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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I have nothing to gain but the satisfaction my country is in good hands.

And indeed, Guyana is currently in good hands.

kleptocratic racist hands.

Perhaps, an apt description for those in power from 1964 to 1992.

but definitely those currently at the helm!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
I have nothing to gain but the satisfaction my country is in good hands.

And indeed, Guyana is currently in good hands.

kleptocratic racist hands.

Perhaps, an apt description for those in power from 1964 to 1992.

but definitely those currently at the helm!

at the helm ... of the opposition political organizations.

Originally Posted by Rev:





The PNC/AFC and their supporters are good at talking sh1t----they blame---they find fault---they complain----but what they can't do is WIN.





The PPP has always won the elections according to the law.  But they got some 45% in 1964 and thus we cannot be sure if they would have gotten the same in 1968 or 1973 since the elections were rigged by that tief Burnhum


Bai Shan Lin logging scandalâ€ĶRamotar needs to act in the interest of the Guyanese people – GTUC

August 17, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


The people are on one side fighting to ensure the nation’s protectionâ€Ķand government officials on the other side aligned with foreign forces to plunder and rape our resources for personal enrichment.


The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), having followed the incisive investigative reports on Bai Shan Lin’s operations in Guyana, has concluded that the nation is witnessing a scandalous affair that threatens sovereignty.

This the Union declared in a missive released yesterday.
The statement reflected GTUC’s view that President Donald Ramotar is failing in his foremost responsibility to the nation; “loyalty to the people.”
GTUC said that the growing concerns and alarm by local stakeholders over the management of Guyana’s forest and infrastructures, environmental impact, the exclusion of local workforce and the conditions of service for those employed, are not to be dismissed and treated as though it’s business as usual.

The Union expressed that the government should not put up a defence as “there is no defence to the indefensible.”


GTUC stated, “Guyana is a sovereign nation. When foreigners are made to think the citizenry is irrelevant, as conveyed by the President’s flippant disregard for our concerns, he is transmitting a message to all that the concerns of Guyanese are unimportant and he is an active partner in aiding and abetting a process to treat us as second class citizens in the land of our birth.”


“Not once as President, when nationals raise concerns about the disregard for our rights, the laws of this land and the sovereignty of this nation, has Ramotar communicated that the concerns are noted, will be examined or that the people’s interest will be protected.”


The Union said that as a result, Guyanese are being placed in a position to conclude that “We and country are mere pawns in a scheme to carve up our resources through unholy alliances between foreigners and government officials in cahoots with their cohorts.”


GTUC opined that the government is abrogating its responsibility to the people and creating a situation of “us versus them. The people on one side fighting to ensure the nation’s protectionâ€Ķand government officials on the other side aligned with foreign forces to plunder and rape our resources for personal enrichment. This is not a good place for the citizens or government to find themselves, i.e. on opposing sides on matters of foreign investment.”


The Union pointed out that most “foreign sweetheart deals” were started and rushed through under the Jagdeo Administration and have continued with aplomb under the Ramotar Administration.


The Union opined that the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment was specifically created and headed by Robert Persaud to ensure execution of the plans. “The people of this nation are not fools!”


GTUC said that citizens need assurances that concerns will be addressed, information revealed and contracts and laws reviewed to ensure foreign companies are operating in compliance with the national interest.
“The GTUC is not adverse to foreign investments. The GTUC is adverse to investments that disregard the rights of citizens, the laws of our land, and the sovereignty of this nationâ€ĶThis is not the time for President Ramotar to engage in political arrogance and contempt for the people. The raping and plundering of our resources do not attract political divisions. These are concerns of every Guyanese regardless of race, class, creed and political persuasion. The President needs to understand this, desist from the political grandstanding, and address the people’s concerns with the seriousness they deserve.”

The Union highlighted that “Guyana belongs to all Guyanese. Guyanese are today saying we face clear and present danger as a people in the presence of continuous foreign onslaughts! We have serious concerns about the management of our resources, the abuse of workers and the laws of the land. It is in the President’s interest to remember to whom he has taken the Oath of Office to serve and pay heed to growing concerns.”

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


 We had a chat about Guyana's politics and she told me that despite the PPP faults, she will still vote PPP. She said that she prefers a corrupt PPP which is still developing Guyana over a rotten AFC/PNC which are blocking economic progress.




* Many Guyanese share the same perspective as your cousin(tell her the Rev says hi). They acknowledge that the PPP is far from perfect. But come election time they will vote for the PPP because the alternative, the AFC and PNC, have exposed themselves to be anti-development and anti-Guyana.


* Your cousin is also right about the AFC---the leaders of that party, particularly Moses and Khemraj, are a bunch of self-aggrandizers who are on a major ego trip. Fortunately, the Guyanese people have caught onto the AFC and now view them not as an independent party but as an extension of the PNC.




* The PPP will win the next election by a majority.






Yuji may have forgotten to tell you that she may have also said,

"no matter how crooked dem baies are everyting arite,is abie time now"

Last edited by cain

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