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Former Member

Ok Folks,

This is the Christmas season and I will take Gil's advice and bury all hatchets.

Now, our friend TK peeped in GNI today and it was a welcome sign to see him back and making some interesting comments about the AFC/PNC and PPP in a very subtle manner.

We know that TK is no friend of the PPP and that is all well if agree to disagree.

I would encourage TK to provide an open and honest assessment of the current administration and his thoughts in a more precise manner be it agreeable or not.

Welcome back TK. GNI is our home away from Home.

Chief, I noticed in another post that you wished me a Merry Christmas, I would take this opportunity to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

I would also like to call upon to Kari to please return to GNI. We are a GNI family and one lil disagreement with opposing views should not keep you away from GNI.

Although I was not involved in the reasons for your departure, please let me apologize if any comments cause you any anger. Please come back back home to GNI for Christmas.

This is political and there will be disagreements but life is too short to take it personally.


Replies sorted oldest to newest sabbatical starts I will have time to goof off with you guys in the next year...but I have a book monograph to do or no promotion to full prof foh me. It will take a lot of effort to analyze the govt. Suffice to say, their performance has been mixed just like the PPP from 1992 to 2015. I actually will write some essays on Jagdeoian economic policy when I get the time because Jagdoe did some good polices and the govt can learn a thing or two from him. I feel the govt has thrown out the baby with the bathwater and it went in with the view that the business community is some kind of enemy. The PNC forces overpowered the pro-business AFC here. When you have a new govt the first thing you do (like in the first week or two) is reassure your investors and markets. They approached business sentiments based on rumors and flawed estimates of the size of the illicit underground economy (outside of tax cheating which comes from largely your professions and self-employed).The Ministry of Business is doing stuff that Goinvest could do. They are approaching most of the problems as micro problems as for example the approach at Guycuco. Then of course they inherited Guysuco which was perhaps the biggest policy failure of the Jagdeo era, but they also inherited an economy that started to structurally transform itself due to some of the approaches of Jagdeo ( was making small gains in becoming more service-based and less dankey-cart like). No matter who runs Guyana they will face global commodity shocks and other geopolitical forces.  The question is will the PPP become pragmatic? Or will it still see itself as in the Cold War?


This is too much dulaar going on here. The only time members come together as one is when family members are ill or deceased. Why only on Christmas people feel the need to big hug and kiss up like all is well? 

GNI must never become a friendly place for jelly fish. It was never meant to be. The excitement here is never to bury the hatchet. 




TK posted: sabbatical starts I will have time to goof off with you guys in the next year...but I have a book monograph to do or no promotion to full prof foh me. It will take a lot of effort to analyze the govt. Suffice to say, their performance has been mixed just like the PPP from 1992 to 2015. I actually will write some essays on Jagdeoian economic policy when I get the time because Jagdoe did some good polices and the govt can learn a thing or two from him. I feel the govt has thrown out the baby with the bathwater and it went in with the view that the business community is some kind of enemy. The PNC forces overpowered the pro-business AFC here. When you have a new govt the first thing you do (like in the first week or two) is reassure your investors and markets. They approached business sentiments based on rumors and flawed estimates of the size of the illicit underground economy (outside of tax cheating which comes from largely your professions and self-employed).The Ministry of Business is doing stuff that Goinvest could do. They are approaching most of the problems as micro problems as for example the approach at Guycuco. Then of course they inherited Guysuco which was perhaps the biggest policy failure of the Jagdeo era, but they also inherited an economy that started to structurally transform itself due to some of the approaches of Jagdeo ( was making small gains in becoming more service-based and less dankey-cart like). No matter who runs Guyana they will face global commodity shocks and other geopolitical forces.  The question is will the PPP become pragmatic? Or will it still see itself as in the Cold War?


Thank you for your analysis.

TK posted: They approached business sentiments based on rumors and flawed estimates of the size of the illicit underground economy (outside of tax cheating which comes from largely your professions and self-employed)

TK - please expand on the statement above about flawed estimates and what wrong approach was used.


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