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Former Member

December 14, 2015 By GuyanaTimes
…and ambushing
You Eyewitness’ been griping for months about the constipation on the dozens of audits the government launched as soon as they got into office. And suddenly we get one via a leak on the one Goolsarran was supposed to be conducting on NICIL? What goes?
One of the most trenchant critics of NICIL since he slunk back to Guyana, Goolsarran was also the Auditor General for the first decade that NICIL was operating – 1990 to 2000. You’d think he’d be disqualified from being NICIL’s auditor, wouldn’t you. But not only did he land the gig, he did so without the “competitive bidding” he’s always carrying on about!
We guess myopia on corruption does kick in when these types are at the receiving end of cushy contracts. But the stench doesn’t end there. We learnt today Goolsarran hasn’t even submitted the final audit to his Minister – but to the Opposition press. This Eyewitness wonders whether the Accounting and auditing professions don’t have rules on this kind of underhandedness.
A letter from the CEO, Winston Brassington, after the published reports hit the streets, revealed there’d been a DRAFT report since October to which he’d offered a line by line response. He claims that from the stories in the press, none of his comments or identification of inaccuracies/misstatements/ omissions/distortions/ conclusions/ etc, were incorporated in the report.
Now this isn’t surprising since Goolsarran’s “Get Brassington” mission wasn’t a secret. Why? Who knows! Most likely it’s professional jealousy since Brassington’s financial acumen made desk bound pencil pushers like Goolsarran look like the rank amateurs they are. Those who can, do (invest and make money in the financial world); those who can’t, audit.
This Eyewitness was able to take a gander at the preliminary report of Goolsarran with Brassington’s observations – and it’s clear Goolsarran had to “cook the books” and “twist the rules” just to throw mud at Brassington. Take this one point – which isn’t incidental, since Goolsarran’s whole case is built on it. NICIL is a Private Corporation and is bound by the Company Act.
The fact that Government owns all the shares doesn’t make it into a Public Company! So he insists once more – though he’s been rebutted before in the press – that Art 216/217 compelled NICIL to directly transfer its funds into the Consolidated Fund. He disingenuously omitted mention of NICIL’s mandate to invest its funds on behalf of government!
When will there be some professionalism in this country? A government representative like Goolsarran can’t use the ploys of a shyster to convict someone he’s had in his sights for years.
That just makes him and his government into bigger shysters.
…and cronyism at GWI
Back in 1980, Van West-Charles became Burnham’s son-in-law and was catapulted over dozens of party stalwarts and made Minister of Health – one year after he became a “Cuban” doctor. He was dubbed “Baby Doc”. It was an allusion, of course, to Burnham being like the vicious dictator “Papa Doc” Duvalier in Haiti, whose son and heir apparent was called “Baby Doc”.
Burnham died precipitately, Van West didn’t get to succeed like the original Baby Doc, and he immediately departed the jurisdiction for a cushy PAHO job based in his lineage. He returned in 2009 to bid for leadership in the PNC but was unsuccessful. With the new government on its “job for the boys” campaign, VAN-West was made CEO of GWI. It was DÉjà vu all over again! He had absolutely no experience for the job.
But he had (personal) experience with cronyism. So he just hired two of his (admitted) friends at GWI without even advertising the positions.
He said it’s OK – they’re “friends, not family”!
…on frequent flyer
Word is that not getting to chair the Cabinet, Nagamootoo insisted he wouldn’t be overshadowed by President Granger on everything.
He’s vowed to chalk up more frequent flyer miles than his boss. Such power!!!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

TK 5is NOT one of Ethics, Moral and Professionalism. He would not know about any of those. He crunch numbers and talk shit daily!!!

 How is our RH Indo KKK doing for the Holidays?


Accountants are paper pushers of the financial world.

Most economists are poor.

TK and Malcolm have patience with fishing but not with parties.

We can expect them to become advocates for another party if they run out of patience with APNU. For now the boys are still patient with GRANGER. Keep on fishing until something plays. Make sure you are ready with your net to cast.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
TK posted:
Nehru posted:

TK 5is NOT one of Ethics, Moral and Professionalism. He would not know about any of those. He crunch numbers and talk shit daily!!!

 How is our RH Indo KKK doing for the Holidays?

Screaming and crying because apparently the big bad PNC blackman, with huge poles, no longer bother with them.  They really hate blackman now.  Even Cobra misses the Amazonian PNC female, with the super cyat, who used to piss on him.

Apparently these grass roots PNC folks are vexed that Granger didn't give them the 10% pay increase which he got.

yuji22 posted:

December 14, 2015 By GuyanaTimes
…and ambushing
You Eyewitness’ been griping for months about the constipation on the dozens of audits the government launched as soon as they got into office. And suddenly we get one via a leak on the one Goolsarran was supposed to be conducting on NICIL? What goes?

I take it that Jagdeo, Bobby and his gang are enraged that they are no longer part of the "Friends and Family" program.  The notion that they would whine that APNU/AFC are engaging in this behavior is hilarious, given that it only reflects that they are no better than was the PPP.

caribny posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:

TK 5is NOT one of Ethics, Moral and Professionalism. He would not know about any of those. He crunch numbers and talk shit daily!!!

 How is our RH Indo KKK doing for the Holidays?

Screaming and crying because apparently the big bad PNC blackman, with huge poles, no longer bother with them.  They really hate blackman now.  Even Cobra misses the Amazonian PNC female, with the super cyat, who used to piss on him.

Apparently these grass roots PNC folks are vexed that Granger didn't give them the 10% pay increase which he got.

Carib, I am dissapointed that you have stooped to the level of Jalil and Warrior.

yuji22 posted:

These AFC/PNC chaps are making a fool of themselves on a daily basis.

time is longer than time before the election the ppp was already the winner now u fools is in a hurry all over again when the government start laying charges i wonder what u will  be crying then

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:

TK 5is NOT one of Ethics, Moral and Professionalism. He would not know about any of those. He crunch numbers and talk shit daily!!!

 How is our RH Indo KKK doing for the Holidays?

Screaming and crying because apparently the big bad PNC blackman, with huge poles, no longer bother with them.  They really hate blackman now.  Even Cobra misses the Amazonian PNC female, with the super cyat, who used to piss on him.

Apparently these grass roots PNC folks are vexed that Granger didn't give them the 10% pay increase which he got.

Carib, I am dissapointed that you have stooped to the level of Jalil and Warrior.

It was Cobra, Nehru and the other ageing Indo KKK men who screamed about big PNC poles, and big PNC women with super cyats.


I cannot help it if their rage at black people is because they haven't gotten any "loving" for a while.

Last edited by Former Member

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

As did the PPP.  What are your squeals about?

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

As did the PPP.  What are your squeals about?

The economy grew under the PPP and standards improved. The problem of corruption was certainly there but not as bad as the opposition made many to believe. Their promises to the nation was that they would eliminate this problem and improve the economy.  From what they are doing people, especially those in Berbice who voted for change, have quickly realized that they have been duped. The problem of corruption has worsened and the economy is tanking.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

You talking the PPP govt here.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The economy grew under the PPP and standards improved. The problem of corruption was certainly there but not as bad as the opposition made many to believe. Their promises to the nation was that they would eliminate this problem and improve the economy.  From what they are doing people, especially those in Berbice who voted for change, have quickly realized that they have been duped. The problem of corruption has worsened and the economy is tanking.

This corruption problem are the remnants from the PPP, the new Govt has to really try and get the country back on track.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

what arewe saying now


The economy grew under the PPP and standards improved. The problem of corruption was certainly there but not as bad as the opposition made many to believe. Their promises to the nation was that they would eliminate this problem and improve the economy.  From what they are doing people, especially those in Berbice who voted for change, have quickly realized that they have been duped. The problem of corruption has worsened and the economy is tanking.

While you squeal like the PPP pig being slaughtered by Jagdeo, you are so foolish to understand that, but for high gold prices, Guyana's economy wasn't growing under the PPP.


If I asked you to outline the policies which the PPP implemented to grow Guyana's economy you couldn't say. Surely paying Fip Motilall millions and then finding out that he couldn't even pave his drive way, isn't evidence of this.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
TK posted:
Nehru posted:

TK 5is NOT one of Ethics, Moral and Professionalism. He would not know about any of those. He crunch numbers and talk shit daily!!!

 How is our RH Indo KKK doing for the Holidays?

Screaming and crying because apparently the big bad PNC blackman, with huge poles, no longer bother with them.  They really hate blackman now.  Even Cobra misses the Amazonian PNC female, with the super cyat, who used to piss on him.

Apparently these grass roots PNC folks are vexed that Granger didn't give them the 10% pay increase which he got.

Carib, I am dissapointed that you have stooped to the level of Jalil and Warrior.

He shame, PNC leff them with white mouth!!

cain posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The economy grew under the PPP and standards improved. The problem of corruption was certainly there but not as bad as the opposition made many to believe. Their promises to the nation was that they would eliminate this problem and improve the economy.  From what they are doing people, especially those in Berbice who voted for change, have quickly realized that they have been duped. The problem of corruption has worsened and the economy is tanking.

This corruption problem are the remnants from the PPP, the new Govt has to really try and get the country back on track.

Prove it!  Most Putagee with the PPP.  Few stupid Indians drank the AFC koolaid now they spitting up.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

As did the PPP.  What are your squeals about?

You have no shame.  Thus far you have not proven any thing against the PPP.  However, the corruption, cronyism and legalized heist being perpetuated by the PNC/AFC is in your face.  Why don't you stop chasing PPP shadows and start focusing on the real evil, the PNC/AFC albatross hanging around the people's neck!

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

As did the PPP.  What are your squeals about?

You have no shame.  Thus far you have not proven any thing against the PPP.  However, the corruption, cronyism and legalized heist being perpetuated by the PNC/AFC is in your face.  Why don't you stop chasing PPP shadows and start focusing on the real evil, the PNC/AFC albatross hanging around the people's neck!

Even you know that the PPP is corrupt. The fact that Trotman, and Hughes might have also been involved in some of the PPP shenanigans (possibly why the results of the audits cannot be released) doesn't remove that fact. In fact the Hughes family was knee deep in the Amaila Falls fiasco, and I am sure this not being the only one.

As of now you have yet to show how APNU/AFC is worse than the PPP.  And ranting about screams by Indian and Portuguese racist tycoons  isn't proof.  As far as they are concerned all blacks should do is be security guards and maids.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

As did the PPP.  What are your squeals about?

You have no shame.  Thus far you have not proven any thing against the PPP.  However, the corruption, cronyism and legalized heist being perpetuated by the PNC/AFC is in your face.  Why don't you stop chasing PPP shadows and start focusing on the real evil, the PNC/AFC albatross hanging around the people's neck!

Even you know that the PPP is corrupt. The fact that Trotman, and Hughes might have also been involved in some of the PPP shenanigans (possibly why the results of the audits cannot be released) doesn't remove that fact. In fact the Hughes family was knee deep in the Amaila Falls fiasco, and I am sure this not being the only one.

As of now you have yet to show how APNU/AFC is worse than the PPP.  And ranting about screams by Indian and Portuguese racist tycoons  isn't proof.  As far as they are concerned all blacks should do is be security guards and maids.

The PPP gov't had 22 SUVs under three years old for ministers and other top officials in the gov't. These vehicles were handed over to the new gov't. without any trouble unlike the disappearance of hundreds when the PNC was voted out of office in 1992.  Granger ordered 52 more SUVS at a whopping price that exceeded a billion Guyana dollars along with salary increases that put a strain on the country's finances. This was the earliest indication of the coalition's (APNU/AFC) dishonesty and hypocrisy about reducing corruption and passing the savings off to the ordinary Guyanese worker. The promise of 20% wage hike never materialized. The promise of ministers earning less and doing more for the people turned out to be just a promise that yet to be fullfilled. How can we not lose confidence in a gov't that started off on the wrong foot by strenghtening corruption and resorting to the PNC's old habit of rigging elections. Look at what they are doing with GECOM - the opposition being locked out of the process and the stage is being set for outright rigging.  We can say to ourselves that the PPP was no angel but their record in gov't is something to admire when compared to the alternative, the APNU/AFC coalition partners.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The thinking among many of those who support the government is "we must grab and full our pockets and not worry about accountability, good governance, democracy, and lifting the country's living standards. It's about taking care we. It's all justified."

As did the PPP.  What are your squeals about?

You have no shame.  Thus far you have not proven any thing against the PPP.  However, the corruption, cronyism and legalized heist being perpetuated by the PNC/AFC is in your face.  Why don't you stop chasing PPP shadows and start focusing on the real evil, the PNC/AFC albatross hanging around the people's neck!

Even you know that the PPP is corrupt. The fact that Trotman, and Hughes might have also been involved in some of the PPP shenanigans (possibly why the results of the audits cannot be released) doesn't remove that fact. In fact the Hughes family was knee deep in the Amaila Falls fiasco, and I am sure this not being the only one.

As of now you have yet to show how APNU/AFC is worse than the PPP.  And ranting about screams by Indian and Portuguese racist tycoons  isn't proof.  As far as they are concerned all blacks should do is be security guards and maids.

The PPP gov't had 22 SUVs under three years old for ministers and other top officials in the gov't. These vehicles were handed over to the new gov't. without any trouble unlike the disappearance of hundreds when the PNC was voted out of office in 1992.  Granger ordered 52 more SUVS at a whopping price that exceeded a billion Guyana dollars along with salary increases that put a strain on the country's finances. This was the earliest indication of the coalition's (APNU/AFC) dishonesty and hypocrisy about reducing corruption and passing the savings off to the ordinary Guyanese worker. The promise of 20% wage hike never materialized. The promise of ministers earning less and doing more for the people turned out to be just a promise that yet to be fullfilled. How can we not lose confidence in a gov't that started off on the wrong foot by strenghtening corruption and resorting to the PNC's old habit of rigging elections. Look at what they are doing with GECOM - the opposition being locked out of the process and the stage is being set for outright rigging.  We can say to ourselves that the PPP was no angel but their record in gov't is something to admire when compared to the alternative, the APNU/AFC coalition partners.

The 52 SUV's story was a lie created by the PPP which you shamelessly keep repeating.


Govt denies buying 52 luxury SUVs

The A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Government has rubbished claims by the People’s

Governance Minister Raphael Trotman

Governance Minister Raphael Trotman

Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), that it was investing some $1 billion for the purchase of 52 new luxury Land Cruisers.
The PPP/C had late Tuesday evening released a statement claiming the Government was soon to receive the vehicles which it said was custom designed with leather seats, high-end entertainment centres, inclusive of High Definition TVs, among other luxurious fittings.
But Governance Minister Raphael Trotman scoffed at the allegation, saying that the Opposition party was probably seeking to shift the public’s attention from the more serious allegations that party is facing.
Trotman said that Government was informed of a vessel heading to Guyana with the 52 vehicles. He said questions were raised about the purchasing of such vehicles by any government and it was his responsibility to make contact with the Beharry Group of Companies.
Trotman said all Ministers were using the same vehicles that were used by previous ministers and will continue to do so until time and the budget make provision for an upgrade.
The PPP, in a statement late Tuesday, said it  was appalled that the APNU+AFC Government was investing some $1 billion to purchase 52 new luxury Land Cruisers to be used by the Ministers and advisers.
It said the move was  sad since the APNU/AFC Government has abandoned its election promises of a reduction in the Value Added Tax (VAT) and a 20 per cent pay increase for Public Servants, claiming there was no money in the treasury.
“The APNU/AFC Government continues its exorbitant lifestyle at the expense of the nation, while the sugar and rice industries continue to fall apart,” the statement added.



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