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An Olive Branch to the PPP


Oi Nehru, Yuji, Skeldon, Councie...Did Moses say he will offer PPP 3 or 4 Ministerial Position in His Pro Democracy Alliance Cabinet?


Is Moses smoking....or this for Real bannas?


Hear nuh, Is there anyone in the PPP  left who is decent or honest yall can recommend fuh de wuk?"


Ok seriously, let's have an honest discussion and put Guyana First

We gonna give some time to consider and make the right choice....swearing in is schedule for May 13th.


We will screen yall candidates and see if they make the cut.

We could probably screen one each day.  Go fer it.


Cain only 3 or 4.....wha yuh go do with de rest....Lot 12 can only take so much.


I see Gail complaining in de Chronicle....that AFC gon lock them up as soon as Moses Swear in....check this out...

Quote Gail Taxiera....


The AFC, according to Teixeira, has been talking about retribution. She responded to the AFC’s Cathy Hughes, who was quoted as calling for a campaign free of vindictiveness. But Teixeira questioned: β€œWhat can be more vindictive and threatening and intimidating than the threat to lock up people and that you gonna have retribution when you come in?”...... Gail Frighten Lock up


Gail Teixeira

Cain ....yuh think Gail frighten

them might Lock up 

She & Kwame in one cell





The AFC has a lot of nerves thinking that they can win a national election


even if they form a collation with another collation partners, the APNU.


Moses had a dream to become the President of Guyana.

It's only a dream.


With two Indians running for the Presidency,

blacks are being pushed into the wilderness more than ever.

Last edited by Former Member


Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The AFC has a lot of nerves thinking that they can win a national election even if they form a collation with another collation partners, the APNU.


Moses had a dream to become the President of Guyana.

It's only a dream.


With two Indians running for the Presidency,

blacks are being pushed into the wilderness more than ever.


Numero 1. The goddamn word is COALITION!

What is with every PPP/Coolie and this made up idiocy of "collation"?


Since you morons have driven enough coolies out of Guyana since 1992,


you must learn this new word since there won't be another majority win in Guyana until the douglas meet 51%.


Numero 2. Moses went from a 0.1% chance of being President

to a 50-50 chance.

That's not bad.


Numero 3.

Since when does a confirmed old Coolie racist

like you care about black people?     Since when?


Since ayuh now lose a black man to run against?


Especially a man from Corentyne, Berbice.


I pray to Allah ayuh rass cuss up the Berbicians

for supporting Nagamootoo.       I pray.


Cussbird, Get off the drugs.

The PPP will win the Presidency again.


For the douglas to become 51% of the population,

it would be people like you who are willing to hand over your wives and daughters to the negroes for their pleasure, so that you can hang out with them. 

I have seen it happened during the 28 years of PNC rule.


I wll ensure that the young generation of Indians know exactly

what will happen if the PNC comes to power again.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Cussbird, Get off the drugs.

The PPP will win the Presidency again.


For the douglas to become 51% of the population, it would be people like you who are willing to hand over your wives and daughters to the negroes for their pleasure, so that you can hang out with them.  I have seen it happened during the 28 years of PNC rule.


I wll ensure that the young generation of Indians know exactly what will happen if the PNC comes to power again.


Look at dis harkati neemakharam hey!


Look chap!   

 Either you vote for the new Coolie god Nagamootoo or

yuh pack yuh jahaji bundle and go!


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