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Two proposed locations for new Demerara Harbour BridgePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Mark Bradford
Sunday, 10 March 2013 22:23

TWO proposed locations for a new Demerara Harbour Bridge are currently under consideration.



An artist’s conception of a new Demerara Harbour Bridge

The locations being explored are from Versailles on the West Bank Demerara to Houston on the East Bank Demerara and Good Hope on the East Bank of Demerara and Patentia on the West Bank of Demerara.
Design and location of a new Demerara Harbour Bridge were proposed during presentation last month at the third Engineering Conference hosted by the Ministry of Public Works held at the international Conference Centre, Liliendaal on the Maintenance and Traffic Management Challenges and a New Demerara Harbour Bridge.
At this conference the proposed new Demerara

Harbour Bridge was presented and indicated clearly the options and cost with revenue returns on the project by General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation, Mr. Rawlston Adams.


Optional locations of the new Demerara Harbour Bridge

Adams’s presentation outlined that the structural requirements will be reinforced concrete and with a four-lane vehicular path of 20 metres wide.

It was also proposed that the bridge would have a navigation clearance of 100 metres wide with navigational aids, an air draft of 50 metres, adequate marine collision protection at navigating channels and an estimated length of 2,250 metres.
He explained that this structure would see a proposed option in location where two positions are being considered.

The access roads would see a cost of US$6 M with the bridge structure at a cost of US$225M, and the access road at a total length of three kilometres at a total cost of US$231M.
The bridge is estimated to see an annual revenue using existing traffic only at a pessimistic US$ 57.8M which represents 100% of the Berbice Bridge toll or an optimistic revenue of US$28.9, a representation of 50% of the Berbice Bridge toll or a most likely situation of US$14.45M a representation of 25% of the Berbice Bridge toll.

Financing for the proposed project is being looked at in two areas: a public/private partnership operation similar to the Berbice Bridge construction or the second option in the China EXIM Bank agreement.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Two proposed locations for new Demerara Harbour BridgePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Mark Bradford
Sunday, 10 March 2013 22:23

TWO proposed locations for a new Demerara Harbour Bridge are currently under consideration.



An artist’s conception of a new Demerara Harbour Bridge


De artist musi live ah farin. or he bin ah wear wan blue kulla sunshade. 

Them sapsuckers are crying Chinese when Guyana can only afford Chinese skilled labor at this time. There is a shortage of skilled Guyanese because they are all taken up with other technical work assignment. Same goes for Marriott, CBJI and the DHB when commence.                                                                        


I ask two dozens laid back Guyanese who are out of work if they get the skills to build a bridge and they said they're too busy drinking white ball with them retirement money (the monthly remittance). Guyana don't need another liability on any major project.


Would the water of the Demerara becomes blue after the bridge is constructed?




Our country is moving forward despite all what the opposition does. The gov't can now go into elections and win comfortably. The AFC has squandered the little political capital it had. The PNC has no chance of winning.  The real time for change will happen at the next election and ship jumpers like TK will be on life jacket waiting to be rescued.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Guyana is indeed on the rise, the per capita has been greatly increased, thus the working population has a larger spending power, on the macro- level, billions are spent on the social sectors, thus improving the standard of living of the masses

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

What's good for Guyana is a nightmare for the opposition.

Seems to be the case.

It IS certainly the case.!!!

On the right track, Nehru.

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Two proposed locations for new Demerara Harbour BridgePDFPrintE-mail
Written by Mark Bradford
Sunday, 10 March 2013 22:23

TWO proposed locations for a new Demerara Harbour Bridge are currently under consideration.



An artist’s conception of a new Demerara Harbour Bridge


De artist musi live ah farin. or he bin ah wear wan blue kulla sunshade. 

Idiot, Ramotar is responsible for they dutty color water. Satisfy?   


somebody is hoping to get all these loans right off or else guyana will be a part of china it will be fun to see the same people on this site that curse blacks and indians joining together to curse the chinese


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