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Why people are still supporting the coalition government in Guyana?

Let me go down memory lane and show you why they should be kicked to the curb.

1. Most campaign promise failed.

2. 100 days in office went and gone unnoticed.

3. When they took office, investors and consumers confidence went down the drain.

4. They made two failed attempts to attract investors from Canada and New York.

5. They fired most Indians from government ministries and replaced them with Afros that are dedicated to the PNC.

6. Republic and independence days have changed Guyana forever. Two national holidays that were supposed to united the nation, took a wider division and left the largest ethnicity group out in the cold.

7. The social cohesion ministry and its effort to bridge the racial divide has failed. This is a wast of money and its mission is propaganda.

8. The public security minister is a total failure and an embarrassment to the coalition government.

9. Granger began doing everything secretly that give rise to the notion that he's reintroducing dictatorship. The secret release of criminals without public knowledge went against good governance and accountability, as one of his major campaign promises that would change the way government does business with its people. 

10. At # 10, Guyana is still facing many challenges with crimes, unemployment, expires medication, medical malpractice, unequipped hospitals, flooding, fresh water shortage, displacing vendors, corruptions, etc. 

I can add a host of other issues to the list. Even if people want to be kind and support the coalition government, give us something magical that we can have some sort of confident that the next four years would not be like the first year.

PJ, Ii think the over-riding motivation for supporting the Coalition was the removal of an oligarchic, corrupt PPP/C government that had shown no vision for moving Guyana off of the remittance-dependent and primary commodities-dependent (subject to market price fluctuation) economy. Concomitant with a higher value-added economy would be an elevation of Guyanese education standards, morals and culture and eliminate the civil service graft and corruption. The PPP/C years of Governance since Cheddi's 1997 death has been associated with a lack of security, a drug culture and unaccustomed violence.

That being said the Coalition had individuals who showed a promise of transparency and reducing graft and corruption; and two leaders with a past that was not so blemished (Granger's 1973's involvement in the ballot box heist is still arguable and Moses' rancorous departure from the PPP had no suspicious circumstances). What we've seen though is that the whole is less than the sum of the parts and this Coalition government is going nowhere. Worse, the AFC seems destined for a WPA future - in the shadows.

What facts are there to face? Facts about who will transform Guyana. Does the PPP provide comfort that it can with the leadership still the same as when in governance? The PNC of the APNU and now of the governing Coalition is disappointing. Maybe that departure from PNC 1.0 with an apology for past horrors does not look so bad - something CARIBNY fought against. That alone would not suffice. You'd have to see less of a Harmon-led PNC and maybe Granger should go back to classic literature.


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