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yuji22 posted:


You and others in the AFC/PNC posted very nasty things about Bharat in the past.

Why this sudden change of heart ?

The PNC is poised to rig all future elections, how are you and others going to deal with that ?

The AFC can easily bring done this government, why has Moses become silent and impotent ?


 Yugi, you and I both know the answer to that.  Bipolar disorder is not a curable disease.

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:


You and others in the AFC/PNC posted very nasty things about Bharat in the past.

Why this sudden change of heart ?

The PNC is poised to rig all future elections, how are you and others going to deal with that ?

The AFC can easily bring done this government, why has Moses become silent and impotent ?


Yuji bhai, don't worry with Brian Kishan. The man talks with forked tongue. The man is like dry goat shit, he rolls with the wind.

KishanB posted:

Winston Jordan is playing with fowl dung with a pointer broom and does not have a clue what he is doing.

 Watch and look as the Guyanese economy implodes in 2017.

KishanB, you were one who "just wanted to seethe back of BJ", nothing more nothing less.  Now that the front of Granger not so pretty, alyuh lamenting the return of BJ!

The people of Guyana, especially Indians and led by BJ, now have to fight their way from under the bus where they were thrown by traitors.  They should never forget those who aspire and conspire to pull of this evil act!

Alyuh can now sit back from the safety of the US and watch how Guyana's economy implodes but you have nothing at stake.  Even Mr second rate economist now ducking for cover as Granger and the PNC wobbles around.  The fact is, it's the people of Guyana who will suffer while all alyuh will do is lament and wring your hands from afar!



People will not take you seriously if you continue to throw goat seeds at us. I would agree that BJ is one of the smartest politicians in Guyana, but BJ cannot be a gutter rat to the brightest among the 65 members in parliament according to you. If you want to sarcastic, that's ok, but practically speaking, you make no sense. I notice you want to play people to see their reactions. 


Varied reactions. So what.  It was written specifically for Baseboard and the man and his knickers came out with a reaction.

So thanks all other, but I am choosing to react to Baseboard only.  As to his knickers, she is like dirty launder, she needs a wash.

yuji22 posted:


You and others in the AFC/PNC posted very nasty things about Bharat in the past.

Why this sudden change of heart ?

The PNC is poised to rig all future elections, how are you and others going to deal with that ?

The AFC can easily bring done this government, why has Moses become silent and impotent ?


Uncle Yuji.

The AFC is not in a position to bring down this government.  The AFC is now a spent political force like the TUF.


ba$eman posted:
KishanB posted:

Winston Jordan is playing with fowl dung with a pointer broom and does not have a clue what he is doing.

 Watch and look as the Guyanese economy implodes in 2017.

KishanB, you were one who "just wanted to seethe back of BJ", nothing more nothing less.  Now that the front of Granger not so pretty, alyuh lamenting the return of BJ!

The people of Guyana, especially Indians and led by BJ, now have to fight their way from under the bus where they were thrown by traitors.  They should never forget those who aspire and conspire to pull of this evil act!

Alyuh can now sit back from the safety of the US and watch how Guyana's economy implodes but you have nothing at stake.  Even Mr second rate economist now ducking for cover as Granger and the PNC wobbles around.  The fact is, it's the people of Guyana who will suffer while all alyuh will do is lament and wring your hands from afar!

Again this comment was made specifically for Baseboard.  I did not expect his nasty knickers would also respond, but I shall ignore her comment since she is a lost cause.

But to Baseboard - I will proudly say that I wanted to see the back of the Ramotar government, nothing more, nothing less.  I will proudly say that I listened to Ramjattan when he was in NYC at Sanko's funeral, he said he will hold the PNC feet to the fire on good goverance.  HE LIED.

So he lied and he did not hold the PNC's feet to the fire on good goverance.  He misled us once, shame on him, he lied to us twice shame on us.  Check out the status of the AFC NY group - DEAD.  Totally dead. Rational minds will not follow liars.

Yes, I am sitting back in NYC, just like you and your knickers (deoki) BASEBOARD in a country that will be great again under PEOTUS and soon to be POTUS Trump, but I will not watch Guyana's economy implode.  I am not you baseboard who hides on GNI and vent your fustration, I take direct action.

I shall oppose, expose and work for the destroyers of the Guyanese economy to be deposed.  Yes, I shall stand up to the racial oppression under this Granger administration.  What will you do Baseman? What are you doing baseman, pumping your goat or washing her knickers? Get to work and expose the ills of the Granger administration and stop acting out your mental disorder on GNI that has less than 50 active members.



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