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Leaked embassy cables reveal…Interesting perspectives by US envoy on “Sash” Sawh killing

August 27, 2011 | By | Filed Under News 

Two days after the shocking 2006 murder of former Minister of Fisheries, Satyadeow “Sash”   Sawh, senior Guyanese functionaries had met the then United States Ambassador Roland Bullen asking for help to solve the case and recover more than 30-AK47s that went missing from the army.

According to recently released embassy cables from the whistleblower website, Wikileaks, the local US Embassy, headed by then Ambassador Roland Bullen, were examining at least three theories that led to the killing of the “jocular” Minister – one of the being a retaliation from a militant, Buxton –based group and two others that were linked with drugs.

Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh

The cables which were supposed to be confidential and sent by the local embassy to the US Secretary of State, also spoke of President’s Bharrat Jagdeo’s mood at the meeting.

According to the cables, Sawh was killed on April 22, and on April 24, Bullen met with Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, then later with President Jagdeo, to discuss the government of Guyana’s (GOG) request for security related assistance.

“Jagdeo and Luncheon essentially admitted that the public’s patience with the GOG’s performance on security is wearing thin, and they are looking for a response that “captures the public’s imagination”. The GOG has also asked Canada and the UK for help,” the cable dated May 4 said.
The cables were detailed.

“Jagdeo’s mood was somber, with a visibly furrowed brow. Minister Sawh’s killing has clearly hit senior GOG officials hard. Their psychological moat that made them feel separated and protected from Guyana’s security problem has vanished.”
The Ambassador, in the cable, said that according to Luncheon, Jagdeo has just about exhausted the Guyana security forces’ investigative capabilities and so they are forced to seek greater international assistance.

“Post’s impression is that Sawh’s killing has really woken up senior GOG politicos to the loss of state control over the country’s security.”
Dr. Luncheon, followed up with a written request for help, admitting that the government had
recognized that the assassination of Minister Sawh has created the gravest threat to the country’s democracy.
“Significantly, there are other threats associated with the existence of the criminal gang in Buxton and the intellectual authors of their crimes. Also the loss of the large number of AK-47 weapons from the military is still unexplained and recovery unrealised.”

Luncheon asked for assistance expanding investigations into the loss of the AK-47 weapons from the military, leading to the recovery, enhancing the Criminal Investigation Department’s investigation into the murder of Minister Sawh and his family, and for crime fighting equipment for an elite force.

The Ambassador also said that Minister of Home Affairs, Gail Teixeira; the Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix, and the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Edward Collins, were consulted prior to dispatching this request.

Roland Bullen

“Rather, the request reflects what President Jagdeo, Luncheon and the Cabinet want during this moment of sorrow and possibly panic.”
Regarding the theories for the killing of Sawh, his sister, brother and security guard at the Minister’s LBI’s resident, the Embassy said it heard many stories about the motives.

In the first instance there was a political angle.
“A militant, presumably Afro-Guyanese anti-government faction wants to gain greater political power but feels it cannot do so through Guyana’s democratic process. The GOG is peddling this theory, and the GOG leadership is paranoid about a treasonous cadre of current and former military and police officers. This militant group is centered in Buxton, a coastal village approximately six miles east of Georgetown that is essentially beyond state control.”

The embassy at that time said it believed that a corollary to this theory is that Sawh was targeted in revenge for the January, 2006, killing of prominent Afro-Guyanese journalist and “rabble-rouser”, Ronald Waddell.
“To this end, the joint services have engaged in a series of searches of Buxton, which have netted night vision goggles, military uniforms, and other pieces of military equipment. Ballistics tests performed at spent shells from the Sawh murder scene prove that the same weapons were used in the February 26 Agricola/Eccles massacre and another gruesome shooting/beheading in Agricola in March 2005.”

According to Bullen, Luncheon, the government’s spokesman, might have fueled the political angle when he publicly mused in the April 27 post-Cabinet briefing that unspecified members of the PNCR have contacts with the bandits in Buxton.
“However, he explicitly stopped short of linking the PNCR to Sawh’s murder.”

“Another angle was that Sawh was involved in criminal activities. Sawh was said to be close with a suspected money launderer (named) and known alien smuggler who owns a fish farm “which appears to be a money laundering operation.”
The cable disclosed that this “money launderer” was previously arrested with several Guyanese and U.S. passports but later was acquitted of wrongdoing.

“As Minister responsible for fisheries, Sawh would have had an ostensible reason to meet with …(named).”
However, another theory was the Sawh was a “clean minister relative to many of his peers. Sawh took too strong a stand against criminal activity. Some are saying that Sawh took a lead role in urging the Cabinet not to issue forestry permits to suspect concerns, which pitted him against the drug lords.”

WikiLeaks, which released the secret cables, is an international non-profit organisation that publishes submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources, news leaks, and whistleblowers. Its website, launched in 2006 under The Sunshine Press organisation, claimed a database of more than 1.2 million documents within a year of its launch.

It has been highly controversial and raised the ire of several governments across the globe for the potentially embarrassing leaks.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

This was a really rough period. The PNC Freedom Fighters were terrorizing the country back then. Things only got under control after Fineman was eventually killed by the police and given a hero's funeral by Corbin and his henchmen.


Corbin hunch men in Buxton killed the honorable, belated minister. Jagdeo was too weak to fight off these cockroaches. The entire Buxton should have been exterminated for the grater good of the entire country.

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP dragged it's feet too long and allowed these politically inspired terrorists to roam for too long.  When there is no clear and decisive action,  perpetrators will inevitably escalate and see how far they can get.  The PPP finally sprang into action after one of their own was killed however, what about all the scores on ordinary citizens killed or maimed preceding this killing of the minister!


"Jagdeo and Luncheon essentially admitted that the public’s patience with the GOG’s performance on security is wearing thin, and they are looking for a response that “captures the public’s imagination”. The GOG has also asked Canada and the UK for help,” the cable dated May 4 said.
The cables were detailed."


They asked for help..then what, decided against it before Canada and the UK responded?



I have said in previous thread, PNC were building a military gang in Buxton. Nigel Hughes play a huge part in supporting these criminals. 

Rumjat knows how involve Nigel was and yet he kisses his  Arss . 

Nigel hate hate hate  Indians .

ian posted:

I have said in previous thread, PNC were building a military gang in Buxton. Nigel Hughes play a huge part in supporting these criminals. 

Rumjat knows how involve Nigel was and yet he kisses his  Arss . 

Nigel hate hate hate  Indians .

There is a "clan" of Afro elitist located in Guyana, the US and Canada who hold a deep seated hatred for Indians!  They are educated and have money but are first and foremost Afroists!  They have very little association with the Indians on Guyana, infact some hold a deep disdain for any Indian in their midst and actually does not even associate with uneducated Afros!  And interestingly, most of the men tend to marry non-Afro women.

They are true elitist!  However, they do tap into the average Afro population to further their political gains and you see it manifest itself in varying forms.  People like Caribj are protrusions of their thoughts and Fineman/Buxton gangs are protrusions of their sentiments!  Their ultimate aim is to make Guyana into an undoubtedly Afro dominated nation.  Indians can remain and "speak when spoken to"!

ba$eman posted:
ian posted:

I have said in previous thread, PNC were building a military gang in Buxton. Nigel Hughes play a huge part in supporting these criminals. 

Rumjat knows how involve Nigel was and yet he kisses his  Arss . 

Nigel hate hate hate  Indians .

There is a "clan" of Afro elitist located in Guyana, the US and Canada who hold a deep seated hatred for Indians!  They are educated and have money but are first and foremost Afroists!  They have very little association with the Indians on Guyana, infact some hold a deep disdain for any Indian in their midst and actually does not even associate with uneducated Afros!  And interestingly, most of the men tend to marry non-Afro women.

They are true elitist!  However, they do tap into the average Afro population to further their political gains and you see it manifest itself in varying forms.  People like Caribj are protrusions of their thoughts and Fineman/Buxton gangs are protrusions of their sentiments!  Their ultimate aim is to make Guyana into an undoubtedly Afro dominated nation.  Indians can remain and "speak when spoken to"!

Interestingly like you say, Cheddi married a non-Indian American. So what race did his grand daughter marry?


So here's a summary from the wiki leaks. There are 3 possibilities

  1. PNC operatives in Buxton were responsible and this is backed up by military equipment found in raids that match the same equipment used in the Sawhs murders as well as ballistic evidence from the weapons.  The motive being a return to power via undemocratic means and revenge for Ronald Waddell.
  2. Sawh was mixed with a fish man drug smuggler and involved in money laundering
  3. Sawh crossed RK with the timber concession


The 1st seems the most plausible due to the evidence. 

ba$eman posted:
ian posted:

I have said in previous thread, PNC were building a military gang in Buxton. Nigel Hughes play a huge part in supporting these criminals. 

Rumjat knows how involve Nigel was and yet he kisses his  Arss . 

Nigel hate hate hate  Indians .

There is a "clan" of Afro elitist located in Guyana, the US and Canada who hold a deep seated hatred for Indians!  They are educated and have money but are first and foremost Afroists!  They have very little association with the Indians on Guyana, infact some hold a deep disdain for any Indian in their midst and actually does not even associate with uneducated Afros!  And interestingly, most of the men tend to marry non-Afro women.

They are true elitist!  However, they do tap into the average Afro population to further their political gains and you see it manifest itself in varying forms.  People like Caribj are protrusions of their thoughts and Fineman/Buxton gangs are protrusions of their sentiments!  Their ultimate aim is to make Guyana into an undoubtedly Afro dominated nation.  Indians can remain and "speak when spoken to"!

These were the people who funded and provided the training / weapons of the Buxton gang. Many of these people have a complex love/hate view of Dr. Jagan. But when it comes to President Jagdeo there is only true hate for him because when you hit him he hits back.



These people like baseman said are men and women who for the most part have money. They are professionals and for the most part are educated. But they all have one thing in common. They want to see the Caribbean become Afrocentric in all aspects. The East Indian with their cast system where dark skin is at the bottom does not fit into the picture. These people have a minority but powerful position in the PNC Wpa and Afc. Many of the men are married to non African women who do not have a clue how these men think.

Last edited by Prashad

Neither the PNC leadership , PPP leadership or Roger Khan was involved in Sawh death. It was carried out by "some" members of the Buxton group as retaliation for what was happening to their people at the hands of the East Indians.


Drugb posted:

So here's a summary from the wiki leaks. There are 3 possibilities

  1. PNC operatives in Buxton were responsible and this is backed up by military equipment found in raids that match the same equipment used in the Sawhs murders as well as ballistic evidence from the weapons.  The motive being a return to power via undemocratic means and revenge for Ronald Waddell.
  2. Sawh was mixed with a fish man drug smuggler and involved in money laundering

       3.Sawh crossed RK with the timber concession

The 1st seems the most plausible due to the evidence. 

It is quite plausible, RK was mixed with a fish man drug smuggler and involved in money laundering. Sawh crossed RK

RK knew some criminals in Buxton on payroll. He had the $$ and the weapons. These weapons could be responsible and this is backed up by military equipment found in raids that match the same equipment used in the Sawhs murders as well as ballistic evidence from the weapons. 



Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Drugb posted:

So here's a summary from the wiki leaks. There are 3 possibilities

  1. PNC operatives in Buxton were responsible and this is backed up by military equipment found in raids that match the same equipment used in the Sawhs murders as well as ballistic evidence from the weapons.  The motive being a return to power via undemocratic means and revenge for Ronald Waddell.
  2. Sawh was mixed with a fish man drug smuggler and involved in money laundering

       3.Sawh crossed RK with the timber concession

The 1st seems the most plausible due to the evidence. 

It is quite plausible, RK was mixed with a fish man drug smuggler and involved in money laundering. Sawh crossed RK

RK knew some criminals in Buxton on payroll. He had the $$ and the weapons. These weapons could be responsible and this is backed up by military equipment found in raids that match the same equipment used in the Sawhs murders as well as ballistic evidence from the weapons. 



No evidence is there to support you claim. In fact it was RK who was using the laptop to find and terminate killers in Buxton after which you folks cried foul as it interrupted your plans with the PNC to attain power through undemocratic means. 


As I said before Sawh never had the political pull in the PPP to ever seriously challenge President Jagdeo. Gillbaka has been involved in political activity about over 50 years therefore he must  know being a Starbai at a party congress does not necessarily translate to political support. Because if that was the case then Balram Singh Rai would have defeated the Jagans. Killing Sawh was such a political risk because it could have easily backfired and cause serious political damage. The only people capable of taking that risk are people with nothing to lose. That is the reason why some members of the Buxton gang carried out this horrible act.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

As I said before Sawh never had the political pull in the PPP to ever seriously challenge President Jagdeo. Gillbaka has been involved in political activity about over 50 years therefore he must  know being a Starbai at a party congress does not necessarily translate to political support. Because if that was the case then Balram Singh Rai would have defeated the Jagans. Killing Sawh was such a political risk because it could have easily backfired and cause serious political damage. The only people capable of taking that risk are people with nothing to lose. That is the reason why some members of the Buxton gang carried out this horrible act.


Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

These people like baseman said are men and women who for the most part have money. They are professionals and for the most part are educated. But they all have one thing in common. They want to see the Caribbean become Afrocentric in all aspects. The East Indian with their cast system where dark skin is at the bottom does not fit into the picture. These people have a minority but powerful position in the PNC Wpa and Afc. Many of the men are married to non African women who do not have a clue how these men think.

Prash,i am not aware this applicable in Guyana,caste system is not a common practice.

Django posted:
Prashad posted:

These people like baseman said are men and women who for the most part have money. They are professionals and for the most part are educated. But they all have one thing in common. They want to see the Caribbean become Afrocentric in all aspects. The East Indian with their cast system where dark skin is at the bottom does not fit into the picture. These people have a minority but powerful position in the PNC Wpa and Afc. Many of the men are married to non African women who do not have a clue how these men think.

Prash,i am not aware this applicable in Guyana,caste system is not a common practice.

Except when dem son want to marry a dark skin girl over a fair skin girl!!!!!!!!!!!  Then the problem does start!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

These people like baseman said are men and women who for the most part have money. They are professionals and for the most part are educated. But they all have one thing in common. They want to see the Caribbean become Afrocentric in all aspects. The East Indian with their cast system where dark skin is at the bottom does not fit into the picture. These people have a minority but powerful position in the PNC Wpa and Afc. Many of the men are married to non African women who do not have a clue how these men think.

Prash,i am not aware this applicable in Guyana,caste system is not a common practice.

Except when dem son want to marry a dark skin girl over a fair skin girl!!!!!!!!!!!  Then the problem does start!!!

Fair dulahin is a pride but dark is the best they does shine.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

These people like baseman said are men and women who for the most part have money. They are professionals and for the most part are educated. But they all have one thing in common. They want to see the Caribbean become Afrocentric in all aspects. The East Indian with their cast system where dark skin is at the bottom does not fit into the picture. These people have a minority but powerful position in the PNC Wpa and Afc. Many of the men are married to non African women who do not have a clue how these men think.

Prash,i am not aware this applicable in Guyana,caste system is not a common practice.

Except when dem son want to marry a dark skin girl over a fair skin girl!!!!!!!!!!!  Then the problem does start!!!

Bibi, ah hear you. The reverse can be true. Black skin man over fair skin gyal.

skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

These people like baseman said are men and women who for the most part have money. They are professionals and for the most part are educated. But they all have one thing in common. They want to see the Caribbean become Afrocentric in all aspects. The East Indian with their cast system where dark skin is at the bottom does not fit into the picture. These people have a minority but powerful position in the PNC Wpa and Afc. Many of the men are married to non African women who do not have a clue how these men think.

Prash,i am not aware this applicable in Guyana,caste system is not a common practice.

Except when dem son want to marry a dark skin girl over a fair skin girl!!!!!!!!!!!  Then the problem does start!!!

Bibi, ah hear you. The reverse can be true. Black skin man over fair skin gyal. and drugb will never get a fairskinned girl....damn.....

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

These people like baseman said are men and women who for the most part have money. They are professionals and for the most part are educated. But they all have one thing in common. They want to see the Caribbean become Afrocentric in all aspects. The East Indian with their cast system where dark skin is at the bottom does not fit into the picture. These people have a minority but powerful position in the PNC Wpa and Afc. Many of the men are married to non African women who do not have a clue how these men think.

Prash,i am not aware this applicable in Guyana,caste system is not a common practice.

Except when dem son want to marry a dark skin girl over a fair skin girl!!!!!!!!!!!  Then the problem does start!!!

Bibi, ah hear you. The reverse can be true. Black skin man over fair skin gyal. and drugb will never get a fairskinned girl....damn.....



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