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Former Member

Let's look ahead by assuming what lies tomorrow and beyond of Guyana election declaration: 

Assuming: that PPP wins the court case and Lowenfield continues to defy the court order and the Deputy-CEO do the same as Lowenfield, should GECOM Chair continue to give her four chances to realize that additional will be wasted? (a) what option the Chair has (by law) to break away from the gridlock? (b) can the chair act on her own to declare the election? (c) others...course of action?

Assuming: that APNU/AFC remain in government and one of their coalition partners prematurely conceded defeat, how would the coalition govt that party when taking up parliament? 

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@Former Member posted:

Let's look ahead by assuming what lies tomorrow and beyond of Guyana election declaration: 

Assuming: that PPP wins the court case and Lowenfield continues to defy the court order and the Deputy-CEO do the same as Lowenfield, should GECOM Chair continue to give her four chances to realize that additional will be wasted? (a) what option the Chair has (by law) to break away from the gridlock? (b) can the chair act on her own to declare the election? (c) others...course of action?

Assuming: that APNU/AFC remain in government and one of their coalition partners prematurely conceded defeat, how would the coalition govt that party when taking up parliament? 

Ramjattan already concedes defeat.

@Former Member posted:

Let's look ahead of today

Let's look ahead by assuming ....



.. assuming those do not exist, assuming these may be equal to them, assuming some of those though unrelated will be mixed with these, plus 1,000 more assumptions; Petal will continue to assume.

@Former Member posted:

.. assuming those do not exist, assuming these may be equal to them, assuming some of those though unrelated will be mixed with these, plus 1,000 more assumptions; Petal will continue to assume.

Dem Guy, what is your take on Chief Justice Roxanne George? Do u think she's fair and just. or would she bat for the other team. I ask this question because I know the APNU has its tentacles everywhere.

@Former Member posted:

Let's look ahead by assuming what lies tomorrow and beyond of Guyana election declaration: 

Assuming: that PPP wins the court case and Lowenfield continues to defy the court order and the Deputy-CEO do the same as Lowenfield, should GECOM Chair continue to give her four chances to realize that additional will be wasted? (a) what option the Chair has (by law) to break away from the gridlock? (b) can the chair act on her own to declare the election? (c) others...course of action?

Assuming: that APNU/AFC remain in government and one of their coalition partners prematurely conceded defeat, how would the coalition govt that party when taking up parliament? 

I think many folks are struggling with this, including the Chair. As a retired justice, I think she is conscious of getting to a position that can be defended adequately in any subsequent elections petition proceedings. One argument that the opposition and the other smaller parties made in the court proceedings today (and in the previous cases) is that GECOM has the tools to get to a declaration and any questions around the validity of the declaration can be dealt with in a subsequent elections petition. I read into this that this includes termination of the CEO and the Deputy and the appointment of an interim-CEO. Frankly, I have not seen anything that says the CEO can’t be replaced. It is not a life time position.

Using the argument that the laws offer GECOM wide latitude to get to an election resolution, there may be an argument that the Chair can use all of the CEO’s submissions including the tabulations of the recount as a basis for a declaration. Maybe the ruling on Monday will offer some guidance. However it probably still goes all the way to the CCJ.

With respect to the last question, my guess is that a party that prematurely concedes defeat will have no effect on the declaration. They will probably be declared as part of the new government. If they wish to depart subsequently then it most likely triggers another NCM drama.

These are just my amateur views and I will defer to the legal and constitutional experts.


We still struggling to figure if 233k is greater than 217k?

The people have spoken, the world have spoken.  Nothing will change that fact.  The silent majority will rule, not the gangsters!

@Sheik101 posted:

Dem Guy, what is your take on Chief Justice Roxanne George? Do u think she's fair and just. or would she bat for the other team. I ask this question because I know the APNU has its tentacles everywhere.

Sheik ....

Fundamental issue of the court case rests on the declaration of the election results based on the ones taken for the recount process.

One must understand the reasons for undertaking the recount process.

It was well presented plus known that the recount results are the valid ones to be adopted since those undertaken immediately after the elections were tainted by the process taken by Mingo especially for Region four.

Those representing the opposition position presented their views on the facts of the matter; quite different from those for the government side.

One awaits Chief Justice Roxanne George's decision on Monday.

Last edited by Former Member

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