper would not expose the identity of any of the candidates who have voted for one party or another.

This was the view also of attorney-at-law, Christopher Ram.
Datadin noted that Section 90 is applicable where it prohibits persons attending the count from declaring any of the results, as that is the sole remit of GECOM.

He explained that GECOM would be in its right to stream its own recount, and that Section 90 does nothing to advance the argument that the recount should not be streamed live.

Attorney-at-law, Christopher Ram

In a telephone interview, Ram told Kaieteur News that GECOM has the authority to stream the recount and that, in any case, GECOM is empowered by the Constitution of Guyana and the Election Laws (Amendment) Act to take action necessary to ensure a fair, transparent and impartial process.

PSC’s Chair, Captain Gerry Gouveia

Chair of the Private Sector Commission (PSC), Captain Gerry Gouveia, also argued that GECOM has the authority to take action necessary to see the process through.

The PSC is a domestic observer of the 2020 general and regional elections.

Gouveia said, too, that it is vitally important that transparency be a hallmark on which the recount is executed.

He added that such a task would not be difficult, as Guyana has the technology and the capability to ensure it is easily done. He put it to the Chair that even if she would not stream the recount to the public, that it should be streamed live for the benefit of the international observers only. This would go a long way, he said, to ensure the electoral process benefits from international accreditation.

Article 162 of the Constitution states that the electoral commission “shall issue such instructions and take such action as appear to it necessary or expedient to ensure impartiality, fairness and compliance with the provisions of this Constitution or of any Act of Parliament” where the Commission’s general direction and supervision over the electoral process are concerned.

Section 22 of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act speaks to ‘Removal of Difficulties’, and states “If any difficulty arises in connection with the application of this Act, the Representation of the People Act or the National Registration Act or any relevant subsidiary legislation, the Commission shall, by Order, make any provision, including the amendment of the said legislation, that appears to the Commission to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty; and any such order may modify any of the said legislation in respect of any particular matter or occasion so far as may appear to the Commission to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty.”

These legal provisions are already at the center of GECOM’s deliberations on the recount, as Commissioner Vincent Alexander noted them as the basis on which GECOM will conduct the recount. Singh also noted the Constitutional provision in her affidavit to the Court, committing to conduct the recount.

Ram told Kaieteur News that GECOM is hereby empowered to override section 90 of the Representation of the People Act.

He said that the purpose of the recount is to satisfy the issues of fairness and transparency, and that it is on that basis that GECOM should stream the recount live.

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One reee-jan at a time - sweet Claw-dette

Apr 27, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 0  , Source - Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-reee-jan-at-a-time/

At one time, dem boys use to know when is 7am. On de stroke of 7am, GBC use to kick off de radio with a very beautiful and touching song. The world has come to love it.

It begin like this:

One day at a time, Sweet Jesus
That’s all am asking of you,
Just give me the strength
to do everyday
What I have to do.

Remember it?

Well, dem boys have a GECOM version of that song…
here it goes:

One reee-jan at a time, sweet Claw-dett
That’s all we’re asking of you…
Just give we de strength to seeee everyday
What we have to seeee
Fifty days have gone, sweet Claw-dett,
And we don’t need another fifty more
So help us today, live stream de recount
One day at a time.
You’ re only human,
You’re just a woman
Help us believe
In what we could be
And all that we are
Show us de right way
We have to folloooooow,
For Guyana’s sake
Tell GECOM to take
One reee-jan at a time,
One reee-jan at a time, sweet Claw-dett
That’s all we are asking from you,
Just give dem de wisdom
To do today What has to be done.
Mingo is gone, sweet Claw-dett
And Lolofield may be next
Help Guyana today,
Tell GECOM to count
One reee-jan at a time,
Do you remember,
When you walked among judges,
Well Claw-dett, you know,
If you’re looking outside,
It’s worse now than then
Cheating and stealing,
Rigging and thieving
So for our sake,
Tell GECOM to count
One reee-jan at a time
One reee-jan at a time, sweet Claw-dett
That’s all we are asking from you
Just demand of GECOM today
To do what they have to do
The observers are gone, sweet Claw-dett
And COVID is here,
Help Guyana today,
Tell GECOM to stay
And count one reee-jan at a time

Talk half and demand from sweet Claw-dett to have the recount stream online and count one reee-jan at a time.


Of course, showing the ballot will not reveal the identity of the voter.  However, if there is a problem reconciling ballots cast with the voters list, for example, there is a risk of revealing the identity of the voter.  


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