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Leguan residents benefit from medical outreach


Since the year started, the Ministry of Health has been meeting the needs of the public through medical outreaches held in different areas in close proximity of their homes and work places.


Leguan resident benefitting from dental care


On November 29-30, the Ministry held a two-day medical outreach to Leguan, Region 3, held at the Leguan Cottage Hospital. During the exercise, over 500 patients including the island’s secondary school students were attended to, benefitting from services such as eye screening, general medical outpatient, VIA screening for cervical cancer, dental care and TB sensitisation.


Students and teachers of the Leguan Secondary School at a sensitisation session on tuberculosis during a Ministry of Health outreach


Persons in need of surgery were registered and will be sent to the Ophthalmology Hospital at Port Mourant where it will be done free of charge.


The Ministry of Health’s outreach programme has been receiving support from the private sector and non-Governmental organisations and all the services are provided free of cost.

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