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Originally Posted by Devindra:

NO PNC in OP ever!



Justice Ganpatsingh in sentencing Rabbi in 1986 said:


"it is unacceptable that these accused persons could plan and execute the killing of human being in such brazen style and expect to escape the clutches of the rule of law"


Didn't the PPP embrace all these coolie murderers?

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

NO PNC in OP ever!



Justice Ganpatsingh in sentencing Rabbi in 1986 said:


"it is unacceptable that these accused persons could plan and execute the killing of human being in such brazen style and expect to escape the clutches of the rule of law"


Didn't the PPP embrace all these coolie murderers?

where the **** you come from Joker, the bronx zoo?

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

NO PNC in OP ever!



Justice Ganpatsingh in sentencing Rabbi in 1986 said:


"it is unacceptable that these accused persons could plan and execute the killing of human being in such brazen style and expect to escape the clutches of the rule of law"


Didn't the PPP embrace all these coolie murderers?

where the **** you come from Joker, the bronx zoo?


LMAO...easy dere mudhead

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

NO PNC in OP ever!



Justice Ganpatsingh in sentencing Rabbi in 1986 said:


"it is unacceptable that these accused persons could plan and execute the killing of human being in such brazen style and expect to escape the clutches of the rule of law"


Didn't the PPP embrace all these coolie murderers?

where the **** you come from Joker, the bronx zoo?


LMAO...easy dere mudhead

Do you know who is Rabbi Washington?



list three things you know about Rabbi - Mr Joker Sir!

Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

NO PNC in OP ever!



Justice Ganpatsingh in sentencing Rabbi in 1986 said:


"it is unacceptable that these accused persons could plan and execute the killing of human being in such brazen style and expect to escape the clutches of the rule of law"


Didn't the PPP embrace all these coolie murderers?

where the **** you come from Joker, the bronx zoo?


LMAO...easy dere mudhead

Do you know who is Rabbi Washington?



list three things you know about Rabbi - Mr Joker Sir!


Like most intelligent coolies in 2013, I aver very little to no interest in making politics a battle over the past but a fight about our future.


Rabbi Washington et al is not a current political issue. So I'd rather not waste my time on it.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Devindra:

NO PNC in OP ever!



Justice Ganpatsingh in sentencing Rabbi in 1986 said:


"it is unacceptable that these accused persons could plan and execute the killing of human being in such brazen style and expect to escape the clutches of the rule of law"


Didn't the PPP embrace all these coolie murderers?

where the **** you come from Joker, the bronx zoo?


LMAO...easy dere mudhead

Do you know who is Rabbi Washington?



list three things you know about Rabbi - Mr Joker Sir!


Like most intelligent coolies in 2013, I aver very little to no interest in making politics a battle over the past but a fight about our future.


Rabbi Washington et al is not a current political issue. So I'd rather not waste my time on it.



The wise people say it is:


Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt.


Thank you for opening your mouth JOKER!

Originally Posted by Devindra:

NO PNC in OP ever!



Justice Ganpatsingh in sentencing Rabbi in 1986 said:


"it is unacceptable that these accused persons could plan and execute the killing of human being in such brazen style and expect to escape the clutches of the rule of law"

 Think Rojer K and his handlers has coverage here as well? 


Justice Ganpathsingh said the murder of James lamizon was intended to "send a ominous message".


My take


Follow the PNC or else and those political leaders that subscribe to rabbi ideology are still around:


In the PNC - Corby and Hammie.


But her this  - In the PPP Rabbi followers include - Ondiga Lumudama and Joeshph Hamiton.


Eh eh.


Rabbi is alive and well in the PNC and PPP.


The PPP first harboured US fugitive Rabbi Washington

May 20, 2011 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,

I thank Mr. Harry Gill for his letter, “The PNC were the architects that suppressed Guyanese freedom of expression,” (Kaieteur News 05-17-11) as it affords me the opportunity to set the record straight on US fugitive Rabbi Washington, and to compare the Burnham’s PNC of the late 70’s and 80’s with the current PPP regime that has been in continuous power for 19 years.


Before I do so I must applaud Mr. Gill on his political acrobatic abilities that have enabled him to flip backwards from being a staunch supporter of the Murray/Greenidge faction of the PNCR to being a strong Jagdeo/Ramotar PPP advocate. Be advised Mr. Gill that any attempt to  discredit the current 2011 PNCR by highlighting the dictatorship days of the PNC of the late 1970’s would also muddy the face of the current 2011 PPP dictatorship as you will see below.


Mr. Gill wrote about Rabbi Washington being a PNC thug in the late 1970’s but what is not publicly known is that it was the PPP that first gave Washington shelter in Guyana.


After he had fled from US jurisdiction in the mid 1970’s Washington and two of his accomplices were given refuge for over one year at Freedom House, whilst Dr Jagan tried unsuccessfully to persuade Forbes Burnham to grant him safe haven.


Burnham was very reluctant, saying that the man was a fugitive. Dr Jagan argued that Washington was an “American Freedom Fighter.” 


Burnham finally gave in to Dr Jagan’s request.


Mr. Gill stated that Washington was charged for the murder of Father Bernard Darke.Washington was not the one who killed Father Darke and he was not charged for that crime.


It was shortly after Mr. Desmond Hoyte became President in August 1985 that Washington and one of his Lieutenants were charged for the murder of a female House of Israel member. Washington was jailed for five years.


He appealed, but the Appellate Court found that his sentence was too short and added another 15 years to his sentence.


However, when the PPP regained power in October 1992, Ms Janet Jagan caused Washington to be freed. She said that he was an “American Freedom Fighter” who had been “mis-used” by Burnham.


Mrs Jagan also caused Errol Butcher a/k Taps to be freed. Taps had been prosecuted and jailed by the Hoyte Presidency for drug trafficking. He held a huge party in Albouystown to thank ‘Granny’. I checked out the celebrations and heard Taps praise Ms Jagan. She told her “party children” that he would help the “party mobilise South Georgetown.”


As regards Father Darke, I was part of that protest so I know what went down that day,.......

but I refer Mr. Gill to Father Andrew Morrison’s ,

“Justice-The struggle For Democracy in Guyana 1952 -1992,” p 141,142. There it was reported that when the thugs attacked Father Darke a plain clothes policeman fired two shots in the air, the assailants ran, but the bayonet armed attacker was arrested.


Now Mr. Gill this incident happened on a Saturday and just two days later on the Monday, eight of the thugs were arraigned in court. Five of them were found guilty of carrying weapons, two of them were found guilty of wounding Jomo Yearwood, and a Bilal Ato was charged with the murder of Father Darke.

Three years later he plead guilty to manslaughter on 8th June 1982 and he was sentenced to eight years imprisonment.


Now Mr. Gill in case you have not got it. The PNC regime of the latter 1970’s and early 1980’s was indeed a dictatorship that rigged elections to gain political office, and although party paramountcy was the official policy of Burnham, at least the state discharged its duty as required by law.


There was governance. The police did arrest pro government thugs, prosecuted them, and jailed them. The police and the judiciary functioned.


Let us contrast the ruling PPP which “wins” elections by exploiting Indian fears.

It is the equivalent of Burnham’s rigging.

Kaieteur News columnist Freddie Kissoon was attacked by a goon who was allegedly sent by operatives out of the Office of the President. No one has been arrested.

Freddie Kissoon was assaulted by a businessman with close connection to OP. No one has been charged.

Social activist Mark Benschop was allegedly attacked and his vehicle thrashed by a staff of OP. No one has been arrested.

Oh I am sorry, Benschop the victim was arrested.

African activist Ronald Waddel was assassinated. No one was arrested. Government Minister Sash Sawh was assassinated. No one was arrested.

An OP staff was caught on tape soliciting homosexual favours of a school boy. No arrest.

It just goes on and on Mr. Gill. I think you will agree with me Mr. Gill that as bad as the PNC regime was in the latter 1970’s, the current PPP dictatorship is by far the worse.


There is a complete breakdown of government morality and ethics. Good governance is non-existent. Government corruption and crime are the order of the day.

The police command is completely subservient to the PPP cabal.


Burnham’s police charged thugs and prosecuted them. Burnham’s Courts jailed them.


Hoyte’s Presidency prosecuted and jailed prominent criminals.


The PPP leadership freed them in 1992.

No wonder criminals rule the dayâ€Ķand night.

Finally, since Mr. Gill is now an ardent supporter of the PPP, I must ask him to justify the PPP’s publicly declared critical support for the PNC in 1975, its call for a National Front Government with the PNC in 1977, and its holding of secret power sharing talks with the PNC in the early 1980’s. Malcolm Harripaul


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