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Former Member

Ok folks


It is now quite evident than many at this forum are divided on the matter of a political apology from the PNC. Those on the opposing side are also calling for a PPP apology.


An apology will open up old political wounds when younger Guyanese may see no need for an apology.


The best solution on this controversial request is for Guyana to have a Truth Commission like what was done in South Africa and Guyanese can move on. Guyana has many pressing issues at hand including transparency, corruption, passing of anti money laundering bill, holding of long overdue Local Elections etc.


A Truth Commission will not blame anyone but will address issues and concerns across the political spectrum from the Burnham era to the current Rammo administration.


Time to call on the Government of Guyana to hold a truth commission.

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I think you meant South Africa and you are correct Yuji a truth commission is the solution. But to do this requires tremendous political maturity which is absent in Guyana presently and it also has to be organized by a mutually well respected third party.


In SA what made the truth commission successful and unique was the involvement of Catholic Bishop Desmond Tutu.


If the Catholic Church can be the sponsor and create this commission with completely external members of the commission who are not paid by the PPP. This would be a great step forward.


Payment of commissioners by the PPP completely creates a sham and no one will trust the PPP today.


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