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At Ankerville, Corentyne…

Leading Bollywood singer, Sonu Nigam, centre, cuts the ceremonial ribbon at yesterday’s opening of the Bal Nivas centre in Akerville, Corentyne. Flanking him, from left, are President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar. At far right is GHDS President, Dr. Vindhya Persaud (Photo by Adrian Narine)



President Ramotar declares open multi-million-dollar hospice for abused children:

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar yesterday commissioned the multi-million-dollar Bal Nivas centre for children who have been victims of abuse in Ankerville, Corentyne, Berbice.
Addressing the hundreds who attended the event, he stressed that the social challenges Guyana faces in relation to domestic violence and child abuse demand a multi-faceted approach.

The newly-commissioned Bal Nivas centre

The newly-commissioned Bal Nivas centre

The President referred to Government’s efforts to create an atmosphere where domestic violence and child abuse are not tolerated, but are spoken against. In this regard, efforts include passage of new legislation and investment in the social sector.


The President said that when domestic violence and child abuse are eliminated, Guyana would have moved a far way and would have advanced in the right direction to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups.

He also congratulated the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS) and its supporters for being able to turn the vision of the Bal Nivas Centre into a reality, and noted that the centre would benefit all Guyanese.


A section of the substantial gathering that attended opening of the handiwork of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha

A section of the substantial gathering that attended opening of the handiwork of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha

President of the GHDS, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, speaking at the commissioning ceremony yesterday, pointed out that the Bal Nivas centre responds to a need that evidences a real problem. “It is a sad day when we need this type of facility, but the reality is not one we are blind to,” she said, making clear the importance for vulnerable groups to have safety and security.

According to her, the facility is the result of a vision in 2009, and the support of its many stakeholders is greatly appreciated. She proffered the Sabha’s appreciation to Bollywood playback singer Sonu Nigam, whose sold-out concerts assisted the Sabha in raising funds for the centre’s construction. Sonu Nigam was present at the opening ceremony.

Dr Persaud, who stressed that the GHDS is committed to serving the people of Guyana, called on Berbicians to take ownership of the facility in order to ensure that it can continue to serve those in need for many years to come.

The newly-opened hospice, which will house 60 persons at a time, will target children, particularly those with single parents in the surrounding communities.

GHDS President, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, breaks the traditional coconut, according to Hindu custom, at the entrance of the centre during its opening [Photos by Adrian narine)

GHDS President, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, breaks the traditional coconut, according to Hindu custom, at the entrance of the centre during its opening (Photos by Adrian narine)

In January 2012, the GHDS signed the building contract with Kascon Engineering Service of Berbice, and the Government of Guyana donated the land for its construction.

In 2012 also, President Donald Ramotar and leading Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam unveiled the design of the building; and construction of Bal Nivas began in February last year, following numerous fund-raising activities and receipt of donations from individuals, families, businesses and the Sabha’s New York Chapter.


The facility will spearhead many programmes in order to educate communities throughout the country about domestic violence and parenting. Rehabilitation and counselling programmes will also be held to ensure that victims are ready to be placed in a safe environment.


One wing of the building was designated for the counselling centre and a skills-training facility. These are mainly to benefit women in the community who may be suffering at the hands of their partners. The intention is to re-integrate these individuals into the community and proper families after a period of time at the shelter.


The administration of the shelter will be handled by the Sabha, in collaboration with the Ministry of Human Services and the Child Protection Agency.

Also present at the commissioning of this facility were Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; General Secretary of the ruling party, Mr Clement Rohee; Government ministers, Members of Parliament (MPs), and Executives of the GHDS.


(By Vanessa Narine)

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President among sold-out-crowd at “Klose to My Soul” concert

May 6, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

President Donald Ramotar and First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar were among the thousands who gathered at the National Stadium, Providence, to enjoy the talent of renowned Bollywood playback singer, Sonu Nigam, and his 25-member troupe from Mumbai. The occasion was the ‘Klose to my soul’ concert in observance of Arrival Day.

President Donald Ramotar on stage with Bollywood playback singer, Sonu Nigam

President Donald Ramotar on stage with Bollywood playback singer, Sonu Nigam

Along with Nigam was a large selection of Bollywood’s best musicians.
The concert, organised by the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, was held to commemorate the 176th Anniversary of Indian Arrival in Guyana and the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha’s 40th anniversary. The proceedings will go to the Sabha’s Bal Nivas home for vulnerable children.


Bal Nivas which is located at Ankerville, Corentyne, Berbice has the capacity to house approximately 60 persons.
The facility materialised after a series of massive fund-raising events including mega concerts featuring Bollywood’s singing sensations.
President Ramotar, who briefly addressed the thousands of supportive Guyanese at last evening’s concert applauded their support for a worthwhile cause and encouraged their support of other such ventures.
The President also hailed the concert as a fitting tribute to the Indian foreparents who came to Guyana and despite difficulties, managed to maintain their culture.


“Today, 176 years after, we have the top artistes of India coming to entertain us. That is a testimony to the fact that our foreparents managed in difficult and very harsh circumstances to maintain this culture and to give it also a specific Guyanese flavour,” he said.


On May 5, 1838, five women, 233 men, and six children from India were the first batch of East Indian immigrants to arrive on board the Whitby at Highbury, East Bank Berbice to supplement the multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society in which Guyana today prides itself.
The concert which also featured performance by upcoming Bollywood playback singer, Jonita Gandhi, was also the Guyana leg of Sonu Nigam’s 2014 World Concert tour titled “Klose to My Soul”.

A section of the audience at the show on Sunday

A section of the audience at the show on Sunday

This concert featured tributes to Indian musical legends like Mohammed Rafi, Mukesh, Manna Dey, Lata Mangeshkar, RD Burman and Kishore Kumar. (GINA)


The proceeds from Sonu Nigam first show in Guyana when towards building the Bal Nivas centre in Ankerville, Corentyne. This center will be home to many abused children. His second visit fell on one of the most appropriate time in our history, and Sonu Nigam was there to cut the ribbon on the opening day of the center that he contributed to.


BTW, my belated mother was born in Ankerville. Thank you Sonuji!


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