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Home > LETTERS > AFC’s climax will be worse than the Fisherman and his Wife

AFC’s climax will be worse than the Fisherman and his Wife


NOW that the President has made it clear that General Elections will be held on May 11 this year, the AFC is still trying to hoodwink the public that they have not yet decided on who is going to be their Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates. This is according to AFC’s General Secretary, Mr. David Patterson.However, everyone is aware that Mr Nagamootoo and Mr Hughes were already selected by the AFC leader and his infamous gang. There is no election within the AFC, only selection and rigging.

Unable to get Mr. Granger to remove himself from his impending selection as APNU’s presidential candidate, the AFC is now telling Berbicians that they will never coalesce with APNU. Is it the conclusion of a jilted lover? It will be fruitful to Ramjattan to recall the fable of the Fisherman and his Wife. Having saved the life of the fish and was granted wishes that removed the couple from poverty to riches, the wife wanted to acquire the ultimate power, resulting in them being reverted to their former poverty stricken conditions. Ramjattan and the AFC wanted the ultimate power- to fulfill the dreams of Nagamootoo to become the President of Guyana although the AFC managed through deceit and lies to muster a meagre 10.7% of the total number of votes at the 2011 Elections. This is so absurd and ridiculous. However, the AFC’s climax will be worse than that of the Fisherman and his Wife-the AFC will be worse off than before!
According to its Consultant Professor Samad, the AFC will score a resounding victory. If I could recall the AFC’s former Consultant, Mr Nazrudeen, the AFC would have scored a resounding victory in 2011. If I were paid $ 1.1 million Guyana dollars per month then I would have said the same thing, therefore, since the good Professor is a paid Consultant then his overly expressed optimism is expected. Money and new found popularity can project a person in a world of fantasy!
However, the grim reality is this. Those persons from the PNCR who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC at the very core will only be satisfied with an Indian President and this has once again demonstrated what I have said repeatedly, that the AFC is a racially divided party. Therefore, these persons will happily move back into the arms of the PNCR. Moses will once again fail in his bid to become the President of Guyana. Then on the other hand, those PPP supporters who joined the AFC are now convinced that the AFC is only interested in fulfilling their own selfish political agenda and not the social and economic development of this country. They are convinced that the AFC is the most corrupt political party this country has ever seen. They will move back to the PPP.
The above scenario will give the PPP/C the majority it needs to continue its developmental agenda and propel Guyana forward.
The AFC is likely to earn the lowest number of votes in its short existence and this will thrust the tiny band of fortune-seekers into oblivion- a worse ending than the Fisherman’s fable.
Let the games begin!

AFC Councillor- Region 6

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What games?


You mean the continued dysfunction of a once great territory of the British Empire?


The corpse of which two parties of dunce negroes and dunce coolies fight over?




You made a few failed political bids. It is a know fact, and it appears that you still have not learnt the art of humility.


You are wrong once again by backing a bunch of losers in the AFC/PNC. I guess you are used to being a political loser.


Welcome back.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You made a few failed political bids. It is a know fact, and it appears that you still have not learnt the art of humility.


You are wrong once again by backing a bunch of losers in the AFC/PNC. I guess you are used to being a political loser.


Welcome back.


Ad hominem attacks. It's your usual self. I see not much has changed. You're still you. Still hate blacks too?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You made a few failed political bids. It is a know fact, and it appears that you still have not learnt the art of humility.


You are wrong once again by backing a bunch of losers in the AFC/PNC. I guess you are used to being a political loser.


Welcome back.


Ad hominem attacks. It's your usual self. I see not much has changed. You're still you. Still hate blacks too?




You are a known political loser.


This is a political discussion forum. You expect people to agree with a man who made several failed political bids. You lack political credibility. 


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You made a few failed political bids. It is a know fact, and it appears that you still have not learnt the art of humility.


You are wrong once again by backing a bunch of losers in the AFC/PNC. I guess you are used to being a political loser.


Welcome back.


Ad hominem attacks. It's your usual self. I see not much has changed. You're still you. Still hate blacks too?




You are a known political loser.


This is a political discussion forum. You expect people to agree with a man who made several failed political bids. You lack political credibility. 



LMAO...I always enjoy being reminded that this is the true state of Guyanese Indians today. A bunch of emasculated men hurling insults at each other via keyboard.


No wonder people like caribj laugh at Indian people and the very term "Indian masculinity" cannot be uttered without eruptions of laughter


And for the record, I don't support the AFC/PNC. If you took a moment to even read my posts, you discover a common thread that I doubt you can appreciate. And by appreciate I mean understand.


Guyana is an illiberal democracy with an infantile political culture (demonstrated most aptly by you just now) so the matter of elections is largely irrelevant to me.


You attack Indo Guyanese and call them co***es. The very people whom you attack are the ones who rejected you because of your arrogance. Your own party turned it's back on you.


You must first learn the art of humility before you can be taken seriously politically.


You made several failed political bids. It is a known fact. 


You attacked Sis Cham.  


All that I am saying is that you lack zero political credibility here.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



You made a few failed political bids. It is a know fact, and it appears that you still have not learnt the art of humility.


You are wrong once again by backing a bunch of losers in the AFC/PNC. I guess you are used to being a political loser.


Welcome back.


Ad hominem attacks. It's your usual self. I see not much has changed. You're still you. Still hate blacks too?




You are a known political loser.


This is a political discussion forum. You expect people to agree with a man who made several failed political bids. You lack political credibility. 


The man has more credibility than you could ever dream of you patacake you. Yes Shaitaain, he still talks shit and hates blacks. He's one a dem "Is abie time now" fkin loser and idiot. See how he posted the same thing that was already posted earlier, the fool doesn't look before posting, shows he's a butthead.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You attack Indo Guyanese and call them co***es. The very people whom you attack are the ones who rejected you because of your arrogance. Your own party turned it's back on you.


You must first learn the art of humility before you can be taken seriously politically.


You made several failed political bids. It is a known fact. 


You attacked Sis Cham.  


All that I am saying is that you lack zero political credibility here.



A coolie is just that, a coolie so shut your rass. The decent East Indians here are the opposition you and the rest are the ignorant coolies he speaks of.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You attack Indo Guyanese and call them co***es. The very people whom you attack are the ones who rejected you because of your arrogance. Your own party turned it's back on you.


You must first learn the art of humility before you can be taken seriously politically.


You made several failed political bids. It is a known fact. 


You attacked Sis Cham.  


All that I am saying is that you lack zero political credibility here.




Chamelli can speak for herself. She can defend her own stupid opinions. She doesn't need your help.


I use the term coolie regularly. It's not offensive. If you think so, that's your problem. It's a word.


As I said before, being an Internet warrior does not make you more of a man. It actually makes you less of one. And being a grown man making personal attacks via keyboard is actually silly.


But you do represent thousands and thousands of mindless coolies who are exactly like you. They couldn't string together a complete thought if their life depended on it.


You think attaching yourself to some party label makes you somebody? It doesn't. You actually just look like a mindless automaton. Or to use the phraseology of another poster a "gold tooth babu."


So try hard and grow up. Grow up and be a man. Then grow up racially and be a civilized Westerner.

Last edited by Former Member

Do not lecture me.


Please attempt to do so when you have some political credibility and people can see you as being fit for political office.


Until then, you are entitled to your opinion and you will forever remain a political loser until you learn to respect others especially, Indo Guyanese.


A dose of humility will do you lots of good.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Do not lecture me.


Please attempt to do so when you have some credibility and people can see you as being fit for political office.


Until then, you are entitled to your opinion and you will forever remain a political loser until you learn to respect others especially, Indo Guyanese.


A dose of humility will do you lots of good.


An intelligent grown up might have tried to address the points I made.


Not you though. You actually insist on proving some of my points about precisely what is wrong with our political culture that make our institutions are joke.


You think politics is some silly cuss down game between opposing teams. It is not. It is a dialogue among competing ideas in the public square.


Do you even know what an idea is?


Black man bad and Coolie man good are not considered to be ideas in the truest sense of the term.


You are a perfect illustration of all that is wrong about Guyana, coolies, and Guyanese politics.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You will forever remain a political loser. 


And you my dear coolie will forever remain a child in a child race thinking that throwing your shyte filled diapers constitute a form of political engagement.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I will no longer waste my time arguing with a political reject and loser like you.


Look up the term "ad hominem" argument. I think you will find that most adults and non-coolies tend to eschew it in favor of more grown up approaches to political discussion.


"Let the games begin" says the title of this thread.

It drew my attention and I expected to read about the upcoming Pan-Am Games in Toronto where live yuji and myself.

Instead, I was introduced to a fable of a fisherman and his wife by fiction writer Haseef Yusuf.

But that was just a warm up, an introductory opening act.

The real games began after that with verbal kickboxing and karate chops...real entertainment.

Thanks, guys. I enjoyed tonight's show. To sleep I go now.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

"Let the games begin" says the title of this thread.

It drew my attention and I expected to read about the upcoming Pan-Am Games in Toronto where live yuji and myself.

Instead, I was introduced to a fable of a fisherman and his wife by fiction writer Haseef Yusuf.

But that was just a warm up, an introductory opening act.

The real games began after that with verbal kickboxing and karate chops...real entertainment.

Thanks, guys. I enjoyed tonight's show. To sleep I go now.


Just abbe resident tuff guy showing us what a tuff coolie man he is safely in canada behind his computer using his alias


Another great example of Indian "Manhood"

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are hiding behind you avatar na Rook ?


Post your name na besides your avatar ? You shame after several political defeats na bai.


awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. isn't that cute? another display of Indian Hindu PPP "Manhood"


Can anyone really utter those words without breaking into laughter?


Probably because of all the coolie tuff guys on the internet safely behind their screens


Bai, go mingle with your own intellectual equals....nehru for instance

Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are hiding behind you avatar na Rook ?


Post your name na besides your avatar ? You shame after several political defeats na bai.

Don't be offended when we talk about you modda and sista.

When you bring personalities into this discussion, its fair game.

Be warned, or keep it civil.

You want to be nasty like the PPP, keep truckin'.  

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are hiding behind you avatar na Rook ?


Post your name na besides your avatar ? You shame after several political defeats na bai.

Don't be offended when we talk about you modda and sista.

When you bring personalities into this discussion, its fair game.

Be warned, or keep it civil.

You want to be nasty like the PPP, keep truckin'.  


Take a close look and read at what the offender rook is posting.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are hiding behind you avatar na Rook ?


Post your name na besides your avatar ? You shame after several political defeats na bai.

Don't be offended when we talk about you modda and sista.

When you bring personalities into this discussion, it fair game.

Be warned, or keep it civil.

You want to be nasty like the PPP, keep truckin'.  


He's just being the typical low class chammar he is. He can be no other. Whah yuh expect? He's a typical PPPite. They love the gutter because they have no appeal to reason. This is where they are most comfortable.


Yugi is but a sad product of centuries of Indian civilizational decay. He is what every black racist can point to in justifying almost any unjust measure against Indians as a group. Yugi and his ilk provide an ex post facto justification for dictatorship of 1968 to 1992.


Spoken like a true political reject. His own party was ashamed to have him represent them and yet he comes here to justify racism and discrimination against a group of people by a rotten bunch of PNC politicians who are still lurking around.


Guess what, the PPP will be elected by a majority and you will forever remain a political loser.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are hiding behind you avatar na Rook ?


Post your name na besides your avatar ? You shame after several political defeats na bai.

Don't be offended when we talk about you modda and sista.

When you bring personalities into this discussion, its fair game.

Be warned, or keep it civil.

You want to be nasty like the PPP, keep truckin'.  


Take a close look and read at what the offender rook is posting.

There is a logical way for discussion, without being nasty...

Nastiness shows immaturity.

PPP posters are good at nastiness, discredit and conquer.


Is Rook a  real name ? It does not belong on GNI.    

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are hiding behind you avatar na Rook ?


Post your name na besides your avatar ? You shame after several political defeats na bai.

Don't be offended when we talk about you modda and sista.

When you bring personalities into this discussion, its fair game.

Be warned, or keep it civil.

You want to be nasty like the PPP, keep truckin'.  


Take a close look and read at what the offender rook is posting.

There is a logical way for discussion, without being nasty...

Nastiness shows immaturity.

PPP posters are good at nastiness, discredit and conquer.


Is Rook a  real name ? It does not belong on GNI.    


He's being a little auntyman by using a part of my first name. What can you expect from this chammar and his ilk?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

 he comes here to justify racism and discrimination against a group of people by a rotten bunch of PNC politicians who are still lurking around.


Guess what, the PPP will be elected by a majority and you will forever remain a political loser.


How is that you a certified racist can seriously complain about racism? Explain that for us Oh Gold Toothed One.


My Dear Yuji,


I suspect you're an old man and as such you're closer to your grave than I so I suggest you spend your few remaining mornings trying to make the world a little better than the state you found it. I cannot imagine you sincerely wish Guyana to be further cursed for the foreseeable future with a race problem because I'll tell you a little secret.


The race problem that people like you so gloriously revel in is being solved. But it's not being solved how you and I would like it to be solved. It's being solved by douglarization. Guyana will one day no longer have a race problem. But that will also mean no Indians as well. People like me and others want to have it both ways. No race problems and an Indian population. However, people like you are leading to our extinction as a people.


So keep it up Babu, in a few more years you can see the Guyana of your handiwork.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

You are hiding behind you avatar na Rook ?


Post your name na besides your avatar ? You shame after several political defeats na bai.

Shaitan is a waste of time to try talking to someone who love & Protect some nasty relationship with Kwame. Thats his world.


How would Yuji feel when he find out in Guyana His Boyfriend & Hero Kwame was running around to contact you.....and yuh chase him away.


I do not know what political Defeat "Yuji De Buggerman" can be talking about when everyone in PPP from at the very top was fighting fuh shake yuh hand or tek a picha and yuh had no time fuh dem........ because you were busy and meeting the American Ambassador.....and could not find time to meet wit them Crab Louse.


Dhar Poke say all ah them is Low Breed Chat-3.


In Guyana Yugi conduct his business & Meetings at Rupa Rumshop & Shanta Place.....he cant go the places or meet the people who meet with you.


Crab Louse do not understand "Political Defeat" is like wha the American Ambassador & British High Commissioner deliver to them PPP loosers.



Last edited by Former Member

My Dear Rook,


I suspect you are a political reject and as such you're closer to your grave than I so I suggest you spend your few remaining mornings trying to make the world a little better than the state you found it. I cannot imagine you sincerely wish Guyana to be further cursed for the foreseeable future with a race problem because I'll tell you a little secret.


The race problem that people like you so gloriously revel in is being solved. But it's not being solved how you and I would like it to be solved. It's being solved by douglarization. Guyana will one day no longer have a race problem. But that will also mean no Indians as well. People like me and others want to have it both ways. No race problems and an Indian population. However, people like you will and are leading to our extinction as a people.


So keep it up Loser, in a few more years you can try running for office for the fourth time.


Good luck.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My Dear Rook,


I suspect you are a political reject and as such you're closer to your grave than I so I suggest you spend your few remaining mornings trying to make the world a little better than the state you found it. I cannot imagine you sincerely wish Guyana to be further cursed for the foreseeable future with a race problem because I'll tell you a little secret.


The race problem that people like you so gloriously revel in is being solved. But it's not being solved how you and I would like it to be solved. It's being solved by douglarization. Guyana will one day no longer have a race problem. But that will also mean no Indians as well. People like me and others want to have it both ways. No race problems and an Indian population. However, people like you will and are leading to our extinction as a people.


So keep it up Loser, in a few more years you can try running for office for the fourth time.


Good luck.



Is this the new "I know you are, but what am I?" response?


To be followed up by "nah nah nah nah nah nah"?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Good night rook


I will wake up to a political fight tomorrow. 


You're a child. I don't debate with children. I scold them. And try to correct their errant behavior.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Spoken like a true political reject. His own party was ashamed to have him represent them and yet he comes here to justify racism and discrimination against a group of people by a rotten bunch of PNC politicians who are still lurking around.


Guess what, the PPP will be elected by a majority and you will forever remain a political loser.

Justify racism? You are the biggest racist on this board you ignorant coolie rass.


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