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The New York Times Sunday Review yesterday had an article titled "Who will crack the code?". This follows Apple Computer's testimony on corporate tax loopholes in Congress recently. What's of interest is how countries avail themselves for investments by US companies seeking to limit their tax liability, and how come Guyana misses most of these boats. [I think that the corporate overseas tax situation though is different in the Americas than the rest of the world.]




Here are some excerpts from the article -




IRELAND and Singapore have no natural resources that make them obvious places to manufacture the concentrate used in soda, nor have they developed innovative new soda-making techniques. Yet they have nonetheless become global capitals for making soft-drink concentrate.



In Singapore, Coca-Cola recently opened a plant with the capacity to produce the underlying ingredient for 18 billion cans of soda a year. In Cork, Ireland, PepsiCo has located its β€œworldwide concentrate headquarters,” which until 2007 had been in New York. More than half of all PepsiCo soda sold around the world starts, as concentrate, in Ireland.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

One of Guyana's biggest problem is the political instability perpetuated by mo fiah slow fiah, in addition it does not have established shipping lanes nor cheap source of energy. Why didn't Suriname or any of the other Caribbean nations take advantage of these cracks in US law?

It's not that easy.  Guyana will b competing with the Bahamas, Bermuda, Uraguay, etc.  The US Govt will have to agree to recognize the tax haven.


Most of what you hear come via Ireland may not necessarily be actual physical good, though some does.  You do have to justify the value-chain to capture profits in an alien location.


However, I do agree, if not for the constant threat of PNC mayhem, Guyana could have taken tentative steps to establishing Guyana as substantive hub.  Remember, Guyana was a hub for 900 porn calls.  I doubt these female operators were Guyanese or even in Guyana.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is puzzling sometimes when those who ran out of Guyana suddenly become experts on what is wrong with the country, they even upset that Guyana is not the next Singapore, conveniently forgetting that they ran out and left the job to those who remained. 

As your buddy TK would say, Kari is Mr Simpleton.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

maybe what you call run away some people call the lucky ones

True enough, however I know many who remained and endured the PNC/PPP blunders and end up doing very well, better than most in the US.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is puzzling sometimes when those who ran out of Guyana suddenly become experts on what is wrong with the country, they even upset that Guyana is not the next Singapore, conveniently forgetting that they ran out and left the job to those who remained. 

As your buddy TK would say, Kari is Mr Simpleton.

Oh, how little this numbskull knows......


Stay with me and you'll get some education....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

It is puzzling sometimes when those who ran out of Guyana suddenly become experts on what is wrong with the country, they even upset that Guyana is not the next Singapore, conveniently forgetting that they ran out and left the job to those who remained. 

As your buddy TK would say, Kari is Mr Simpleton.

Oh, how little this numbskull knows......


Stay with me and you'll get some education....

Banna, i am younger than you and have dealt with these issues on more continents that you will ever do in your remaining life even giving your best shot.  There is little you can teach me, except how to get things done the "Richmond Hill" way.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

A good example of your teaching skills.  Guess you compete for the back of the class.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

No, I told him to hold a standard, but I can understand his response given the unwarranted gutter talk of Kari.


Personally, baseman would have handled differently, but baseman is baseman and drugb is drugb.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

No, I told him to hold a standard, but I can understand his response given the unwarranted gutter talk of Kari.


Personally, baseman would have handled differently, but baseman is baseman and drugb is drugb.

Mitwah is Mitwah. But at times, I had to bring myself down to your level and  you always beat me with your experience.


Drugb is GNI gutter rat and no one can dethrone him there.


Are you related to him? You seem to have some common innate traits.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

No, I told him to hold a standard, but I can understand his response given the unwarranted gutter talk of Kari.


Personally, baseman would have handled differently, but baseman is baseman and drugb is drugb.

Mitwah is Mitwah. But at times, I had to bring myself down to your level and  you always beat me with your experience.


Drugb is GNI gutter rat and no one can dethrone him there.


Are you related to him? You seem to have some common innate traits.

Then Mitwah is not Mitwah.  Baseman has no connection, casual or official with anyone on GNI.  Baseman will always hold the moral high-ground and call a spade a spade.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

No, I told him to hold a standard, but I can understand his response given the unwarranted gutter talk of Kari.


Personally, baseman would have handled differently, but baseman is baseman and drugb is drugb.

Mitwah is Mitwah. But at times, I had to bring myself down to your level and  you always beat me with your experience.


Drugb is GNI gutter rat and no one can dethrone him there.


Are you related to him? You seem to have some common innate traits.

Then Mitwah is not Mitwah.  Baseman has no connection, casual or official with anyone on GNI.  Baseman will always hold the moral high-ground and call a spade a spade.

Then Baseman is not Baseman. Many times I've had to point out where your moral compass was out of focus.

You prefer to sit on the fence rather than calling a spade a spade.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

No, I told him to hold a standard, but I can understand his response given the unwarranted gutter talk of Kari.


Personally, baseman would have handled differently, but baseman is baseman and drugb is drugb.

BaseBoard.....restart your medication stchupidee. GoadieWallah and Big_Seed are complimentary appellations to your idiot-in-arms


He can call me chubby for all I care and talk about some sodomizing of a child of mine till the cows come home. I don't have to worry about those fictitious things as he dare not come up to me and say those things. I'll bitch-slap him all the way to the Berbice Mad House.


You are just a disgusting degenerate whose time here on this Board is the apex of your existence. Stop dragging this Board down to to that gutter you seem to think my words come from.

Originally Posted by Kari:

BaseBoard.....restart your medication stchupidee. GoadieWallah and Big_Seed are complimentary appellations to your idiot-in-arms


He can call me chubby for all I care and talk about some sodomizing of a child of mine till the cows come home. I don't have to worry about those fictitious things as he dare not come up to me and say those things. I'll bitch-slap him all the way to the Berbice Mad House.


You are just a disgusting degenerate whose time here on this Board is the apex of your existence. Stop dragging this Board down to to that gutter you seem to think my words come from.

Would you dare call drugb, goadiewallah and big seed to his face? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The man was minding his own business when you attacked him, when he lash out back at you and exposed your dark secret you get vexed. Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. It is a disgrace for a man's kids to put padlock on their door in fear of daddie barging in in the middle of the night to violate them.  A girlie man should thread carefully. ahahahahaha

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:

funny how people who run away from Guyana complaining about others who also left....

You boys want to dictate to Guyana from your armchairs in the West. 

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

No, I told him to hold a standard, but I can understand his response given the unwarranted gutter talk of Kari.


Personally, baseman would have handled differently, but baseman is baseman and drugb is drugb.

Mitwah is Mitwah. But at times, I had to bring myself down to your level and  you always beat me with your experience.


Drugb is GNI gutter rat and no one can dethrone him there.


Are you related to him? You seem to have some common innate traits.

Then Mitwah is not Mitwah.  Baseman has no connection, casual or official with anyone on GNI.  Baseman will always hold the moral high-ground and call a spade a spade.

Then Baseman is not Baseman. Many times I've had to point out where your moral compass was out of focus.

You prefer to sit on the fence rather than calling a spade a spade.


Tell me when you see.  I know you will on political issues, but that's ok.  Tell me when you see on social issues especially.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Hey Goadie man, ah hear you have no armchair - de big_seed bruk am up....

I see you have now become part of the pedophile crew, what manner of a chubby man would sodomize his own offspring or did the offspring do the sodomizing? 

When they cannot handle the heat, they turn to ignaramous mumbo-jumbo.  You see the mental condition which Mitwah and Redux have degenerated into!

Baseman, do you think what Goads posted is great?

No, I told him to hold a standard, but I can understand his response given the unwarranted gutter talk of Kari.


Personally, baseman would have handled differently, but baseman is baseman and drugb is drugb.

BaseBoard.....restart your medication stchupidee. GoadieWallah and Big_Seed are complimentary appellations to your idiot-in-arms


He can call me chubby for all I care and talk about some sodomizing of a child of mine till the cows come home. I don't have to worry about those fictitious things as he dare not come up to me and say those things. I'll bitch-slap him all the way to the Berbice Mad House.


You are just a disgusting degenerate whose time here on this Board is the apex of your existence. Stop dragging this Board down to to that gutter you seem to think my words come from.

You are citing the reaction, but you initiated the assault and got your ass whipped.  Now you start the "conversation" at your convenient starting point.  You are like those PNCites and katahars who like to start Guyana's history at 1992, but then again, why should anyone be surprised.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:

BaseBoard.....restart your medication stchupidee. GoadieWallah and Big_Seed are complimentary appellations to your idiot-in-arms


He can call me chubby for all I care and talk about some sodomizing of a child of mine till the cows come home. I don't have to worry about those fictitious things as he dare not come up to me and say those things. I'll bitch-slap him all the way to the Berbice Mad House.


You are just a disgusting degenerate whose time here on this Board is the apex of your existence. Stop dragging this Board down to to that gutter you seem to think my words come from.

Would you dare call drugb, goadiewallah and big seed to his face? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The man was minding his own business when you attacked him, when he lash out back at you and exposed your dark secret you get vexed. Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. It is a disgrace for a man's kids to put padlock on their door in fear of daddie barging in in the middle of the night to violate them.  A girlie man should thread carefully. ahahahahaha

sumbady please light a feather

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:

BaseBoard.....restart your medication stchupidee. GoadieWallah and Big_Seed are complimentary appellations to your idiot-in-arms


He can call me chubby for all I care and talk about some sodomizing of a child of mine till the cows come home. I don't have to worry about those fictitious things as he dare not come up to me and say those things. I'll bitch-slap him all the way to the Berbice Mad House.


You are just a disgusting degenerate whose time here on this Board is the apex of your existence. Stop dragging this Board down to to that gutter you seem to think my words come from.

Would you dare call drugb, goadiewallah and big seed to his face? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The man was minding his own business when you attacked him, when he lash out back at you and exposed your dark secret you get vexed. Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. It is a disgrace for a man's kids to put padlock on their door in fear of daddie barging in in the middle of the night to violate them.  A girlie man should thread carefully. ahahahahaha

Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. It is a disgrace for a man's kids to put padlock on their door in fear of daddie barging in in the middle of the night to violate them.


Fiction is not your thing fool

This guy needs a straight-jacket.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. It is a disgrace for a man's kids to put padlock on their door in fear of daddie barging in in the middle of the night to violate them.


Fiction is not your thing fool

This guy needs a straight-jacket.

If you leave drugb alone I suspect he will leave you alone. You followed the pedophile gang and attacked the man, now when he launched a counter attack you cry like a bytch.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Don't throw stones if you live in glass house. It is a disgrace for a man's kids to put padlock on their door in fear of daddie barging in in the middle of the night to violate them.


Fiction is not your thing fool

This guy needs a straight-jacket.

If you leave drugb alone I suspect he will leave you alone. You followed the pedophile gang and attacked the man, now when he launched a counter attack you cry like a bytch.

Heheheheh . DrugB pissing against the wind! LHM! Now he begging to be left alone. Cry drugb cry! hahahahahahahahahahahahahah!


BGurd is DrugB,(read it backward) he posted as DrugB  I read sometime back of him being somehow involved in illegal smuggling of something or the other, so goes the news.

He has since changed his handle and became a real ass, blaming everyone who goes against his beliefs with the most sickening and disgusting things. . I've said this once and I'll say it yet again, The man is a sick bastard.


Amral should have him pull up his socks...across his goads and all the way to his head.

Originally Posted by cain:

BGurd is DrugB,(read it backward) he posted as DrugB  I read sometime back of him being somehow involved in illegal smuggling of something or the other, so goes the news.

He has since changed his handle and became a real ass, blaming everyone who goes against his beliefs with the most sickening and disgusting things. . I've said this once and I'll say it yet again, The man is a sick bastard.


Amral should have him pull up his socks...across his goads and all the way to his head.


Originally Posted by cain:

BGurd is DrugB,(read it backward) he posted as DrugB  I read sometime back of him being somehow involved in illegal smuggling of something or the other, so goes the news.

He has since changed his handle and became a real ass, blaming everyone who goes against his beliefs with the most sickening and disgusting things. . I've said this once and I'll say it yet again, The man is a sick bastard.


Amral should have him pull up his socks...across his goads and all the way to his head.



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