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Time for capital towns; self-financed, business-oriented municipalities- Granger

Five days after Guyana’s first Local Government Elections in more than 20 years, Guyana’s President David Granger on Thursday announced plans to promote the creation of capital towns in interior regions and he called for all municipalities to generate their own funds and become self-sustainable.

“Municipalities must be capable of weaning themselves off of government subvention and earn their keep. They must generate their own resources, financing and raise revenues to finance their development,” he said.

Addressing the 126th Annual General Meeting of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) held at the Pegasus Hotel, the Guyanese leader said Mabaruma must become the capital of Region One (Barima-Waini), Bartica the capital of Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), Lethem the capital of Region Nine (Upper Takatu-Upper Essequibo) and eventually Mahdia the capital of Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni) when it is declared a town later this year.

Granger further recommended that municipalities begin operating as corporate entities to earn sustainable revenues and profits. “Municipalities must function like corporations. This corporate status will allow them greater autonomy and financial independence. It will expand their revenue base and allow them ti invest their surplus revenue prudently,” he said.

Secretary of the GCCI, Nicholas Deygoo welcomed President Granger’s ideas. “It really would be good to see the takeoff and the development of the local areas so that at least basic transactions with the (Guyana) Revenue Authority or any other government agency can be done,” he said.

The President expects that towns will eventually be able to finance their own infrastructure including the construction of aerodromes, bridges, wharves and sport facilities. He hopes that a corporate approach to town management would help them to partner with businesses in the processing of agriculture produce for local and international markets.

Arguing that the LGE, which were held on March 19, 2016, were an “opportunity for economic change,” he said the creation of regional capital towns would help stimulate innovation, investment and infrastructural development as well as reduce the cost of doing business, some of which is currently done in other regions. “Capital towns, therefore, have an important role to play in the development of our regions by encouraging growth,” he said. He reasoned that public infrastructure would reduce transportation cost, improve market access, increase competitiveness of production and stimulate output.  In the area of investment, he expects that this factor will spur new industries and aid in economic growth, create non-agriculture jobs such as banking, shipping, telecommunications, micro-financing and stimulate manufacturing at industrial estates. The President hopes that Information Communications Technology will help playing field between towns and rural areas.

The President said the time has come for a capital town mindset in which towns must move beyond traditional municipal services and also promote business, drive economic development and give leadership to Guyana’s regions. “Guyana will develop only if its regions are strong. Our regions must no longer be viewed as mere administrative appendages if central government. Our regions must become motors of economic growth,” he said.

Granger hopes that town councils will pay attention to the education of children by ensuring that they attend and remain in school.

The President also reiterated the need for Guyana’s towns to explore ways of using renewable energy, the recycling of waste, the adoption of economically sound practices, the reduction of pollution and help relieve unemployment and poverty.

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DAG said before the  LGE elections  that only those elected officials with connections to the central government will receive services and help if their communities elect APNU/AFC representatives. Yet he reminds people that he is President of all Guyana. The PPP reps have every right to boycott him.

randolph posted:

DAG said before the  LGE elections  that only those elected officials with connections to the central government will receive services and help if their communities elect APNU/AFC representatives. Yet he reminds people that he is President of all Guyana. The PPP reps have every right to boycott him.

he single gold teeth flashing . . . watch antiman hore lie here on GNI

Last edited by Former Member
randolph posted:

.The PPP reps have every right to boycott him.

Good, so there will be more revenues for PNC communities. Bye bye!  You think folks will care if the PPP boycotts!


Here's  your answer.

PNU+AFC intensifies push for local gov’t domination


As the days remaining before Guyana hosts Local Government Polls, President David Granger has reaffirmed the APNU+AFC Coalition’s push for control of both central and local government authorities.

Backed by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, the duo delivered a resounding call for persons to cast their ballots in favour of the coalition’s candidates in the upcoming elections.

Addressing a sizeable crowd at the Linden bus park on Monday afternoon, the President declared that the electors must finish what they started and put local governance in the hands of APNU+AFC candidates.

In the bid to endorse over one dozen APNU+AFC candidates vying for posts in the Linden municipality, the President said that the electorate should not vote for persons without any linkages.

Rather,the ballot should be marked in favour of those candidates that would have connections within the current APNU+AFC administration.

He pointed out that some independent candidates can vie for posts on their own, which is entirely their choice.

“Some people want to ride off into the sunset by themselves well leh them guh,” the President stated adding “When they come to you, ask them who will support you, where’s the structure, where the institution, can you speak to the minister of communities if I want a house, can you speak to the minister of public infrastructure if I want to fix my roads? If you say ‘no,’ then me nah vote fuh you. I’m voting for people who are well-connected.”

In his charge, the President was clear that the APNU+AFC was seeking to dominate governance structures in the region and other parts of the country as far as possible.

“I want you to know that we have to work together. The municipality with the region and the region with central government and this is the best part of the country to happen because you have a region under APNU+AFC control, you have a central government under APNU+AFC control. Now finish the circle on Friday and put the municipality under APNU+AFC control,” Granger stated.

Prime Minister Nagamootoo for his part stated that LGE will be a “referendum” for the government by the electorate as a form of test as to how the government has performed during its 10 months in office thus far.

Political tsars have expressed mixed view on the government’s performance with one major point of criticism bring the decision to increase ministerial remuneration packages.

“This is about expressing your confidence in the decision you made last year, ten months ago, that the people you put into central government have shown you the light, have shown you the example that it is worth giving the power to others under the banner of the APNU+AFC in your local communities,” said the Prime Minister.

He said too that voting for the APNU+AFC candidates will ensure succession along Party lines since it gives the young leaders some amount of “apprenticeship.”

“You may say we win this already, the coalition is on top but this not only about the election. This is about sending a message to Guyana and the rest of the world that you have voted confidence in the leaders that you elect. This is a referendum on our government and you go there and you vote for the APNU+AFC,” said Nagamootoo.

caribny posted:
randolph posted:

.The PPP reps have every right to boycott him.

Good, so there will be more revenues for PNC communities. Bye bye!  You think folks will care if the PPP boycotts!

DAG cares - he won't stop whining about how the PPP Regional Chairman for Region 5 boycott his BBB presentation.

randolph posted:

Here's  your answer.

PNU+AFC intensifies push for local gov’t domination



And wasn't Jagdeo screaming to be anointed as the "Emperor of the East Indians", as he attempted to "consolidate the East Indian vote".

At least APNU AFC was aiming to win the support of GUYANESE, without regard to RACE!

One day the PPP will learn that the days when one can campaign on race has gone, as no racial group now accounts for more than 45% of the votes!  In addition no party is going to win 100% support from an ethnic group.

Maybe Jagdeo contemplates partition, so that he can crown himself "Emperor of the Coolie people".

randolph posted:
caribny posted:
randolph posted:

.The PPP reps have every right to boycott him.

Good, so there will be more revenues for PNC communities. Bye bye!  You think folks will care if the PPP boycotts!

DAG cares - he won't stop whining about how the PPP Regional Chairman for Region 5 boycott his BBB presentation.

DAG is only pretending to care.   He knows that if he doesn't you all will run to the UN and scream that Indians are being slaughtered in the streets and that Guyana is like Syria.

randolph posted:

Here's  your answer.

“Some people want to ride off into the sunset by themselves well leh them guh,” the President stated adding “When they come to you, ask them who will support you, where’s the structure, where the institution, can you speak to the minister of communities if I want a house, can you speak to the minister of public infrastructure if I want to fix my roads? If you say ‘no,’ then me nah vote fuh you. I’m voting for people who are well-connected.”

granger in a stupid, very un-presidential presentation (party leader campaign mode) opened the door to the kind of gross "interpretation" u deposited prior

i take back the "lie" part



redux posted:
randolph posted:

Here's  your answer.

“Some people want to ride off into the sunset by themselves well leh them guh,” the President stated adding “When they come to you, ask them who will support you, where’s the structure, where the institution, can you speak to the minister of communities if I want a house, can you speak to the minister of public infrastructure if I want to fix my roads? If you say ‘no,’ then me nah vote fuh you. I’m voting for people who are well-connected.”

granger in a stupid, very un-presidential presentation (party leader campaign mode) opened the door to the kind of gross "interpretation" u deposited prior

i take back the "lie" part

At least yuh 'man up'


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