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Former Member
Why America have to be the world police to go in other people's country and tell them how to live their lives? Can you force your religion on someone else? No. Can you force democracy over sharia law? No. Can Obama tell China, Russia and North Korea to become.democratic nations? He'll no.

ISIS don't want western influence in their country and they're fighting the American disease from spreading. We must understand that these people are not terrorists, they're freedom fighters fighting for a cause American don't want to understand.

Saudi Arabia is well respected and protected by American because of the oil. Saudi's have the worse human rights record and still look good in America's eyes.

Obama need to review his foreign policy and get the he'll out of other people's country and let them live the way they chose.

If we get attacked in NYC, that would be the cause of Obama. He should then be impeached from office for fighting innocent people in their own country.

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Numb skull, when danger is hidden amidst innocent refugees, the refugees themselves become suspects and will have to go through tougher scrutiny in a country that offered them sanctuary. What happened in Germany can happen in Canada and America, That is the time to be alarmed. What ISIS do in their own country is non of my business. What they threatened to do in America where my children goes to school is my business. Myself and many others supported the refugees from inception. When the first plane load of refugees landed in Canada, many had differences of opinion with concerns that a few bad apples may slipped in, It didn't take long for the Canadians concerns came to light after what happen in Germany. 

When you want to prejudge someone for shifting their position in terms of supporting the refugees and opposing terrorists, you're making yourself a fool. What ISIS does in their own country is NOT consider terrorism. Their destructive intention or actually carried out an attack in a foreign country can be considered terrorism. 

Last edited by Former Member

Cobra, there is a bread crumbs trail between what happened there and what happened here.  We cannot draw a simple distinction.  The terror or of Al Qaeda/Taliban on the people of Afganistan projected itself into the WTC.

On the other hand, there are others on this board who support what is happening there and what is happening in Europe and the US.  Cobra is not one of them!

Cobra posted:

Numb skull, when danger is hidden amidst innocent refugees, the refugees themselves become suspects and will have to go through tougher scrutiny in a country that offered them sanctuary. What happened in Germany can happen in Canada and America, That is the time to be alarmed. What ISIS do in their own country is non of my business. What they threatened to do in America where my children goes to school is my business. Myself and many others supported the refugees from inception. When the first plane load of refugees landed in Canada, many had differences of opinion with concerns that a few bad apples may slipped in, It didn't take long for the Canadians concerns came to light after what happen in Germany. 

When you want to prejudge someone for shifting their position in terms of supporting the refugees and opposing terrorists, you're making yourself a fool. What ISIS does in their own country is NOT consider terrorism. Their destructive intention or actually carried out an attack in a foreign country can be considered terrorism. 

inconvenient FACT No. 1: your little terrorist manifesto was published Nov 24, AFTER Paris, AFTER all the beheadings of innocents . . .

frankly, i still honestly cannot wrap my head around the diseased motivation of even u, a loudmouth, seditious, ignorant lil antiman screaming that "these people [ISIS]" are NOT terrorists

sunlight now burning yuh scaly backside, and after many hours of coward contemplation, wan fellow poorly educated fool mussbe whisper that a little mis-direction may be required to cleanse yuhself

enter much strawman chatter about "refugees . . ."

listen up mr 2-step, Homeland Security is not fooled . . . u have made THE List

congratulations punk

Last edited by Former Member

I believe a large part of the professional military backbone of ISIS are secular Bathist loyalist/nationalist fighting to regain some rights.  This alliance of convenience with Iraq Al Qaeda, is exactly that, convenience.  Merging together of a well trained military force with a suicidal Jihadi terrorist wing makes for a very potent fighting force.  The extreme violence against mostly Shias are revenge against Iran and Baghdad for what they view as injustice and the killings of the former leaders.  Those 40k Sadaam Fedayeen, 150k Republican Guard, and 200k other brigades were fiercely loyal to the old leadership.

Riding this military prowess, the Jihadi terrorists have been able to leverage their strengths and become an even more uncontained force.  I doubt the nationalist/loyalists share all the views and ways of these terrorists, but it's part of the package/deal.  In the end, if given their due rights, you will see separation as happened before.  One thing they do share in common is their wish for a ground fight with the US.

What we have to watch are Russian moves to reestablish contacts with leaders of the Bathist military.  The Russians could make a deal and move more center stage shutting the US out.  They have/had relations with the Bathist nationalist in ISIS, they have Iran, they virtually own the Syrian regime, and they all blame the US for the mess, whether they agree with each other or not.  What does the Iraqi Govt do, turn to the US against the wishes of their protectorate Iran?  I doubt this.

Interesting days/years ahead.  The new president of the US will have some hard choices after the fiasco of the Obama administration.  Hillary could make things worse!  Trump may do a Potsdam-style deal with Putin in the interest of both nations.


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