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Mark benschop is silent these days. Let's give him a fair chance and see if there is any good he can bring to Georgetown if he's elected as Mayor. Folks, we must remember that Guyana belong to every citizens, good, bad or indifferent, the voters will decide who will be the next Mayor. So, in all fairness, we can discuss Mark Benschop's interest and what he has to offer in the Mayoral race. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

DEm GT People like wan man like Dat. MO Fiah Slo Fiah.

The government like mo fiya, slow fiya because they lost their ball to stand up and fight back. Come to think of it, our government is allowing these brutality to happen on the Indian people. The same thing was happening before the end of Jagdeo's term as president when Guyana experienced three massacres. He said that they can't kill us all, but they're killing us everyday. I can't accept this level of crime and stay quiet. Be it the PPP or any other party. We have to stop praising the PPP on their crime fighting strategy. They sucks on crime fighting for the longest while that cause them to loss the majority in parliament. People are getting fed up and they will start looking for new leadership with big balls.   

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

DEm GT People like wan man like Dat. MO Fiah Slo Fiah.

The government like mo fiya, slow fiya because they lost their ball to stand up and fight back. Come to think of it, our government is allowing these brutality to happen on the Indian people. The same thing was happening before the end of Jagdeo's term as president when Guyana experienced three massacres. He said that they can't kill us all, but they're killing us everyday. I can't accept this level of crime and stay quiet. Be it the PPP or any other party. We have to stop praising the PPP on their crime fighting strategy. They sucks on crime fighting for the longest while that cause them to loss the majority in parliament. People are getting fed up and they will start looking for new leadership with big balls.   

I vote for DaGurdsta.


As long as Benchsta realizes that he's in the public's eye and we ah watch he too.

Last edited by cain

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