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Letter to the Sports Editor… The Berbice Cricket Board must continue to function without court actions

Oct 17, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...thout-court-actions/

Dear Sports Editor,

I noticed two interesting letters published on 13/10/2017 in Stabroek News and Kaieteur News that appears quite similar in writing style indicating they were possibly written by the same person.
One writer was Mr. Mortimer George claiming this is the first time he is seeing such occurrence, no pun intended as he is visually impaired. Is he aware that after the Hon. Judge issued his order that elections of the BCB must be held some interesting things started to happen. Some four new clubs were formed weeks before the election, surely they cannot be granted voting rights overnight. Anyway, I was told that George was not at the meeting so his first person rendition can be garbaged.
Most importantly one candidate who received a lot of endorsements walked with his own returning officer, Mr. Colin Bynoe, Senior, the very person that performed that role in 2014 and allowed non- members to vote, resulting in another court action. We are all aware that this candidate never announced that he was running neither was he a delegate to the meeting. I don’t think every candidate can walk with their own Returning Officer. I was reliably informed that 18 of a possible 24 delegates presented a resolution to the meeting nominating Mr. Drubahadur to perform the functions as Returning Officer. It is also reported that he did a fantastic job amid the attempts to disrupt the meeting.
One daily newspaper actually carried an article listing club delegates and eligible clubs in a release purportedly issued by the “Stakeholders”. Who are these people hiding behind that name and what stake do they have in Berbice cricket?
In Berbice a lot of the clubs were complaining about being harassed and requests were made for their rubber stamps and letter heads. Clubs supporting Mr. Somwaru were being harassed to stay away and complained about being bullied. I was sitting quietly at a GCB Franchise Cricket match at the Cumberland ground and overheard these negative tactics being discussed by the opponents of Mr. Somwaru.
The Court ordered the elections and appointed the BCB former first Vice President, Mr. Somwaru, to conduct same in accordance with the BCB’s Constitution. Mr. Somwaru was mandated to comply by that order and stuck strictly with the constitution. The BCB should be allowed to function as per its mandate from the legitimate membership. The non-cricket playing, non-paying and phantom clubs must stop wasting the court’s time.
Somwaru and his Executives must move forward and include all willing participants in the process.
Thank You,
Stakeholder of Berbice Cricket

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