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Luncheon wants evidence that Rohee’s daughter is racist

April 11, 2015 7:55 am Category: Politics A+ / A-

By Tracey Khan-Drakes

rima-rohee[] – Even though a number of old ‘racist’ Facebook posts have surfaced from one of the members of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon is insisting that evidence be provided in this regard before any action is taken against her.

Rima Rohee – Paul, the daughter of the General Secretary of the PPP and Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee, continues to be placed under the microscope for what many term as, ‘racist Facebook remarks’ over a period of time.

After her name appeared on the PPP’s list of candidates for the upcoming regional and general elections, calls continue to mount from sections of society for the younger Rohee to be disciplined.

Her behaviour has been described as “unacceptable”; something that former President, Dr. BharratJagdeo said will not be tolerated by the Party. He went as far to say that persons in the PPP who practice or preach racism will be ‘kicked out of the Party’ during his address to supporters at Babu John recently.

However,at his post cabinet media briefing at the Office of the President on Friday, April 10 Dr. Luncheon reiterated the former President’s stance on the issue of racism.

“What the former President said is the gospel truth, when you transgress the rules on politically correct behavior, particularly in the context of elections but in general, your place in the People’s Progressive Party is not assured. I won’t go so far to say as he [Jagdeo] said we will kick them out, but I will concur with the sentiment he sought to create that such behavior is unacceptable,”Dr Luncheon said.

He further noted that “persons with such facts should come forward and if sustained you should be satisfied that the full action of the People’s Progressive Party could be brought against this errant comrade.”

When pressed whether action can or will be taken against the daughter of the Party’s General Secretary, Dr Luncheon said, “I will repeat, the facts have to be presented, I don’t believe you would think that it takes an allegation by someone, even a member of the media to be the basis for the implementation of those disciplinary procedures against errant Party members.”

“It is the supply and provision of the facts of the matter that this person has contravened the party, this person is a member of the party, so in essence we are expecting Party rules to apply. I think in terms of natural justice this is the preferred way instead of these allegations that frequently surface unsupported by facts but with striking calls for action to be taken against who the allegations are raised.” 

One of Rohee- Paul’s posts reads: “Nick it is fact!live with it! yea typical black woman all black people are the same u twist it and turn it they are all the same samedutty mentality that’s why they will always be the same in life.”

She also said at the beginning of this year: “It’s a new year and a no shit year so whoever don’t like me and say Im racist go f$@k yourself.”

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