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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC is entitled to 40 percent of the coalition's parliamentary seats.

40% of 33 = 13 seats.

APNU = 20 seats.

Let's see whether that will happen.



Let us assume that President Granger does not keep up his promise regarding seat allocation, will Prime Minister Moses pass the no confidence motion as declared during the campaign ?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC is entitled to 40 percent of the coalition's parliamentary seats.

40% of 33 = 13 seats.

APNU = 20 seats.

Let's see whether that will happen.

gil, is there any indication, any indication whatsoever, that APNU will renege on the deal as struck in the accord with the AFC?

Originally Posted by cain:

Gil, you know if dem guys gotta wear pajamas made in their party colours or they could wear anything they wish?

Gil can you tell me of anything

in the Cummingsburg Accord

that APNU or AFC

has not honored on so far?


Can you do 10 Recounts

to make sure you find something

that either side AFC or APNU did not honor.


According to Article 163

of the Accord

Professor Lutchman is the

List Representative of AFC APNU


Professor Lutchman is neither a AFC Member  or a APNU Member


Last edited by Former Member

Guys, let me remind you all that before February 14, I was an ardent AFC supporter in this Forum. I supported the coalition because AFC agreed to join the coalition. AFC is still my party of choice. Me looking after AFC interests when me write: "Let's see whether that will happen."

Wha wrang wid dat? Is a legitimate concern. Let's see.

If yuh all humbug me, I going back to de PPP.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Guys, let me remind you all that before February 14, I was an ardent AFC supporter in this Forum. I supported the coalition because AFC agreed to join the coalition. AFC is still my party of choice. Me looking after AFC interests when me write: "Let's see whether that will happen."

Wha wrang wid dat? Is a legitimate concern. Let's see.

If yuh all humbug me, I going back to de PPP.

Gil you are a true gentleman...

and the Best AFC supporter here on GNI.


We know thing does change after de Marriage,

Promises does be Broken,

and I support your Position.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC is entitled to 40 percent of the coalition's parliamentary seats.

40% of 33 = 13 seats.

APNU = 20 seats.

Let's see whether that will happen.



Let us assume that President Granger does not keep up his promise regarding seat allocation, will Prime Minister Moses pass the no confidence motion as declared during the campaign ?

Should David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo become President and Prime Minister, this is the process ...


David Granger is the President, and he makes the decisions on appointment as ministers.


Moses Nagamootoo has to be designated by David Granger to become Prime Minister.


Moses Nagamootoo cannot pass a no confidence in a David Granger's government, because, quite simply, David Granger appoints and can replace any minister or Prime Minister.


Mote .. Cummingsburg Accord is a private matter between the PNC and AFC which has no place nor function in the Guyana Constitution.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC is entitled to 40 percent of the coalition's parliamentary seats.

40% of 33 = 13 seats.

APNU = 20 seats.

Let's see whether that will happen.

Agreement said 12 seats and 40% of the cabinet.  APNU=21.  AFC=12  PPP=32.

That's correct, Carib. I just checked the APNU-AFC joint statement of February 14. So, I look forward to seeing 12 AFC faces in the new parliament.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC is entitled to 40 percent of the coalition's parliamentary seats.

40% of 33 = 13 seats.

APNU = 20 seats.

Let's see whether that will happen.

Agreement said 12 seats and 40% of the cabinet.  APNU=21.  AFC=12  PPP=32.

Shaitaan see how generous the APNU are, all in the hope of removing ethnic insecurity.  Reduced themselves to a mere 21 seats so if Moses gets up cranky one morning and exits the PPP will be back.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So PPP gat more.


I just came back from a PPP meeting. We didn't exactly share your joy at 32 seats. Then again, we were all sober.

How many Parties are you in? Al YUh did not think Al YUh did OK


Our best case forecast was a 1 to 2 seat majority assuming APNU's Region 4 numbers stayed down.


We were absolutely unprepared for an electorate of 408k.


Going into election day, we did not have 51% of the votes in the polls. APNU-AFC and the PPP were still in a statistical tie in the high 40s.


The PPP committed numerous monumental blunders. You have no idea how many. Then again this is what happens when wan Antiman like "Dr." Raj Singh and Demented Roti has a prominent role in the campaign.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So PPP gat more.


I just came back from a PPP meeting. We didn't exactly share your joy at 32 seats. Then again, we were all sober.

.I may be wrong but I think PPP got 32 seats in 2011


Yes but 32 seats with the President and the Cabinet. This year 32 seats meant the Opposition benches.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

So PPP gat more.


I just came back from a PPP meeting. We didn't exactly share your joy at 32 seats. Then again, we were all sober.

How many Parties are you in? Al YUh did not think Al YUh did OK


Our best case forecast was a 1 to 2 seat majority assuming APNU's Region 4 numbers stayed down.


We were absolutely unprepared for an electorate of 408k.


Going into election day, we did not have 51% of the votes in the polls. APNU-AFC and the PPP were still in a statistical tie in the high 40s.


The PPP committed numerous monumental blunders. You have no idea how many. Then again this is what happens when wan Antiman like "Dr." Raj Singh and Demented Roti has a prominent role in the campaign.

It is too late for me, maybe tomorrow we can start a thread on why they lost.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC is entitled to 40 percent of the coalition's parliamentary seats.

40% of 33 = 13 seats.

APNU = 20 seats.

Let's see whether that will happen.

Agreement said 12 seats and 40% of the cabinet.  APNU=21.  AFC=12  PPP=32.

Shaitaan see how generous the APNU are, all in the hope of removing ethnic insecurity.  Reduced themselves to a mere 21 seats so if Moses gets up cranky one morning and exits the PPP will be back.


I'm ok with the new Coalition Government. Hopeful even. However, I'd be more at ease with a permanent ethnic security settlement for both all three major races so that our elections have zero ethnic flavor to them.


I am not an Indo supremacist. I just want Indians permanently included in the permanent State institutions that's all. That's the full extent of my "Indo supremacy."

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
 at ease with a permanent ethnic security settlement for both all three major races so that our elections have zero ethnic flavor to them.



And how will you get that unless the various parts have a vested interest to behave.  AS you can see the AFC will be quite powerful in this new arrangement.  Clearly Granger will not renege on the seats or else the PPP will find new friends in forcing a new election.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I am not an Indo supremacist. I just want Indians permanently included in the permanent State institutions that's all. That's the full extent of my "Indo supremacy."

Not that it matters, but I don't believe you. Your Indian supremacist behavior here over the years is noted. From the piwari buck comments to the ape analogies to black women are only good for f.cking and more spear chucking remarks. Yes, I believe you are a true, incorrigible racist. That you are now involved in "reforming" the PPP doesn't exactly bring much hope.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Guys, let me remind you all that before February 14, I was an ardent AFC supporter in this Forum. I supported the coalition because AFC agreed to join the coalition. AFC is still my party of choice. Me looking after AFC interests when me write: "Let's see whether that will happen."

Wha wrang wid dat? Is a legitimate concern. Let's see.

If yuh all humbug me, I going back to de PPP.

Gilbakka, i have an enormous amount of respect for u, and even if you had not supported the coalition, my feelings would not have changed


however, with all due respect, i am at a loss to see the value of this thread


how are you "looking after" the interests of the AFC with invidious speculation regarding a path only a resolutely suicidal APNU/David Granger would pursue


we are all aware that Prof Harold Lutchman is the Representative of the List, with all that implies


are you now saying that there is a credible chance that Dr Lutchman cannot be trusted? and that there is a credible chance that Granger is relishing the thought of a 3-month tenure in office with the destruction of the PNC in its wake?


no, i don't understand where you are going with this . . . AFC-APNU hasn't even been officially declared the winner and shots across the bow are already being fired


what have you heard? please share


if there is no basis . . . then we have a responsibility to be responsible



Last edited by Former Member

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