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Former Member

Ok Friends.

Is it me or is it just coincidence that a small group of Afro Guyanese are leading and participating in electoral fraud and disrespecting the laws of Guyana and the ignoring the entire world when it comes down to this election ?

Burnham was a rigger and he was Afro Guyanese.

Hoyte was a rigger and he was Afro Guyanese.

Granger is a fraud and he is Afro Guyanese.

Lowenfield and Mingo are Afro Guyanese ?

Am I seeing Jumbie ?

What do you see ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

Ok Friends.

Is it me or is it just coincidence that a small group of Afro Guyanese are leading and participating in electoral fraud and disrespecting the laws of Guyana and the ignoring the entire world when it comes down to this election ?

Burnham was a rigger and he was Afro Guyanese.

Hoyte was a rigger and he was Afro Guyanese.

Granger is a fraud and he is Afro Guyanese.

Lowenfield and Mingo are Afro Guyanese ?

Am I seeing Jumbie ?

What do you see ?

Jagdeo is a con man and he's a coolie. And I ain't seeing jumbie. 😆

@Sheik101 posted:

Jagdeo is a con man and he's a coolie. And I ain't seeing jumbie. 😆

Granger is a con man too. You don't know that yet? Start with the 2014 Cummingsburg Accord and the 2015 APNU+AFC elections manifesto that he signed and move right through to his initial response to the 2018 NCV and later to the CARICOM-brokered agreement he signed with Jagdeo to respect the recount results. In between those years there are more instances of Granger's conmanship. No statesmanship. Jagdeo is UN-certified Champion of the Earth. Why you think the Earth is insisting that Jagdeo's PPP/C be declared winner of the elections?

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

Yeahhhh, let's talk race. During BJ's reign, Guyana was the hub for cocaine runnings, he's Indo Guyanese.

Jagdeo did for Guyana what Rajiv Gandhi did for India. Now, look at India.

The APNU/AFC government did everything in its power to prevent Guyana from moving forward.

Don't talk about cocaine runnings.  It was done by afro-Guyanese.


@Former Member posted:

Ok Friends.

Is it me or is it just coincidence that a small group of Afro Guyanese are leading and participating in electoral fraud and disrespecting the laws of Guyana and the ignoring the entire world when it comes down to this election ?

Burnham was a rigger and he was Afro Guyanese.

Hoyte was a rigger and he was Afro Guyanese.

Granger is a fraud and he is Afro Guyanese.

Lowenfield and Mingo are Afro Guyanese ?

Am I seeing Jumbie ?

What do you see ?

If I had said this, The token Indians would have called me a racist. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo did for Guyana what Rajiv Gandhi did for India. Now, look at India.

The APNU/AFC government did everything in its power to prevent Guyana from moving forward.

Don't talk about cocaine runnings.  It was done by afro-Guyanese.


You're rite. I always knew guys like Bramma, Morgan and khan were black people in disguise😃😀

@Former Member posted:

Granger is a con man too. You don't know that yet? Start with the 2014 Cummingsburg Accord and the 2015 APNU+AFC elections manifesto that he signed and move right through to his initial response to the 2018 NCV and later to the CARICOM-brokered agreement he signed with Jagdeo to respect the recount results. In between those years there are more instances of Granger's conmanship. No statesmanship. Jagdeo is UN-certified Champion of the Earth. Why you think the Earth is insisting that Jagdeo's PPP/C be declared winner of the elections?

I'm not saying that Granger  and the APNU are any different. But u cannot highlight on set and not the other. Both have skeletons in their closets.

@Former Member posted:

Granger is a con man too. You don't know that yet? Start with the 2014 Cummingsburg Accord and the 2015 APNU+AFC elections manifesto that he signed and move right through to his initial response to the 2018 NCV and later to the CARICOM-brokered agreement he signed with Jagdeo to respect the recount results. In between those years there are more instances of Granger's conmanship. No statesmanship. Jagdeo is UN-certified Champion of the Earth. Why you think the Earth is insisting that Jagdeo's PPP/C be declared winner of the elections?

Mighty Big Bucks were paid for the Earth to do that.   //////////////


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