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LGE: Bartica winners plan to fix water, electricity problems

By Svetlana Marshall, March 20, 2016,

NOW that the proverbial dust has settled, the elected leaders of Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), who would soon be sworn into office at the level of the Bartica Mayor and City Council, say they are ready to serve.

APNU+AFC candidates and supporters celebrating their big win in the Local Government Elections in Bartica at the coalition’s Seventh Avenue Office, upon hearing the preliminary results on Friday nightAPNU+AFC candidates and supporters celebrating their big win in the Local Government Elections in Bartica at the coalition’s Seventh Avenue Office, upon hearing the preliminary results on Friday night

The APNU+AFC candidate Pastor Lennox Lyte-Rankin, who won Constituency Three in the First-Past-The-Post Component of the just concluded Local Government Elections, said Bartica had been neglected for an extensive period, but the wrongs committed against the emerging town will be corrected.

Pastor Lyte-Rankin explained that a determined effort will be made to address key issues affecting Bartica, such as the lack of street lights, potable water, the unreliable supply of electricity, and the need to have an effective waste disposal system in place.

Though it would not be an easy task, the APNU+AFC candidate acknowledged, he is optimistic that Bartica will be transformed into a Green Town, and that pride of the people in their community will be restored.

“Bartica is free, and free at last. Local Government democracy has returned,” said Edward Persaud, who ran as a candidate for the coalition.

He told Guyana Chronicle that Bartica will be transformed into a Green Town, in keeping with President David Granger’s vision.

“The truth of the matter is (that) the work of the council will be a fulfillment of our President’s green plan that he has for Bartica,” Persaud posited.

Another APNU+AFC candidate, Kenneth Williams, said that, if granted the opportunity to serve the people of Bartica at the level of the council, he would channel his energies towards the development of recreational facilities, thereby creating safe spaces for children, teenagers, and even adults.

Another of Williams’s areas of interest is education. He pointed to the need for more resource centres in Bartica.

The APNU+AFC won 14 of the 18 seats which were up for grabs in Bartica. The coalition, also known as Team Integrity in Bartica, won all of the constituencies with the exception of Constituency Nine.

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) won 11 seats, while the Bartica Independence Green Alliance (BIGA) won a single seat. It was the PPP/C Sonia Simone who won the support of the people of Agatash, St. Mary’s and Dog Point in Constituency Nine. However, the party has not yet identified the two candidates who will occupy the other seats at the level of the council, according to one of its representatives, Stephen Belle.

Like the PPP/C, BIGA has not identified its candidate who will serve on the Council. However, BIGA Chief Candidate Holbert Knights told Guyana Chronicle on Saturday that the alliance is big on waste management.

He said BIGA, through its elected councillor, would be advocating for a comprehensive waste management programme to be put in place, with significant emphasis on education, disposal techniques, and care for the environment.

Importantly, Knights said, the by-laws of the town must be enforced.
In addition to waste disposal management, focus should be placed on the rehabilitation of roads, clearing of parapets and drains, and the creation of safe spaces.

APNU+AFC Campaign Manager Fredrick Mc Wilfred told this newspaper that he was pleased that Bartica delivered in the end. It was explained that the coalition campaigned in keeping with President David Granger’s vision.

“This team is about realizing President David Granger’s vision. We did not (have) a written manifesto, we said to the people we want to be the link between you, the President and his vision; and so this was the main message,” he explained.

Mc Wilfred said this is the first time in the history of Bartica that many religious leaders have come into public life.

“I think it is largely due to the fact that they have high regards and respect for President Granger and his message of social cohesion, peace, justice and transparency,” the Campaign Manager said, while pointing out that the coalition has five pastors who have been elected into council as constituency representatives.

He said this win is a gift to President Granger, who would have demonstrated a great love for the people of Bartica and has a vision to transform Bartica into the country’s first Green Town.

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