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Former Member

Let the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group bring the war to Ramotar

January 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
Isaiah 59 King James Version states thus: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.”
Why are the people of Guyana being held to ransom by the present Government?  The behavior of the present Government regarding the suspension of Parliament has evoked the ire of the British High Commissioner to Guyana, Mr. Andrew Ayre, who made no bones about the fact that he intends to bring the matter to the attention of the Commonwealth Ministerial Group, with a request for immediate action. There are also continued concerns that there have been no local elections for over 20 years, which is also contrary to the democratic principles of the Commonwealth Charter and Guyana’s own Constitution.

The Commonwealth Ministerial Group was set up as a mechanism to deal with serious or persistent violations of the principles set out in the 1991 Harare Commonwealth Declaration (the Harare Principles).
It is apparent that a sound mind is not resident with the President, or he thinks that being a fool is really cool.  The November10, 2014, suspension of the Parliament, a visible effort to avoid a no confidence vote stands in clear violation of both the Commonwealth and the Guyana Constitution.   One week later following the proroguing, the said High Commissioner called on President Donald Ramotar to reconvene the National Assembly as soon as possible stating that Parliament is the “central pillar of democracy.
Did the President listen? It is blatantly apparent that tar had seeped into his auditory and visual system rendering him blind and deaf. Then again, divine power or forces unknown have so far been on his side, as the populace, despite their mounting anger, frustration and apathy, has not displayed any acts of harm or violence.

On the international stage the President is portraying the image of a full blown buffoon, but one who has failed to amuse the audience any longer. Commonwealth Heads of Government established the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) in 1995 to act as the custodian of the Commonwealth’s fundamental political values, addressing country situations where serious or persistent violations of Commonwealth values have occurred. Leaders agreed on a series of measures that the Group should take in response to such violations, aimed at the swift restoration of democracy and constitutional rule. As such, CMAG has supported the strengthening of democracy in member countries and has enhanced the Commonwealth’s profile on the international stage.
So if the President is dwelling under the delusion that he is a power unto himself, then perhaps the time has come for those in authorities to use the battering ram as a means of splintering his fortress, and breaking open his purported walls of fortification.  Yes, there are some folks who according to Guyanese vernacular, do not like a row but adore a riot.  The CMG has clearly stated that if after assessment by duly authorized ministers of whether serious or persistent violations of fundamental Commonwealth values and principles have taken place will have full recourse to the range of measures,  such as trade restrictions, suspension from the group,  limitations of government-government contacts, expulsion from membership of the Commonwealth and people-people measures.  The CMG has already in place stated rules for situations such as the one arising in Guyana. However, in relation to circumstances where a country is perceived to be in ‘serious or persistent violation’ of the Harare Principles other than an unconstitutional overthrow of a democratically elected government, the HLRG agreed on a six-step approach. This was endorsed by Heads of Government at the Coolum CHOGM in 2002 and has come to be known as the ‘six-step Coolum procedure’; it is the currently valid procedure for dealing with such situations. The CMAG has a role to play in protecting the Commonwealth’s fundamental political values. So Mr. President, release your hold, now you have been told despite the fact that you are playing bold.
Get the show on the road.  Enough is enough.  Remember when you bring the country to ruin as has already been done, then you will walk away leaving the nation and the new Head to clean and clear up your mess.  The time is now to do the right thing.
 Yvonne Sam

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The pressure is growing on Ramotar.

The British government has expressed its displeasure through its Foreign Minister and High Commissioner to Guyana.

This morning we are hearing that the Obama Administration is also repeating its concerns about elections.

The US Chargé d'Affairs in Guyana is calling on Ramotar to announce a date for general elections. He is the topmost American diplomat presently stationed in Guyana.

Pro-democracy forces in Guyana are encouraged by these international expressions of disapproval of the PPP regime's stubbornness.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Elections will be announced by Mash. The AFC will then be exterminated like cockroaches.


The opposition are like a bunch of flies headed into a fire.

Elections need to be announced immediately, Ramotar and Jagdeo need to stop being cowards and face the people of Guyana. First it was christmas now its Mash next week it will be easter. **** off!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Elections will be announced by Mash. The AFC will then be exterminated like cockroaches.


The opposition are like a bunch of flies headed into a fire.

The PPP crooks are like cornered rats.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Elections will be announced by Mash. The AFC will then be exterminated like cockroaches.


The opposition are like a bunch of flies headed into a fire.

The PPP crooks are like cornered rats.


The rats are Moses and Rumjhaat.


They are now like homeless bums with bowl in hand begging at Granger's doorstep.



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Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Elections will be announced by Mash. The AFC will then be exterminated like cockroaches.


The opposition are like a bunch of flies headed into a fire.

The PPP crooks are like cornered rats.


The rats are Moses and Rumjhaat.


They are now like homeless bums with bowl in hand begging at Granger's doorstep.


Go and get a high school education rather than talkin shit daily.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Elections will be announced by Mash. The AFC will then be exterminated like cockroaches.


The opposition are like a bunch of flies headed into a fire.

The PPP crooks are like cornered rats.


The rats are Moses and Rumjhaat.


They are now like homeless bums with bowl in hand begging at Granger's doorstep.


Go and get a high school education rather than talkin shit daily.


Still on welfare ?

Still did not find a job yet ?

Still living off taxpayers ?

Still spending 24x7 on GNI ?


Get a life and find a job.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

While there are various views on this matter, the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group has made it clear that it has no intentions to be engaged with this item.

the ppp government already disgrace itself within the caribbean and the international community  


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