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Originally Posted by Jimmer:

The Slave days are gone so lets All wake up and don't have no remembrance  day for Afro or no arrival day for Indo  At the start of election the PNC

started out at LFSB birthday  

Guyana is such, politically and racially, the more we dwell on the past, the more we go backwards..

How do we drop the past and progress equally for all races.


A nation which forgets its past is condemned to repeat.


Guyana is a multi cultural, multi religious, and multi ethnic society.  All those people who want to manufacture some monolithic whole thinking that this will bring about national unity, are a bunch of fools. 


People are what they are, and often enjoy the diversity.  Just go to any Guyanese party and see the multi ethnic origins of the foods that are served.  Each item tells its own story.


It is nice to express these sentiments and believe then while we are sitting in our sanitized environments abroad or away from the reality of people in Guyana. I do not believe that there was not one voter who voted in the election who did not reflect on history when he or she was making the decision. Voters very often have to face the harsh realities of practical politics and vote according.


To move forward, we have to cherish the diversity within our country, view it as strength instead of weakness. At a polit level, we need to build institutions and processes that recognize the challenges all groups face and deal with the in a good sense way so that people feel that they are part of what is happening, have a view of themselves in a positive future instead of being excluded and see no hope for themselves or their children. Economically, we need to address the growing economic inequality in our society,,,,

Originally Posted by Zed:

To move forward, we have to cherish the diversity within our country, view it as strength instead of weakness. At a polit level, we need to build institutions and processes that recognize the challenges all groups face and deal with the in a good sense way so that people feel that they are part of what is happening, have a view of themselves in a positive future instead of being excluded and see no hope for themselves or their children. Economically, we need to address the growing economic inequality in our society,,,,

No problem with that.


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