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Do you know we have a lazy generation of Guyanese presently in Guyana from 20 years ago? For those of us who migrated 20 or more years, two to three generation replaced most of the 750,000 population that settled abroad. That's all good, but this is one of the laziest generation of people I have ever come to know. 


The good book taught us to teach a man to fish and he will have enough fish to eat and provide for his family. Today generation head is so hard that all they know about is the almighty dollars. I said to them that is the root of all evil, and they said they worship evil. 


Can someone please tell me if this is good or bad because I am about to burst a blood pipe.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Raymond, when you find a scientific name for Douglas, please let me know. Douglas are a breed of children from two different races, and their children will be more confusing yet. Douglas don't even have a culture. They need to learn 101 in human pollination to grow food. They're making Guyana look bad from being lazy and laid back.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Do you know we have a lazy generation of Guyanese presently in Guyana from 20 years ago? For those of us who migrated 20 or more years, two to three generation replaced most of the 750,000 population that settled abroad. That's all good, but this is one of the laziest generation of people I have ever come to know. 


The good book taught us to teach a man to fish and he will have enough fish to eat and provide for his family. Today generation head is so hard that all they know about is the almighty dollars. I said to them that is the root of all evil, and they said they worship evil. 


Can someone please tell me if this is good or bad because I am about to burst a blood pipe.

Name the good book that taught us to teach man to fish. You're mixing up chinese proverbs with scriptures.

If you want to see change happen, be a part of it.

Go ahead, burst that blood pipe.


There are still many Guyanese who are ambitious and hardworking. We should not be so bold to declare all of them lazy. This is unfair to those who still possess the old work ethic of toiling and laboring to bring home the bread. I see Blacks and Indians in markets of G/town selling vegetables,fishes, and others things from early in the morning to late in the evenings. It's struggle that I don't wish to find myself in. There maybe a higher per centage of lazy people today, but don't lose sight of the fact that many still work hard to meet their mortgage payment on those newly built homes.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Raymond, when you find a scientific name for Douglas, please let me know. Douglas are a breed of children from two different races, and their children will be more confusing yet. Douglas don't even have a culture. They need to learn 101 in human pollination to grow food. They're making Guyana look bad from being lazy and laid back.

It is amazing that one so profoundly ignorant of the conclusions of science on the nature of "race" would appeal to it to validate his nonsense. There is no grounding in science for the term "race". 


Further, that ignorance extends to  sociology as you are hapless as to  a base line definition of culture. All of us exist in a culture. It the only means where we by we can truly have a definition of a human being as a social animal. Social organization demands a culture


This brings us full circle; ignorance begets ignorance. If only you would take the time to update your basic understanding of these two terms it may help to divest yourself of the stupid racist notions that humans have hierarchies in intellectual competence based on phenotype.


The history of  our ancestors in India enduring the cruel caste system that limited them socially for many millenniums ( and still continuing) ought to be a lesson to you...if only you are receptive  to life's cruel lessons about stereotypes.


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