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Let the truth be told: Now is the time for the AFC

May 14, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
For its entire life since independence, Guyana has little to show to demonstrate it has evolved as a nation, thanks to the misrule of the PPP and the PNC. Annual rates of population growth have averaged less than one per cent, yet countries that started this race of economic development after us are now at the front of the pack when we are still one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere.
Guyana is not on the road to meet all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) notwithstanding that it has above average financial and technical support from the international community. Poverty is on the rise again, child mortality has not reduced by two-thirds as promised by the PPP, while the maternal mortality rate in Guyana remains relatively high.
Too many of our people remain poor, too many children and mothers are dying at childbirth but yet we have money to build the Marriott Hotel but not to fix the basic healthcare system. We have money to build a new airport with only one airline (Caribbean Airlines) to service the more than 500,000 Guyanese in the Diaspora but not to rebuild the road on the East Bank of Berbice. We have money to build a new Specialty Hospital, but the government has poorly managed the public hospitals which are understaffed and without adequate medical supplies.
The world lifted Guyana’s debt relief that moved our debt burden from over 209 percent of the GDP in 2001 to just 60 percent of the GDP in 2007.  This was a golden opportunity to invest in job creation projects. Instead the PPP regime has invested in projects that benefit their business buddies and which hired foreigners rather than Guyanese workers.
There are serious social and economic challenges in the form of high crime rates, incessant corruption, and high youth unemployment. While this is a pretty abysmal picture, it is not drawn in permanent ink. Changes could still be made to improve the lives of the masses.
The PNC and the PPP have had 50 years combined and were unable to bring about any change for the better in Guyana. We proudly say let the truth be told, now is the time for the AFC. An AFC government would make the development of Guyana its number one priority
We believe that Guyana could break the vicious cycle of chronic crimes, corruption and poverty if it has a government that will implement and sustain credible reforms, supported by all. This requires a comprehensive economic programme and a deficit reduction strategy – without compromising social expenditure – to attack poverty, child and maternal mortality and improve the quality of education delivery.
As we see it, Guyana needs a government that will grapple with the short-term economic vulnerabilities of borrowing more and running up an unsustainable deficit; basically not living within their means. But even more importantly, Guyana needs a government that will start to address the deep-rooted structural impediments to sustain stronger economic growth.
For example, the country needs a new tax system that is fair and predictable; instilling confidence and promoting investment and employment. Both the PPP and the PNC/ APNU had their chance to develop such a programme and they failed Guyana.  Isn’t it time for the people to try the AFC model as outlined in its Action Plan.
Our reading of the utterances of Moses Nagamootoo and Nigel Hughes clearly revealed two mature and deep thinking and sincere leaders who are ready to build support across political lines to progress the people’s ambitions as outlined in the National Development Strategy. Hughes has just revealed his 2020 vision and Nagamootoo has revealed his plans to engage the working class into the new developmental model to fast forward Guyana’s progress.
Unlike the PPP and PNC/APNU, the AFC leaders have signaled their intention to engage the private sector and to get them fully involved in the country’s development process.
We encourage those two men to share their dreams for the masses with the people in the villages, on the culverts and at the street corners as Walter Rodney did during the 1970s. Street-side politics and meeting the people in their communities and at their doorsteps are a sure way of gaining their support. Change is coming to Guyana.
Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

 the country needs a new tax system that is fair and predictable; instilling confidence and promoting investment and employment. Both the PPP and the PNC/ APNU had their chance to develop such a programme and they failed Guyana.  Isn’t it time for the people to try the AFC model as outlined in its Action Plan.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Rose and Sing, DUMB and DUMBER.

Hon Nehru who do U prefer.....

(1) Rose & Singh.......or...........

(2) Lamumba & Councie

(3) McCoy & Dem Guy

(4) Bynoe & Big Seed

(5) Kit Nasciment & Ugee

(6) Hamilton & Skeldon


Originally Posted by kp:

mitwah, the afc are a bunch of political misfits and outcasts, just creating dreams to get votes and with no experience.

Because supporters of De House of Isreal Thugs were sneaking around.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Certainly, let us have an AFC govt. Let the people determine this at the polls at the next election. Now battie and po letter writers and afc stooge posting it be so. ahahah

Walla...Oh no....don't fix it.....

let us have some more Thugs, Rapist & Killers in Freedom House.....

and then slide them over to Top Positions at Office of the President.

Burnham Constitution protects them.....

PNC created a Godey Constitution.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Certainly, let us have an AFC govt. Let the people determine this at the polls at the next election. Now battie and po letter writers and afc stooge posting it be so. ahahah

Walla...Oh no....don't fix it.....

let us have some more Thugs, Rapist & Killers in Freedom House.....

and then slide them over to Top Positions at Office of the President.

Burnham Constitution protects them.....

PNC created a Godey Constitution.

The people will decide, not opportunists.  There will be elections again and every party just have to convince the people.  There is absolutely no secret.


For its entire life since independence, Guyana has little to show to demonstrate it has evolved as a nation, thanks to the misrule of the PPP and the PNC.


 Annual rates of population growth have averaged less than one per cent, yet countries that started this race of economic development after us are now at the front of the pack when we are still one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere.

Guyana is not on the road to meet all the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) notwithstanding that it has above average financial and technical support from the international community.


 Poverty is on the rise again, child mortality has not reduced by two-thirds as promised by the PPP, while the maternal mortality rate in Guyana remains relatively high.

Ashni slams AFCPDFPrintE-mail
Wednesday, 15 May 2013 23:19

Finance Minister says AFC’s position on money laundering bill is shamelessly irresponsible
THE act of one political party to withdraw support for the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill, unless President Donald Ramotar assents to the two Opposition pieces of legislation and establishes the Public Procurement Commission, has been regarded by Minister of Finance Dr Ashni Singh as a shamelessly irresponsible position.

In a comment to the Government Information Agency (GINA) yesterday on the move by the Alliance For Change (AFC), the Finance Minister said he was shocked and horrified that the party would “hold the nation as hostage by using support for this bill as leverage to extract political concessions.
“What the AFC is essentially saying is that, irrespective of how important this Bill is, or what the consequences of its non-approval would be, they are not prepared to support it because there are other political issues on which they wish to extract concessions from the Government,” Minister Singh said.
The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (Amendment) Bill was on May 7, referred to a Parliamentary Select Committee after A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) argued that its passage was ill-timed.
The select committee has apparently not been moving with any sense of urgency, according to Presidential Adviser on Governance, Gail Teixeira, who also commented on the AFC’s position yesterday.
“The opposition in the committee insisted that we advertise and invite written submissions…were in the newspapers last Sunday (May 12). The deadline is May 17, Friday and therefore…if we look at those events, there seems to be little haste on the part of the Opposition,” Teixeira said.
The passage of the amended legislation is aimed at bringing Guyana in conformity with certain international standards that would have spared the country from being blacklisted or excluded from important activities.
If the bill is not passed, Guyana will be placed on a list with other non-conforming countries, and would be visited with a regime of sanctions which will include restrictions in the manner in which business is done internationally, especially involving wire transfers of funds. Once placed on that list, it takes an average of approximately seven years to come off, during which time the country would have to go through   stringent scrutiny of its procedures used when transacting business across the borders.
Teixeira in explaining the dire consequences for countries not in compliance with conventions and treaty obligations on money laundering, pointed out the amendments that were made to redress ambiguities in the current laws, and its correlation to other laws such as on gambling, mutual assistance on criminal matters (extradition), and money transfer licensing agencies among others.
“The impact of that is that it will impact on the financial system and sector of Guyana… other banks could decide how they are going to treat with you as a country,” Teixeira explained
President Donald Ramotar has called on the political Opposition to put aside partisan interests in dealing with such an important piece of legislation and support its passage. Guyana has up until May 27 to subscribe to the international criteria.
The Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is demanding that Guyana tighten its anti-money laundering Act by the stipulated timeline so as to comply with the recommendation of the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force, (CFATF), a move which the ruling administration is keen to implement.
This latest position by the AFC is a clear retaliation to President Ramotar’s refusal to sign into law the Fiscal Management and Accountability (Amendment) Bill and the Former President’s bills, after citing evidence that they were unconstitutional. The bills will require a two-thirds majority before they are returned to the President’s desk.
Teixeira is peeved that the AFC is bargaining through the press and not at the table as mature politicians do.
The party’s other demand, the establishment of the Public Procurement Commission, has been an age-old argument supporting a claim that the national procurement process  lacks transparency.


 How come he did not see accountability in capping Jagdeo open ended raid on the treasury as a good retirement plan. Then why is accountability not inherent in restructuring the way the consolidated fund is managed? Oh, that would put restrain on the PPP habit of thieving. You cannot get it only your way. Guyana is not your grand daddy legacy.


Councie thanks for posting GINA shit.


If the bill is not passed, Guyana will be placed on a list with other non-conforming countries, and would be visited with a regime of sanctions which will include restrictions in the manner in which business is done internationally, especially involving wire transfers of funds. Once placed on that list, it takes an average of approximately seven years to come off, during which time the country would have to go through   stringent scrutiny of its procedures used when transacting business across the borders.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Councie thanks for posting GINA shit.


If the bill is not passed, Guyana will be placed on a list with other non-conforming countries, and would be visited with a regime of sanctions which will include restrictions in the manner in which business is done internationally, especially involving wire transfers of funds. Once placed on that list, it takes an average of approximately seven years to come off, during which time the country would have to go through   stringent scrutiny of its procedures used when transacting business across the borders.

And this is the goal of the AFC/PNC,the worse news for Guyana the better for the afc/pnc. You tried with mofiah slow fiah and got phantomized. Now you have found a better way, through your majority in parliament. I commend you opportunists for this move as it shows political maturity as opposed to the mo fiah slow fiah days. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Councie thanks for posting GINA shit.


If the bill is not passed, Guyana will be placed on a list with other non-conforming countries, and would be visited with a regime of sanctions which will include restrictions in the manner in which business is done internationally, especially involving wire transfers of funds. Once placed on that list, it takes an average of approximately seven years to come off, during which time the country would have to go through   stringent scrutiny of its procedures used when transacting business across the borders.

And this is the goal of the AFC/PNC,the worse news for Guyana the better for the afc/pnc. You tried with mofiah slow fiah and got phantomized. Now you have found a better way, through your majority in parliament. I commend you opportunists for this move as it shows political maturity as opposed to the mo fiah slow fiah days. 

You are an incorrigible liar. When was the AFC involved in mo fiah slow fiah days? As a matter of fact, your PPP/C is the one embracing and worshipping the PNC thughs,  and placed them in very lucrative positions.

I support mo fiah and very slow fiah burning of feathers for your goadie. hahahahahahahahah.


THERE WILL NEVER BE A TIME FOR PNC OR AFC. It's nice to build castles in the air. Glass mouth(Ramjattan) and fatso Nigel need to close up shop and be gone for good. Come election time we will see the gloves come off. We will see Trottie resign as the speaker declare himself as a candidate for the president representing the AFC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

THERE WILL NEVER BE A TIME FOR PNC OR AFC. It's nice to build castles in the air. Glass mouth(Ramjattan) and fatso Nigel need to close up shop and be gone for good. Come election time we will see the gloves come off. We will see Trottie resign as the speaker declare himself as a candidate for the president representing the AFC.

It is clear that the sun has set on the PPP autocratic control of the state. In time there will have to be compromise. The time is over for racial domination of parties.


Poverty is on the rise again, child mortality was not reduced by two-thirds as promised by the PPP, while the maternal mortality rate in Guyana remains relatively high.

Too many of our people remain poor, too many children and mothers are dying at childbirth but yet we have money to build the Marriott Hotel but not to fix the basic healthcare system.


 We have money to build a new airport with only one airline (Caribbean Airlines) to service the more than 500,000 Guyanese in the Diaspora but not to rebuild the road on the East Bank of Berbice.


 We have money to build a new Specialty Hospital, but the government has poorly managed the public hospitals which are understaffed and without adequate medical supplies.


The AFC, PNC and any other will get their chance when the people decide.  The people should not be bullied into accepting and Govt that was not constitutionally mandated.  The Govt elected by the people will not succumb to blackmail thru threats of mayhem, death and destruction.


Mitwah's post is a reflection of the strong arm approach that radicals like Nigel is up to. The government must keep the radicals at bay and that must not be limited to the use force since the terrorist elements in the AFC/PNC only understand the language of force. The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah's post is a reflection of the strong arm approach that radicals like Nigel is up to. The government must keep the radicals at bay and that must not be limited to the use force since the terrorist elements in the AFC/PNC only understand the language of force. The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Losers turn to bully tactics to get their way.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

......... The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Losers turn to bully tactics to get their way.

Here again is a correct post. Finally yall getting it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah's post is a reflection of the strong arm approach that radicals like Nigel is up to. The government must keep the radicals at bay and that must not be limited to the use force since the terrorist elements in the AFC/PNC only understand the language of force. The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Would Ramotar be better off compromizing and get the support of the AFC or work with its PNC thugs that got the PPP less than 1% votes in the last election?


Change is here!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah's post is a reflection of the strong arm approach that radicals like Nigel is up to. The government must keep the radicals at bay and that must not be limited to the use force since the terrorist elements in the AFC/PNC only understand the language of force. The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Losers turn to bully tactics to get their way.

I agree. Ramotar should realize that he does not have a majority and not in a position to bully. He realizes that his rope is not long enough.


There are serious social and economic challenges in the form of high crime rates, incessant corruption, and high youth unemployment. While this is a pretty abysmal picture, it is not drawn in permanent ink. Changes could still be made to improve the lives of the masses.

The PNC and the PPP have had 50 years combined and were unable to bring about any change for the better in Guyana.


We proudly say let the truth be told, now is the time for the AFC.


An AFC government would make the development of Guyana its number one priority.


Change Is Here!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah's post is a reflection of the strong arm approach that radicals like Nigel is up to. The government must keep the radicals at bay and that must not be limited to the use force since the terrorist elements in the AFC/PNC only understand the language of force. The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Would Ramotar be better off compromizing and get the support of the AFC or work with its PNC thugs that got the PPP less than 1% votes in the last election?


Change is here!

With the Attitude of the AFC, the PPP might easier find common ground with the PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah's post is a reflection of the strong arm approach that radicals like Nigel is up to. The government must keep the radicals at bay and that must not be limited to the use force since the terrorist elements in the AFC/PNC only understand the language of force. The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Would Ramotar be better off compromizing and get the support of the AFC or work with its PNC thugs that got the PPP less than 1% votes in the last election?


Change is here!

With the Attitude of the AFC, the PPP might easier find common ground with the PNC.

Dam right ...again, dam!

They are equal. Did we not say PPP=PNC?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah's post is a reflection of the strong arm approach that radicals like Nigel is up to. The government must keep the radicals at bay and that must not be limited to the use force since the terrorist elements in the AFC/PNC only understand the language of force. The PPP must fight fire with fire.

Would Ramotar be better off compromizing and get the support of the AFC or work with its PNC thugs that got the PPP less than 1% votes in the last election?


Change is here!

With the Attitude of the AFC, the PPP might easier find common ground with the PNC.

That's right. PPP/C = PNC/R.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the ppp fighting fire with fire it sound more like paying the police to shoot down the people

Or Baseman would gladly lynch any blackman.

Blacks have every right to live free and full anywhere, Guyana no exception.  However, no one has the right to demand privileges and preferences over others.  And worse yet, no one has the right to take the nation into mayhem and destruction when they don't get their way.  There are legal institutions in place to hear grievances and decide right and wrong.


You, Mitwah is a clown and too dunce to understand what this means.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the ppp fighting fire with fire it sound more like paying the police to shoot down the people

Or Baseman would gladly lynch any blackman.

Blacks have every right to live free and full anywhere, Guyana no exception.  However, no one has the right to demand privileges and preferences over others.  And worse yet, no one has the right to take the nation into mayhem and destruction when they don't get their way.  There are legal institutions in place to hear grievances and decide right and wrong.


You, Mitwah is a clown and too dunce to understand what this means.

I may be a dunce but I fully understand your hate for the blackman and how you would readly lynch an innocent blackman.


When your point is moot, you turn to labelling. It means nothing to me. I may be a clown but at the end of the day, you are a congenital racist. Your hate is eating you from the inside. Our foreparents were freed from indenturedship, but you are still shackled by your hate for the blackman.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are an incorrigible liar. When was the AFC involved in mo fiah slow fiah days? As a matter of fact, your PPP/C is the one embracing and worshipping the PNC thughs,  and placed them in very lucrative positions.

I support mo fiah and very slow fiah burning of feathers for your goadie. hahahahahahahahah.

You gone back with the goadie references. The last time I put lash on you with the pedophile and sodomy of the son, you run to Amral and he lock the thread. Then I hear you accusing Baseman of running to moderator when you are the biggest cry baby.  Continue and I will expose the pedophile behavior some more. 


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are an incorrigible liar. When was the AFC involved in mo fiah slow fiah days? As a matter of fact, your PPP/C is the one embracing and worshipping the PNC thughs,  and placed them in very lucrative positions.

I support mo fiah and very slow fiah burning of feathers for your goadie. hahahahahahahahah.

You gone back with the goadie references. The last time I put lash on you with the pedophile and sodomy of the son, you run to Amral and he lock the thread. Then I hear you accusing Baseman of running to moderator when you are the biggest cry baby.  Continue and I will expose the pedophile behavior some more. 


Your personal frame of reference is that you were sodomized by your own when you were a kid. Hence you grow up thinking this is normal behaviour. Faggy, why were you called "Cock Robin" in your village. Run to Amral.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are an incorrigible liar. When was the AFC involved in mo fiah slow fiah days? As a matter of fact, your PPP/C is the one embracing and worshipping the PNC thughs,  and placed them in very lucrative positions.

I support mo fiah and very slow fiah burning of feathers for your goadie. hahahahahahahahah.

You gone back with the goadie references. The last time I put lash on you with the pedophile and sodomy of the son, you run to Amral and he lock the thread. Then I hear you accusing Baseman of running to moderator when you are the biggest cry baby.  Continue and I will expose the pedophile behavior some more. 


Your personal frame of reference is that you were sodomized by your own when you were a kid. Hence you grow up thinking this is normal behaviour. Faggy, why were you called "Cock Robin" in your village. Run to Amral.

Why couldn't Mitjuanita control his pedophile sexual urges? Why he had to sodomize his own son? 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are an incorrigible liar. When was the AFC involved in mo fiah slow fiah days? As a matter of fact, your PPP/C is the one embracing and worshipping the PNC thughs,  and placed them in very lucrative positions.

I support mo fiah and very slow fiah burning of feathers for your goadie. hahahahahahahahah.

You gone back with the goadie references. The last time I put lash on you with the pedophile and sodomy of the son, you run to Amral and he lock the thread. Then I hear you accusing Baseman of running to moderator when you are the biggest cry baby.  Continue and I will expose the pedophile behavior some more. 


Your personal frame of reference is that you were sodomized by your own when you were a kid. Hence you grow up thinking this is normal behaviour. Faggy, why were you called "Cock Robin" in your village. Run to Amral.

Why couldn't Bugurd_See control his pedophile sexual urges? Why he had to sodomize his own son? 

You can go fornicate your self with your immaculate goadee. hahahahahahaha.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

You are an incorrigible liar. When was the AFC involved in mo fiah slow fiah days? As a matter of fact, your PPP/C is the one embracing and worshipping the PNC thughs,  and placed them in very lucrative positions.

I support mo fiah and very slow fiah burning of feathers for your goadie. hahahahahahahahah.

You gone back with the goadie references. The last time I put lash on you with the pedophile and sodomy of the son, you run to Amral and he lock the thread. Then I hear you accusing Baseman of running to moderator when you are the biggest cry baby.  Continue and I will expose the pedophile behavior some more. 


Your personal frame of reference is that you were sodomized by your own when you were a kid. Hence you grow up thinking this is normal behaviour. Faggy, why were you called "Cock Robin" in your village. Run to Amral.

Why couldn't MitJuanita control his pedophile sexual urges? Why he had to sodomize his own son? 

You can go fornicate your self with your immaculate goadee. hahahahahahaha.

Shame on a man who sodomizes his own son and allow his buddies Jaliki and Cocaine to satiate themselves too on the pool lil boy. Shame shame shame. 


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