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‘Let’s be blunt’: Russia’s stance on Syria changes G8 to G7 plus one, Harper says

Jason Fekete, Postmedia News, 13/06/17, Last Updated: 13/06/17 3:56 PM ET, Source


Stephen Harper, left, and Vladimir Putin walk separately for the official arrivals at the start of the G8 Summit

Stephen Harper, left, and Vladimir Putin walk separately for the official arrivals at the start of the G8 Summit


ENNISKILLEN, Northern Ireland — World leaders gathered in Northern Ireland for the G8 summit are girding for what Canadian officials say “won’t be an easy discussion” with Russian President Vladimir Putin over his support of an Assad regime that is warning Europe will “pay the price” if its arms Syrian rebels.


Canada and its allies around the G8 table are hoping to engage Syrian ally Russia in a conversation that can get Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime back to the table for Geneva peace talks with opposition forces, as the death toll in the two-year-old conflict surpasses 93,000.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper maintains Canada is not, “at the present time,” planning to arm the Syrian opposition — but has not ruled it out.


The United States has already announced plans to ship small arms to the rebels, with Britain and France also considering providing military aid to the opposition — something Assad vows would be a big mistake.


“If the Europeans deliver weapons, then Europe’s backyard will become terrorist, and Europe will pay the price for it,” Assad was quoted as saying in an interview with German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.


Putin criticized Western leaders on Sunday for wanting to arm Syrian rebels who eat human organs, sparking further tension among G8 leaders on how to resolve the Syrian conflict.


The Canadian government, meanwhile, announced $115-million in new humanitarian and development assistance for Syria and neighbouring countries being flooded by refugees. Canada will provide $90-million to humanitarian organizations in Syria and countries hosting refugees to help with food, clean water, shelter and health care.


Another $25-million will go to Jordan and Lebanon to support government services and infrastructure strained from the influx of refugees.


“The brutal Assad regime continues to wreak havoc on innocent Syrian civilians. Canada will continue to work with our allies to help the Syrian people,” Harper said Monday in a statement. The prime minister did not take questions Monday from Canadian reporters with him on the trip.


Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images
Peter Macdiarmid/Getty ImagesAnti-G8 protesters gather
ahead of a G8 demonstration on June 17, 2013 in Enniskillen,
Northern Ireland. The two day G8 summit, hosted by
UK Prime Minister David Cameron, is being held in Northern
Ireland for the first time. Leaders from the G8 nations have
gathered to discuss numerous topics with the situation in
Syria expected to dominate the talks.

The G8 leaders, including Harper, are hoping Putin can help get Assad to the peace table as the Syrian civil war rages on.


However, it appears the meeting of leaders from the Group of Eight countries will turn into what Harper calls the “G7 plus one,” with Russia increasingly sidelined on the Syrian conflict.


The battle around the table is raising more questions about Russia’s future role in the group and whether the G8 is facing an existential crisis. Russia hosts both the G20 summit later this year and G8 talks in 2014.


“We’ve been pretty clear with Russia throughout: stop sending arms, stop backing the wrong side of history,” a senior Canadian government official told reporters during a briefing.


“It won’t be an easy discussion,” said another official.


On Sunday, Harper attacked Putin for supporting the Assad regime, addressing in stark terms the divide between the G8 countries.


“I don’t think we should fool ourselves. This is G7 plus one. OK, let’s be blunt,” Harper said.


“We in the West have a very different perspective on this situation. Mr. Putin and his government are supporting the thugs of the Assad regime for their own reasons that I do not think are justifiable, and Mr. Putin knows my view on that. But we will not, unless there’s a big shift of position on his part, we’re not going to get a common position with him at the G8.”


But Harper faces his own challenges, specifically on trade, as the United States and European Union officially announced the start of negotiations on a free-trade deal, which could distract the EU from their prolonged talks on an overdue Canada-EU free-trade agreement.


British Prime Minister David Cameron, the summit host, is facing his own distractions, after the U.K. newspaper The Guardian reported that Britain spied on Group of 20 politicians and senior officials of other countries, including Russia and Turkey, during the 2009 G20 summit in London.


Harper’s officials offered “no comment” on the reports of the British spying.

Leaders spent the first day of the two-day G8 summit discussing the global economy during an afternoon session, followed by a working dinner on international security — specifically the escalating crisis in Syria.


However, much of the attention was also on an important bilateral meeting Monday evening between U.S. President Barack Obama and Putin, with hopes the leaders can find some common ground on helping kick-start Syrian peace talks.

‘For God’s sake — real shame’: Harper’s Guinness photo op rankled Irish politician

It might be one of Ireland’s most famous exports, but an Irish politician is far from toasting Stephen Harper after he became the latest in a slew of foreign leaders to tout her nation’s dark stout.

On Saturday, Ireland’s department of foreign affairs tweeted a photo of the prime minister, joined by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, clutching a pint of beer at the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin.

On Tuesday, all leaders will discuss counter-terrorism initiatives, hold the traditional family photo and discuss new initiatives to combat international tax evasion, before wrapping up the summit in the afternoon.


Harper arrived Monday afternoon at the Lough Erne summit site — a short drive from the picturesque town of Enniskillen, which is hosting world media — and held bilateral meetings with Italy’s Enrico Letta, Japan’s Shinzo Abe and Germany’s Angela Merkel.


The Harper government has opposed arming Syrian rebels over fears the weapons could end up in the hands of what it calls “extremist elements” fighting within the opposition.


Obama has approved shipping small arms to Syrian rebels after American officials said they have conclusive evidence Assad’s government used chemical weapons against opposition forces.


France and Britain fought to dismantle a European Union arms embargo to open the possibility of shipping weapons to rebels to ratchet up the pressure on Assad.


On Monday, Cameron said he also has concerns about the extremist elements in the opposition.


“Let’s be clear — I am as worried as anybody else about elements of the Syrian opposition who are extremists who support terrorism, who are a great danger to our world. The question is what do we do about that. My argument is that we shouldn’t accept that the only alternative to Assad is terrorism and violence,” Cameron told British media.


“What we can try and do here at the G8, is have further pressure for the peace conference, for the transition that’s needed to bring this conflict to an end.”


Cameron is hosting the meeting of leaders from the Group of Eight industrialized nations — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United States and United Kingdom.


Harper is also under enormous pressure to complete a Canada-EU free-trade agreement, especially with the United States and European Union officially announcing Monday at the G8 summit they’re launching negotiations on their own trade accord, with talks expected to start in July.


Canada and the EU are in the final stages of negotiations, but seemingly remain deadlocked on a couple of key issues, including Canadian beef access into Europe, government procurement on urban transit in Canada, and financial services and investment protection.

What we can try and do here at the G8, is have further pressure for the peace conference, for the transition that’s needed to bring this conflict to an end

Harper had initially promised negotiations would be completed by the end of 2012.


Trade observers believe it could be more difficult for Canada to complete the trade talks with the EU once it turns its attention to the U.S.

Harper will be at the G8 table with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, who seems to have already turned his attention to trade talks with the United States.


Barroso, Cameron and Obama all trumpeted Monday the importance of a U.S.-EU trade deal for the global economy.


“We’re talking about what could be the biggest bilateral trade deal in history; a deal that will have a greater impact than all the other trade deals on the table put together,” Cameron said.


“Our partnership will be a true game-changer for the global economy,” Barroso said.

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