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Former Member

Very good advise by Base to Sir Djanjo. 

So let’s go back to the 2015 general election. APNU is consist of a number of parties - Guyana Action Party, the Guyana Association of Local Authorities, the Guyana National Congress, the Guyana People's Partnership, the Guyana Youth Congress, the Justice for All Party, the National Democratic Front, the National Front Alliance, the People's National Congress (PNC) and the Working People's Alliance.[3]

All these political parties joint forces with  AFC  to challenge a single party ( PPP/ C) in the last election, and barely “ win” by one seat. Calls for a recount of ballots was denied by GECOM. 

A few on this site, believe ONLY Indians vote for PPP and the Indians population has decrease, as a result  PPP cannot win another election,  but base on the result of the last GE and LGE, PPP supporters are not only Indians 

With the betrayal of AFC, majority of their supporters are going back to PPP. 
APNU/ AFC can only win the coming election by rigging, and they know this. They  have been delaying the election date since last December.l 

So Sir Djanjo, you are adamant that PPP/ C will not win the 2020 election base on a lower percentage of Indians. 

Now let’s use Base advise, what is your conclusion  considering APNU/ AFC barely win the 2015 election and AFC  support base is not there anymore . 

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Good observation, Dave. Anti-PPP people want Guyanese to vote race despite empirical evidence to the contrary in the 2015 general elections and two subsequent local government elections results. That evidence shows the PPP/C electoral support came not only from Indos.


Even if the PNC had the legitimate numbers to win a free and fair election, they will still rig because that is the only way they roll. It is grossly erroneous to suggest that the PPP cannot win the elections because the Indian population is constantly dropping. The equally constantly dropping of the black population seems to be ignored. Django always try to claim that APNU and now APNU/AFC is the Coalition of inclusion. He seems to ignore that before the AFC joined the APNU, APNU was no more than the PNC since the other groups had no say or benefits. Then to lure the AFC, that APNU which is really the PNC, promised them some say and benefits but after the elections, even the AFC was kicked to the curb as again, only the PNC had say and benefits.

But I am still trying to reconcile Django’s words with his actions. For instance, it would be instrumental for Django to state clearly if in his heart of hearts he believes Granger is not wrong in his actions following last December’s NCV.


From my side, I believe the PPP has the advantage however, meh hear PNC plans a major campaign blitz kreig come January!

So it’s still open, but advantage  PPP!

PPP lucky their support in Guyana is not like we saw the NY this weekend!  Meh hear duh biggest and most well-behaved crowd was the Lions Christmas event!  Even the $100 40-man fund raiser was nuff drunken bannas cussing and interrupting!  BJ ran out after 5 mins of the end!  Lucky dem Lagoo-Bagoos were not allowed in!😁

BJ was invited to come to the event I was at, about 250 people.  However, some members said OK but no speeches as it was non-political!  He was invited as a guest!  But dropped due to the no speech thingy!


Hey hey hey...Indo is now 40% and backman is 30%. Mix and other is 19%. Amerindian is 11%. De wile cyard is how de Amerindian and mix peopkle go vote. All dem Berbice coolie who PPP fool up and gee dem Skeldon factory a go vote foh PPP again. De professional Indo dem in GT go split some of dem vote. But even dat look not foh happen. Coolie foh PPP and blackman foh PNC...hey hey hey. If Amerindian go foh LJP and ANUG pick up 3 seat den PPP go win wid close to 51%. But dat doan have to do wid gettin nuff, nuff multi racial vote. Here is de risk ayoo not talking bout. Dem mix and dougla peopkle a go vote. Dem gat in dem mind Granger pictcha wid de nice smile. Den dem gat pupply Irfaan in dem mind and he wess coase transcript...hey hey hey. Who yuh tink dem mix people go vote foh in large numba? Meh see ayoo done start deny ayoo base is coolie...hey hey hey. Doh like what Irfaan use to do at Housing. He does chase dem coolie peopkle like daaag and hug up dem black peopkle...hey hey hey. Dat is why ayoo deh closing sugar estate before 2015 and ayoo gee de peopkle Skeldon...hey hey hey...and Robert Pussard na use de EU money foh reform de sugar industry...hey hey hey. If ayoo believe blackman voting foh can sell ayoo Berbice bridge and ayoo can rename am Jagdoe Bridge...hey hey hey. 


One correction bai Labba, you seh dat Blackman is 30 percent, is 28 percent. You is a cane juice man who knows his numbers, how you slip up wid de numbers bai ? 
Base is right, is Advantage PPP right now. De polling numbers showing dat. As per ANUS, de polling numbers showing -1. Dat is another flaw in you assessment bai. But me like if dem pull way 3 seats from PNC. 

Hey Hey Hey

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

One correction bai Labba, you seh dat Blackman is 30 percent, is 28 percent. You is a cane juice man who knows his numbers, how you slip up wid de numbers bai ? 
Base is right, is Advantage PPP right now. De polling numbers showing dat. As per ANUS, de polling numbers showing -1. Dat is another flaw in you assessment bai. But me like if dem pull way 3 seats from PNC. 

Hey Hey Hey

Sean bhai, then say 40% Indian and 30% Afro.. I hope they understand the qualified voters of both races will be less. 
PPP also has a higher percentage of Afro against the Indians for  PNC. 

What we saw in the last 4 years of mismanagement, brought back memories of the dark days of PNC.. Guyanese are smarter .. NO MORE APNU/ AFC. 


That’s why PNC is deathly afraid of going to the polls. They know that the writing is in the wall and ran out of excuses. It’s just a matter of time. PNC party is like animals headed to the slaughter house. PNC is dead. 

Last edited by Former Member

Back in 2011 and 2015 there were many APNU/AFC supporters on GNI.  I can't their shadows anymore.  That's an indication how unpopular the ruling parties have become.  The PNC has denied the AFC an equal voice in government in total violation of the Cummingsberg agreement. AFC supporters cannot expect anything different from the PNC, so it's unwise for them to cast their votes again for the coalition.  Guyana's future is at stake and we cannot allow the PNC government to continue.  They must be the stopped. Their track record in government has been a disgrace. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Back in 2011 and 2015 there were many APNU/AFC supporters on GNI.  I can't their shadows anymore.  That's an indication how unpopular the ruling parties have become.  The PNC has denied the AFC an equal voice in government in total violation of the Cummingsberg agreement. AFC supporters cannot expect anything different from the PNC, so it's unwise for them to cast their votes again for the coalition.  Guyana's future is at stake and we cannot allow the PNC government to continue.  They must be the stopped. Their track record in government has been a disgrace. 


Hey hey hey...suh yu like de Putin fix too? Hey hey hey...

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Back in 2011 and 2015 there were many APNU/AFC supporters on GNI.  I can't their shadows anymore.  That's an indication how unpopular the ruling parties have become.  The PNC has denied the AFC an equal voice in government in total violation of the Cummingsberg agreement. AFC supporters cannot expect anything different from the PNC, so it's unwise for them to cast their votes again for the coalition.  Guyana's future is at stake and we cannot allow the PNC government to continue.  They must be the stopped. Their track record in government has been a disgrace. 



Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Back in 2011 and 2015 there were many APNU/AFC supporters on GNI.  I can't their shadows anymore.  That's an indication how unpopular the ruling parties have become.  The PNC has denied the AFC an equal voice in government in total violation of the Cummingsberg agreement. AFC supporters cannot expect anything different from the PNC, so it's unwise for them to cast their votes again for the coalition.  Guyana's future is at stake and we cannot allow the PNC government to continue.  They must be the stopped. Their track record in government has been a disgrace. 


Hey hey hey...suh yu like de Putin fix too? Hey hey hey...

Sometimes our analogy becomes far-fetched when we look too deep into things. This talk about Putinism and the Oligarchs emanated from you.  The Oligarchs, if they are any, are now in the chambers the PNC. Guyana's economy moved to the right under BJ more than under any other administration. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Back in 2011 and 2015 there were many APNU/AFC supporters on GNI.  I can't their shadows anymore.  That's an indication how unpopular the ruling parties have become.  The PNC has denied the AFC an equal voice in government in total violation of the Cummingsberg agreement. AFC supporters cannot expect anything different from the PNC, so it's unwise for them to cast their votes again for the coalition.  Guyana's future is at stake and we cannot allow the PNC government to continue.  They must be the stopped. Their track record in government has been a disgrace. 


Hey hey hey...suh yu like de Putin fix too? Hey hey hey...

Sometimes our analogy becomes far-fetched when we look too deep into things. This talk about Putinism and the Oligarchs emanated from you.  The Oligarchs, if they are any, are now in the chambers the PNC. Guyana's economy moved to the right under BJ more than under any other administration. 

Awwww...dem PPP bais and gyals so innocent. Dem is virgin. Dem never tief and give dem mattie in private sector big contract...hey hey hey. De queshton is who is bigger ting by next year Annette Furgueson go beat abie putin candidate...hey hey hey. 

Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Back in 2011 and 2015 there were many APNU/AFC supporters on GNI.  I can't their shadows anymore.  That's an indication how unpopular the ruling parties have become.  The PNC has denied the AFC an equal voice in government in total violation of the Cummingsberg agreement. AFC supporters cannot expect anything different from the PNC, so it's unwise for them to cast their votes again for the coalition.  Guyana's future is at stake and we cannot allow the PNC government to continue.  They must be the stopped. Their track record in government has been a disgrace. 


Hey hey hey...suh yu like de Putin fix too? Hey hey hey...

Sometimes our analogy becomes far-fetched when we look too deep into things. This talk about Putinism and the Oligarchs emanated from you.  The Oligarchs, if they are any, are now in the chambers the PNC. Guyana's economy moved to the right under BJ more than under any other administration. 

Awwww...dem PPP bais and gyals so innocent. Dem is virgin. Dem never tief and give dem mattie in private sector big contract...hey hey hey. De queshton is who is bigger ting by next year Annette Furgueson go beat abie putin candidate...hey hey hey. 

If you guys are purists then why the AFC had its doors open for any corruptocrat to come in and join the family?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Back in 2011 and 2015 there were many APNU/AFC supporters on GNI.  I can't their shadows anymore.  That's an indication how unpopular the ruling parties have become.  The PNC has denied the AFC an equal voice in government in total violation of the Cummingsberg agreement. AFC supporters cannot expect anything different from the PNC, so it's unwise for them to cast their votes again for the coalition.  Guyana's future is at stake and we cannot allow the PNC government to continue.  They must be the stopped. Their track record in government has been a disgrace. 


Hey hey hey...suh yu like de Putin fix too? Hey hey hey...

Sometimes our analogy becomes far-fetched when we look too deep into things. This talk about Putinism and the Oligarchs emanated from you.  The Oligarchs, if they are any, are now in the chambers the PNC. Guyana's economy moved to the right under BJ more than under any other administration. 

Awwww...dem PPP bais and gyals so innocent. Dem is virgin. Dem never tief and give dem mattie in private sector big contract...hey hey hey. De queshton is who is bigger ting by next year Annette Furgueson go beat abie putin candidate...hey hey hey. 

If you guys are purists then why the AFC had its doors open for any corruptocrat to come in and join the family?

Hey hey hey...suh yuh saying BJ and he peopkle not purist? Hey hey hey.

Sean posted:

One correction bai Labba, you seh dat Blackman is 30 percent, is 28 percent. You is a cane juice man who knows his numbers, how you slip up wid de numbers bai ? 
Base is right, is Advantage PPP right now. De polling numbers showing dat. As per ANUS, de polling numbers showing -1. Dat is another flaw in you assessment bai. But me like if dem pull way 3 seats from PNC. 

Hey Hey Hey

Datt Labba play in mud too much.  Not sure why he thinks ANUS get seats!  No one I speak to takes it serious 


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