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Using Colwyn Harding


to start a race war

ABOUT Attorney General Anil Nandlall’s comments on premature judgments relative to the Colwyn Harding imbroglio, I posit that the AG could talk all he wants, but deep down in his heart he really can’t say what he really wants to say.If newspaper reports are correct, then Colwyn Harding and his shyster lawyer named an East Indian police officer in Harding’s baton assault charge.
Since the killing of a PPP minister and his family and slaughtering of innocent East Indian babies in the wee hours of a morning in their beds, the message is clear: those who can’t win elections at the polls are trying their best to create a race war.
How do East Indians Ramjattan and Nagamootoo feel when one of their AFC colleagues sent his thugs to block the Agricola Public Road, trapping many East Indians then proceeding to beat them, rob them and sexually molest them?
That should be the signal that something more sinister is to come from race haters. To this day, I don’t think anyone was held responsible for that atrocity.
East Indians are sitting ducks and the Opposition supporters know it too well, but when the mess hits the ceiling all those East Indians will gather their families and, with their visas, will be long gone from the ethnic cleansing forever being perpetrated against their community by the joint Opposition. Then we will see who will break their backs to develop Guyana.
And many are the political opportunists pushing the race agenda, including members of the Indo-Guyanese community. East Indians in Guyana must have the right to defend themselves and the Government is bound to ensure that they are empowered to do so, because what happened on the Agricola public road, the Wismar massacre of East Indians by Afro-Guyanese and other massacres so far in our history will seem like a joke. Does the Government think that with the departure of Granger and Felix the army and police ranks have suddenly become angels?
What is frightening is that large sections of the populace are forgetting our history because they, including the private sector, transparency group and other bodies have voiced their support for the US ‘democracy’ project, even while they spit upon the sovereignty of our nation.
All names must be submitted for the public to know who these individuals and bodies supporting the US against our own country are.
The US Democracy and Leadership Project means: “US installing the Government of their choice, not the people’s choice.” As usual, the US is calling the shots in a sovereign country.
That is why, regarding the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, the Opposition does not want any observer observing the proceedings because they want to say what they want behind closed doors, then say something else transpired to their constituents to rile them up and cause havoc in the country.
The Public Procurement Commission impasse is a separate issue and should not and must never be attached to money laundering and terror bills, because this is blackmailing the nation.
Relative to the Integrity Commission, it seems only those who rigged elections and are involved in unending instances of proven fraud and other criminal activities are believed by their supporters to have integrity.
The opposite is proven by their plans to cut the 2014 budget, regardless of the legal implications of the Chief Justice’s ruling: proving that the joint Opposition (APNU and AFC) wants nothing more than to trample on the constitution and the laws of our country.
The AG said: “We cannot sacrifice due process (and) natural justice at the altar of political expediency. This is precisely what many persons did in this matter, including the Alliance For Change (AFC). These persons rendered judgment, computed their own compensation, and are demanding that the state pay this compensation at the sum of $100M taxpayers’ money. This is the height of recklessness and irresponsibility!”
The AG pointed out that, in their haste to pass judgment, the judgmental persons ignored reality. He said, “Take, for example, the sheer improbability of a baton being inserted in someone’s anus without him needing medical treatment for nearly two months, as well as the fact that the victim of such a violent assault was able to walk, attend court, and have bowel movements for two months without any apparent problems…”
With the looming probability of near elections, the shortlist of applicants to replace the professional Mr. Gocool Boodhoo includes a former Jamaican elections director, Danville Walker, among four shortlisted for that position; Yes, right! Jamaicans were among the CARICOM neighbours who stood by and let Burnham perpetrate endless atrocities on the PPP’s leaders and supporters, then forced a truncation of a PPP/C term in office. They buddied up to PNC leaders as they destroyed our country. Calvin Benn and Keith Lowenfield, unapologetic supporters of the PNC regurgitated into APNU – GECOM officials under whose watch large sums of money and resources vanished.
The PNC will not rest until it get its people to control GECOM, as they do in the Police, Army and Judicial systems; and in all PPP/C Government run institutions.
The one person who may (unless she is an AFC supporter) US-based Guyanese Savitree Singh, likely to provide professional services, will most likely be tossed in the PNC garbage bin in a blink. If she is appointed (unless it is a collusion and she is AFC in disguise) they will ‘wok obeah pon she’ and picket her office and home.
So if one takes all the above into consideration, it is apparent that the Opposition, with their traditional allies, are intent to start a race war to wrest power, because all their other attempts are failing and this is their usual ploy – divide the people and rule them.
Written By TED KING

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