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LGE 2016: PPP/C claims it has won over 60% of the votes cast

March 19, 2016 6:36 pm Category: latest news, Local News, Politics A+ /A-

The Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has claimed that it has won over 60% of the votes cast in the seventy (70) Local Authority Areas (LAA) which the party contested. In a press statement issued moments ago, the PPP/C said “we are on the way to reclaiming our country, saving it from ruin and destruction by the hands of those who have demonstrated their only interest in government is to be revengeful, spiteful and discriminatory”. It must noted that GECOM has not yet made any official declaration of the 2016 LGE Results.  

pppHere is the full statement issued by the PPP/C:   

The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) wishes to thank its supporters for coming out in their numbers to vote solidly in favour of the PPP/C at the just-concluded Local Government Elections (LGE). Thousands of members and volunteers demonstrated their commitment and courage to take our country out of the hands of the oppressive APNU/AFC regime, through their long and tireless hours of work: door-to-door campaigns, educating communities on the PPP/C’s vision for development, among other commendable activities.  As a result of this overwhelming electoral support, the PPP/C emerged victorious with over 60% of the votes cast in the seventy (70) Local Authority Areas (LAA) which the party contested.

So impressive was the victory that the party won the majority of votes in some Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs) where traditionally it had limited or no support. And this was in spite of the threats and intimidatory tactics used by APNU/AFC government towards residents at Bartica and elsewhere, as well as the obnoxious abuse of State resources by the government and vote-buying handouts from the Ministry of Social Cohesion at Bartica, Mabaruma and Lethem.

The Party wishes to notify of its intention to raise these abuses of State resources by the APNU+AFC in the National Assembly and to call for a full- scale investigation into the matter. Further, the party calls on the International Community to take note of this troublesome development which clearly undermines and erodes confidence in the electoral process in Guyana.

The impressive victories scored by the PPP/C clearly vindicates its long held view that the Party was always prepared to contest Local Government Elections and could never be held responsible for delaying these elections. The party reiterates that all the delays for the holding of Local Government Elections were due to the persistent street demonstrations, legal and other challenges raised by those who used every possible means to throw up obstacles on the path for Local Government Elections. The Opposition Leader pointed to the Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform between the then governing PPP/C and the Opposition PNC which deliberated for 8-years with little success. That Committee was eventually disbanded by former President Jagdeo who had opted to unilaterally table the Local Government Bills but the PNC Leader Robert Corbin had indicated his party was unwilling to support four pieces of those legislation.

As a Party we will continue to work hard to improve people’s lives and to prevent democracy from sliding backward. We are on the way to reclaiming our country, saving it from ruin and destruction by the hands of those who have demonstrated their only interest in government is to be revengeful, spiteful and discriminatory.  

The PPP/C is impressed by the generosity, unity and solidarity of its supporters, members and volunteers as they collectively embrace the democratic process and delivering victory to the Party. Without every single one of you, the dream for a better Guyana would be impossible.  

The PPP/C, as the official results become known, will be elaborating further.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Licks like peas. The PPP never lost an election including general elections in 2015. Ow bai Freddie - you can cry and bawl, and deny your ethnicity yet again. As for Dumbger, Dumbmootoo, Dumbjattan et al - them just pull them tail between them legs run a koker dam and halla.



When the final results are eventually published, it will be seen that the PPP/C will gain the most votes in the large majority of the contested areas.

Of course it is know, since in 1957, that the PNC do gain the majority of votes in MacKenzie and Georgetown areas.

yuji22 posted:

60 Percent of Voters rejected the clueless, dunces and very slow coconut heads AFC/PNC.

Of course no one showed up to vote. So what are your screams about? Granger is still president.

People were voting for LOCAL representatives, so why is the PPP screaming, as if this had anything to do with the national. In 2011 the majority of Guyanese voted AGAINST the PPP, and they did so again,this time in a coalition.

Now did the PPP help to strengthen local governance in Guyana, where is to sorely needed, given the sordid situation of many of the local communities where garbage disposal, and drainage remain a problem.  NO!

When mosquitos drown some village in Berbice, in a community WHICH the PPP WON, they will still blame Granger, when in actuality it should be the leadership in those communities who should be devising solutions to the problem.


Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:

When the final results are eventually published, it will be seen that the PPP/C will gain the most votes in the large majority of the contested areas.


Unless you are about to tell us that they won in some community that they didn't win in 1994, its really a huge yawn.  Nothing to report, as clearly most areas are rural and most rural areas are predominantly Indian.

randolph posted:

Licks like peas. The PPP never lost an election including general elections in 2015. Ow bai Freddie - you can cry and bawl, and deny your ethnicity yet again. As for Dumbger, Dumbmootoo, Dumbjattan et al - them just pull them tail between them legs run a koker dam and halla.


What an idiot!!! No wonder the PPP is in the opposition. People did not turn out to vote. You cannot equate it to a national election. Anyway, I won't spoil your fun. I know you all in mourning. Suffice to say democracy is alive. The coalition held LGE something the PPP was incapable of doing.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Tola posted:

For 23 years the PPP did not want LGE, but now they say they have a victory. Good thing God is forgiving. 

Aint dat something banna?

I was going to add 'Good ting....wid a Cain slogan'.


PPPC claims big Local Govt elections victory; to take alleged abuse of State resources to House


Ten months after losing general elections by a slim margin, Guyana’s main opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) on Saturday claimed a significant victory in Local Government Elections held a day earlier.

“As a result of this overwhelming electoral support, the PPP/C emerged victorious with over 60% of the votes cast in the seventy (70) Local Authority Areas (LAA) which the party contested,” the PPPC said in a statement.

The PPPC said it won the majority of votes in some Neighbourhood Democratic Councils where “traditionally it had limited or no support.”  GECOM sources said in relation to towns, the PPPC has won Anna Regina, Rose Hall and Corriverton with five of the remaining six going to coalition of A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change.

Claiming that the governing APNU+AFC not only allegedly intimidated voters in Bartica and elsewhere but also abused state resources through the Ministry of Social Cohesion at the new towns of Bartica, Mabaruma and Lethem, the PPPC announced plans to take the issue to the 65-seat National Assembly. “The Party wishes to notify of its intention to raise these abuses of State resources by the APNU+AFC in the National Assembly and to call for a full- scale investigation into the matter.”

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, in a separate statement, vowed that his party would work tirelessly to improve the conditions of supporters who voted solidly. “Now that the Local Government Elections are over, the PPP/C will ensure that the communities, where we won a majority, are served in a manner that is responsive to their concerns and professional, without distinction for their race, political affiliation or religion,” he said.

The party, which is now in the opposition for the first time in 23 years, credited its victory to the determination by its supporters to oust the governing APNU+AFC coalition office, long and tireless hours of work: door-to-door campaigns, and educating communities on the PPP/C vision for development, among other commendable activities.

“The latest numbers indicate a massive victory for the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) at the Local Government Elections and I would like to thank all of our supporters and the hundreds of volunteers and other persons who have helped us with the campaign,” Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo said in his statement.

The PPPC called on the International Community to pay attention to the alleged abuse of state resources for electioneering purposes. “The party calls on the International Community to take note of this troublesome development which clearly undermines and erodes confidence in the electoral process in Guyana,” the PPPC said.

The American, British and Canadian diplomats here have given the Local Government Elections a clean bill of health. “We wish to reiterate our strong and considered opinion that the voting and counting processes in the Guyanese local government elections were free, fair, and credible. Our diplomatic observer teams, consisting of some ninety observers spread throughout nine regions, found nothing to question the integrity or credibility of the voting process,” the diplomats who observed the polls said in a joint statement.


PPP claims landslide victory at historic LGE polls

The Opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is set to achieve a landslide victory at the recently concluded

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

historic Local Government Elections (LGE) which were held on March 18.
LGE 2016 came on the heels of one of the country’s most overwrought General and Regional Elections in 2015, which produced results that are currently being contested by the PPP/C – the Party strongly believes it was cheated out of Government after 23 years by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) whom it alleged conspired to rig the election.
LGE 2016 also comes after 22 years, with the current Government taking much pride in being able to bring back local democracy to the general populace.
Based on unofficial preliminary results obtained from various polling stations across the country, Guyanese have outright rejected the APNU/AFC Government.
According to the figures, the PPP/C secured a total of 747 of the overall 1166 available seats, a percentage of 64.1, whereas the APNU/AFC only received 374.
In Region One (Barima-Waini), the PPP/C won 13 seats, whereas the APNU/AFC won 11.
In the Mabaruma municipality, both the PPP/C and APNU/AFC won six seats each and as a result, there is likely to be a by-election in three months to break the tie. In the Matthew’s Ridge/Port Kaituma Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), the PPP/C won seven seats, whereas the APNU/AFC won five.
In Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), the PPP/C won 86 of 106 available seats; with APNU/AFC gaining 20.
The breakdown shows that in the NDC of Aurora/Good Hope – the PPP/C won 17, whereas APNU/AFC won one; NDC of Riverston/ Annadale – the PPP/C won 16, whereas the APNU/AFC won two; the NDC of Aberdeen/Zorg-en-Vlyght – the PPP/C won 11, whereas APNU/AFC won seven; NDC of Evergreen/Paradise – the PPP/C won 10, whereas APNU/AFC won eight; NDC of Charity/Urasara – the PPP/C won 15, whereas APNU/AFC won three; and in the Anna Regina municipality – PPP/C won 14, whereas APNU/AFC won two.
In Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), the PPP/C won 182 seats, while APNU/AFC receiving 66.
In Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), Georgetown municipality, the APNU/AFC won 25 seats, the PPP/C won two, Team Legacy won two and Team Benschop secured one.
However, it was a big win for the PPP/C along the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) and the East Coast of Demerara (ECD), Region Four. The PPP/C won 57 of 102 seats along the EBD and 100 of 156 seats along the ECD.
In Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice), 79 seats went to the PPP/C as opposed to 69 seats secured by the APNU/AFC.
In Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), the PPP/C received 224 seats, whereas APNU/AFC won only 72.
In Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), the APNU/AFC secured 14 seats and the PPP/C secured three seats.
In Region Nine (Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo), the PPP/C copped three seats and the APNU/AFC received seven.
In Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice), the APNU/AFC won all 21 seats.

Jagdeo reclaiming Guyana
The LGE was held in 71 Local Authority Areas which includes 62 NDCs and nine municipalities. Some 507,633 persons were registered to vote and according to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), only 38-39 per cent of eligible voters actually participated.
Already forecasting a massive win, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo issued a statement on Saturday evening assuring the Party’s supporters that it is now one step closer to reclaiming the country.
“As a Party we will continue to work hard to improve people’s lives and to prevent democracy from sliding backward. We are on the way to reclaiming our country, saving it from ruin and destruction by the hands of those who have demonstrated their only interest in Government is to be revengeful, spiteful and discriminatory,” the former President expressed.
He noted that the impressive victories scored by his Party are a clear indication that the PPP/C was always prepared to contest LGE and could never be held responsible for its delay.
“The Party reiterates that all the delays for the holding of Local Government Elections were due to the persistent street demonstrations, legal and other challenges raised by those who used every possible means to throw up obstacles on the path for Local Government Elections,” he stated.
According to the statement, there was a Joint Task Force on Local Government Reform between the then governing PPP/C and the Opposition People’s National Congress (PNC) which deliberated for eight years with little success. That Committee was eventually disbanded by former President Jagdeo who opted to unilaterally table the Local Government Bills but then PNC Leader Robert Corbin had indicated his party’s unwillingness to support four pieces of the legislations.
Meanwhile, Jagdeo noted that the PPP/C managed to win big despite of “the threats and intimidatory tactics used by APNU/AFC Government towards residents at Bartica and elsewhere, as well as the obnoxious abuse of State resources by the Government and vote-buying handouts from the Ministry of Social Cohesion at Bartica, Mabaruma and Lethem.”
In that regard, the Opposition Leader expressed his gratitude to all supporters in the LGE.
“The PPP/C is impressed by the generosity, unity and solidarity of its supporters, members and volunteers as they collectively embrace the democratic process and delivering victory to the Party. Without every single one of you, the dream for a better Guyana would be impossible,” the statement read.


In the Mabaruma municipality, both the PPP/C and APNU/AFC won six seats each and as a result, there is likely to be a by-election in three months to break the tie. In the Matthew’s Ridge/Port Kaituma Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), the PPP/C won seven seats, whereas the APNU/AFC won five.


Aurora/Good Hope – the PPP/C won 17, whereas APNU/AFC won one; NDC of Riverston/ Annadale – the PPP/C won 16, whereas the APNU/AFC won two; the NDC of Aberdeen/Zorg-en-Vlyght – the PPP/C won 11, whereas APNU/AFC won seven; NDC of Evergreen/Paradise – the PPP/C won 10, whereas APNU/AFC won eight; NDC of Charity/Urasara – the PPP/C won 15, whereas APNU/AFC won three; and in the Anna Regina municipality – PPP/C won 14, whereas APNU/AFC won two.


In Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica), Georgetown municipality, the APNU/AFC won 25 seats, the PPP/C won two, Team Legacy won two and Team Benschop secured one.
However, it was a big win for the PPP/C along the East Bank of Demerara (EBD) and the East Coast of Demerara (ECD), Region Four. The PPP/C won 57 of 102 seats along the EBD and 100 of 156 seats along the ECD.


In Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice), 79 seats went to the PPP/C as opposed to 69 seats secured by the APNU/AFC.
In Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), the PPP/C received 224 seats, whereas APNU/AFC won only 72.


In Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), the APNU/AFC secured 14 seats and the PPP/C secured three seats.
In Region Nine (Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo), the PPP/C copped three seats and the APNU/AFC received seven.


In Region Nine (Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo), the PPP/C copped three seats and the APNU/AFC received seven.
In Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice), the APNU/AFC won all 21 seats.


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