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The rum cake is beginning to affect Mits. 😀 I am at my niece’s home and her father in law should be coming by. He is a long time PNC guy. I will see how he feels.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

The PPP lost by some 500 votes. Schuman stands to take a significant portion of the Amerindian vote. Why would that not impact the PPP?

He was over a decade working for his people so why would it be five years before he is fit to lead them nationally. ?

Shuman lives in Canada with his Dutch wife and three very young kids.  He has no interest in Guyana.  The PNC is creating an entity to have a coalition with.  Maybe Volda can tell us how much money was in his suitcase.

He held official posts there for a decade so he does have an interest. I guess Volda can also tell us if as Lenora stated t here was a million payoff from the PPP o Mr Charrandass. 

Baseman posted:

The outgoing US ambassador told told one of my relatives the US fears violence in the next election, and he was referring to 2020.  I think its a higher probability now!

The ambassador would be relating what is inevitably in tribalized or ethnically divided societies with the influx of wealth from natural resources. He was speaking of an aspect of the resource curse.

D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

The outgoing US ambassador told told one of my relatives the US fears violence in the next election, and he was referring to 2020.  I think its a higher probability now!

The ambassador would be relating what is inevitably in tribalized or ethnically divided societies with the influx of wealth from natural resources. He was speaking of an aspect of the resource curse.

One prominent  Amerindian throws his hat in the ring and you are almost making him president of Guyana. Dude, you do not know everything about the natives. You must have as much Amerindian as I have Negro in my genes. You are just a wannabe Amerind.


D2 is a behaving like a real clown. Shoeman is like a goadey man, he has ZERO influence or support. 

PPP will buss his balls too.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

The outgoing US ambassador told told one of my relatives the US fears violence in the next election, and he was referring to 2020.  I think its a higher probability now!

The ambassador would be relating what is inevitably in tribalized or ethnically divided societies with the influx of wealth from natural resources. He was speaking of an aspect of the resource curse.

One prominent  Amerindian throws his hat in the ring and you are almost making him president of Guyana. Dude, you do not know everything about the natives. You must have as much Amerindian as I have Negro in my genes. You are just a wannabe Amerind.

Where was it ever suggested by him or anyone that he will or want to be the president in this venture? PPP ites are simply scared out of their pants they will not have absolute power and can be scuttled as they did with Charrandas. 

I know most things about native peoples as you do about Indian. If I said anything you know to be different you are within your right to correct it.  

 Are you a wannabe Indian?...nuff said.

yuji22 posted:

D2 is a behaving like a real clown. Shoeman is like a goadey man, he has ZERO influence or support. 

PPP will buss his balls too.

And here comes the little ignoramus with his two cents truing to be relevant. Whatever support the gentleman will receive will be discovered in a few months. The PPP are wimps. They can only shout loudly. Their worse fears will be facing black folks in event they win by a slight margin. 

Last edited by Former Member

Shut your stinking mouth. You are full of shyte.

You were boasting that the PPP would not be able to bring down the PNC. You are full of shyte and you can keep preaching your nonsense in the same manner in which you stated that that Mrs. C would win the U.S Presidential Election. 

Jagdeo and PPP buss the entire PNC balls and gave it to them in their hands. Who is walking with buss balls right now ? yes, it is the PNC.

Jagdeo and Brother Gaj bussed their balls and you are still implying that blacks would light GT on fire ? You are full of shyte again.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Shut your stinking mouth. You are full of shyte.

You were boasting that the PPP would not be able to bring down the PNC. You are full of shyte and you can keep preaching your nonsense in the same manner in which you stated that that Mrs. C would win the U.S Presidential Election. 

Jagdeo and PPP buss the entire PNC balls and gave it to them in their hands. Who is walking with buss balls right now ? yes, it is the PNC.

Jagdeo and Brother Gaj bussed their balls and you are still implying that blacks would light GT on fire ? You are full of shyte again.

My mouth stinks? I would imagine all that jaundiced bilge coming from yours has your causes you to presume others are like you. Who here could have predicted a Trojan in the AFC? The standard fare in these things are that the party would know their weak link and purge that individual on any hint of disloyalty. He serves at the behest of the President and it was just a simple procedure to boot him. He has no natural constituency. His vote was completely unexpected. You yahoos are constantly hoping against hope so like a broken clock you do get things right sometimes. 

I never said blacks would light up GT. I said the eventuality of a marginal win would mean protests in the streets. The stakes are higher this time and the likely hood of it happening is almost 100 percent.  I leave your pretensions of being able to quell a mass revolt to your delusions.  The world has a hundred examples of societies falling apart because one side fears the other. 


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