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Legal action on Top Cop’s appointment may be until after May 11

March 20, 2015 2:36 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Jomo Paul

Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud.


[] – Executive Member of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), Basil Williams says the Opposition may not be able to legally challenge the appointment of Seelall Persaud as Commissioner of Police until after the May 11 polls.

The Party had said that it will be going to the courts to challenge the appointment of Persaud which was deemed “unconstitutional.”

“Our priorities are on winning the next elections which are only days away. So obviously that cannot be a priority to run to the Courts in a hay-brain fashion to get the matter of the ground,” Williams told reporters at a press conference on Friday, March 20.

The government has maintained that it had “meaningfully consulted” with the Opposition Leader prior to Persaud being substantively sworn in to the post that he occupied for almost a year.

“The position adumbrated by the government is an erroneous one…I respectfully submit that some exchange of letter cannot amount to consultation,” Williams said.

APNU Executive Member, Basil Williams.


Guyana’s constitution stipulates that “meaningful consultation” mandates that the identification of the persons or entities to be consulted.

It says “the communication inviting consultation must state the subject of the consultation and an intended date for the decision on the issue which is the subject of the consultation.2. The person responsible for the consultation must ensure that each person or entity to be consulted,is given a reasonable opportunity to express a well-considered opinion on the subject on consultations sought.3. The person responsible for initiating the consultation must also prepare a written record of the consultation to be achieved.”

This point was elaborated on by Williams who made it clear that none of this took place.

He also noted that the APNU does not believe that Persaud is the right person to hold the post of Police Commissioner.

“We are of the view that if the Police Commissioner could promote two policemen who have been fingered in torturing a Guyanese citizen, then that Commissioner of Police couldn’t be suitable to hold such a high office,” the APNU Executive Member said.

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