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Probably have to do with a few factors:

1. PNC thiefman killing you in the middle of the night.

2. Exposure to fertilizers  and other chemicals that would adversely affect health from agriculture and mining.

3. Starvation under the PnC, if you notice between 1992 and 2014 life expectancy went from 63 to 66.

4. Malaria deaths

5. Lack of access to proper medicine and medical treatment. 


Drugb posted:

Probably have to do with a few factors:

1. PNC thiefman killing you in the middle of the night.


1. The average Guyanese is about 25 years old so if they are unhealthy its the PPP which is to blame.

2. Jamaica and Trinidad have homicide rates higher than in Guyana.

3. Under the PPP suicide rates were the highest in the world, and this in PPP hard core regions (Black Bush Polder and the rest of Region 6).

I suggest that you ask the PPP why it was so cruel.


And druggie you really ought to be ashamed to boast about a mere 3 years increase in life expectancy, given that medical knowledge has advanced in the 23 years that the PPP was in office. 

Islands like Barbados, Dominica, Antigua and St Kitts have infant mortality rates almost at first world standards.  Guyana lags way behind, tumbling even behind the DR which had much higher rates even in the mid 80s during the worst of the PNC days.

So why did the PPP fail to reduce infant mortality rates to the degree that other Caribbean nations did?

caribny posted:

And druggie you really ought to be ashamed to boast about a mere 3 years increase in life expectancy, given that medical knowledge has advanced in the 23 years that the PPP was in office. 

Islands like Barbados, Dominica, Antigua and St Kitts have infant mortality rates almost at first world standards.  Guyana lags way behind, tumbling even behind the DR which had much higher rates even in the mid 80s during the worst of the PNC days.

So why did the PPP fail to reduce infant mortality rates to the degree that other Caribbean nations did?

As always, the finger will invariably point back to the PNC. The bulk of the nurses and medical staff at the hospitals are black PNC operatives with nasty bedside manners. This more than likely contributed to higher mortality rates. When a pnc operative sees a suffering child and just ignores them, the level of care is adversely affected. Have you ever been to any hospitals in Guyana and see how these nurses and orderlies treat people, especially if they are Indian?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Probably have to do with a few factors:

1. PNC thiefman killing you in the middle of the night.


1. The average Guyanese is about 25 years old so if they are unhealthy its the PPP which is to blame.

2. Jamaica and Trinidad have homicide rates higher than in Guyana.

3. Under the PPP suicide rates were the highest in the world, and this in PPP hard core regions (Black Bush Polder and the rest of Region 6).

I suggest that you ask the PPP why it was so cruel.

Indeed the suicide among the young will skew the statistics, but it is the hard life under the PNC that is to blame. 

Drugb posted:

As always, the finger will invariably point back to the PNC. The bulk of the nurses and medical staff at the hospitals are black PNC operatives with nasty bedside manners. ?

And yet these same nurses are much valued in islands like Barbados and Antigua which have extremely LOW infant mortality rates.

23 years of PPP rule and Guyana still is at the bottom of the pack. Only Haiti is below.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

As always, the finger will invariably point back to the PNC. The bulk of the nurses and medical staff at the hospitals are black PNC operatives with nasty bedside manners. ?

And yet these same nurses are much valued in islands like Barbados and Antigua which have extremely LOW infant mortality rates.

23 years of PPP rule and Guyana still is at the bottom of the pack. Only Haiti is below.

These same hoggish Afro nurses ketch sense when they go overseas as they would be fired for malpractice. In Guyana they could kill a person and still keep their jobs. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Indeed the suicide among the young will skew the statistics, but it is the hard life under the PNC that is to blame. 


During the 80s the Dominican Rep had higher infant mortality rates than did Guyana.  By the 2000s they left Guyana way behind.  This was during the PPP era.

True enough there is enough blame to go around, Guyana's remote rural communities with poor access to hospitals tend to also skew the results. In fact there is an interesting article here:


Drugb posted:

True enough there is enough blame to go around, Guyana's remote rural communities with poor access to hospitals tend to also skew the results. In fact there is an interesting article here:


The population in the interior is small and not enough to skew the results. The DR has many remote communities, and on top of that they have a large Haitian migrant population arriving with their myriad of problems.

YOUR PPP was quite incompetent.

Drugb posted:

Indeed the suicide among the young will skew the statistics, but it is the hard life under the PNC that is to blame. 

70% of the suicides in Suriname are among Indians, who account for just over 25% of the population. Similarly disproportionate numbers exist in Guyana and in Trinidad.  Further investigation will reveal that it is a rural HINDU population.

I suggest that you stop blaming black people and start looking at the dynamics of rural Hindu family structures and relationships to find the real cause because the PNC isn't in Suriname or Trinidad.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

These same hoggish Afro nurses ketch sense when they go overseas as they would be fired for malpractice. In Guyana they could kill a person and still keep their jobs. 

How about the fact that your PPP ill treated these black nurses so only the ones who no one wants remain in Guyana.

Last time I checked the black nurses were hoggish during PNC version 1 times also. It is a trait that can not be broken unless the threat of losing job is there.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Indeed the suicide among the young will skew the statistics, but it is the hard life under the PNC that is to blame. 

70% of the suicides in Suriname are among Indians, who account for just over 25% of the population. Similarly disproportionate numbers exist in Guyana and in Trinidad.  Further investigation will reveal that it is a rural HINDU population.

I suggest that you stop blaming black people and start looking at the dynamics of rural Hindu family structures and relationships to find the real cause because the PNC isn't in Suriname or Trinidad.

Where did you  get these stats? You dragged it out of your ass?

Drugb posted:

Last time I checked the black nurses were hoggish during PNC version 1 times also. It is a trait that can not be broken unless the threat of losing job is there.

Most of the nurses working in Guyana were hired under the PPP. The issue is that the best nurses leave and they are left with the dregs.

Your hero ran to Antigua to beg them to return to Guyana and they chased him off because of how blacks were treated in Guyana under him. Ditto for the teachers who also fled to the Islands.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Where did you  get these stats? You dragged it out of your ass?

Do some research and prove me wrong. Also explain how come Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad have much higher suicide rates than Jamaica.

Guyana ranks #1, Suriname #5, T&T # 41.

Haiti ranks #153.  With Barbados, The Bahamas and Jamaica ranking even lower in suicide rates.

Now please explain to me why Haiti, the most miserable place in the Caribbean, has a suicide rate much lower than those countries with large Hindu populations.


caribny posted:

Do some research and prove me wrong. Also explain how come Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad have much higher suicide rates than Jamaica.

Guyana ranks #1, Suriname #5, T&T # 41.

Haiti ranks #153.  With Barbados, The Bahamas and Jamaica ranking even lower in suicide rates.

Now please explain to me why Haiti, the most miserable place in the Caribbean, has a suicide rate much lower than those countries with large Hindu populations.


I already proved you wrong, as you did not back up your falsehoods with stats.  

Many Blacks killing themselves too. They don't keep track of suicides in Haiti due to voodoo custom. Many deaths go unaccounted as the bodies are thrown into the ocean for feast by the sharks. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Last time I checked the black nurses were hoggish during PNC version 1 times also. It is a trait that can not be broken unless the threat of losing job is there.

Most of the nurses working in Guyana were hired under the PPP. The issue is that the best nurses leave and they are left with the dregs.

Your hero ran to Antigua to beg them to return to Guyana and they chased him off because of how blacks were treated in Guyana under him. Ditto for the teachers who also fled to the Islands.

Lies, the PNC blacks get into nursing knowing that it was a low paying job just like any other public service low level job in any 3rd world country.  That's why the US has so many Filipino nurses and teachers. 

Drugb posted:

Lies, the PNC blacks get into nursing knowing that it was a low paying job .

Hmmm and yet I know so many Caribbean women in NYC who earn $100k as nurses, and don't have high college loans to repay or have the obligation to buy malpractice insurance.

Nurses in the Caribbean islands aren't exactly low paid either. Its in Guyana that this is the case, which is why they have hogs instead of nurses.  No wonder. These are angry women enraged that no one wants them so they had to stay in Guyana!  This being the bottom of the barrel!

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Do some research and prove me wrong. Also explain how come Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad have much higher suicide rates than Jamaica.

Guyana ranks #1, Suriname #5, T&T # 41.

Haiti ranks #153.  With Barbados, The Bahamas and Jamaica ranking even lower in suicide rates.

Now please explain to me why Haiti, the most miserable place in the Caribbean, has a suicide rate much lower than those countries with large Hindu populations.


I already proved you wrong, as you did not back up your falsehoods with stats.  

Many Blacks killing themselves too. They don't keep track of suicides in Haiti due to voodoo custom. Many deaths go unaccounted as the bodies are thrown into the ocean for feast by the sharks. 

You have proven NOTHING.  Do you think that your shark comment is evidence.

Now I repeat. Please explain why the suicide rate in all of the majority black Caribbean countries, even the hell hole called Haiti, is lower than in the countries with significant Indian populations.

There is a problem within the rural Hindu family which is causing higher levels of suicide and you ought to be urging a discussion on how this can be fixed.




caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Lies, the PNC blacks get into nursing knowing that it was a low paying job .

Hmmm and yet I know so many Caribbean women in NYC who earn $100k as nurses, and don't have high college loans to repay or have the obligation to buy malpractice insurance.

Nurses in the Caribbean islands aren't exactly low paid either. Its in Guyana that this is the case, which is why they have hogs instead of nurses.  No wonder. These are angry women enraged that no one wants them so they had to stay in Guyana!  This being the bottom of the barrel!

Overseas in 1st world countries, yes, and you need to pass the lpn/rpn  2 year and 4 year college. They didn't just show up from Guyana with their hoggish bedside manners and get these jobs. They had to get the proper education and certification in the US. Come on now keep it real.

In 3rd world countries the requirements are much less and not acceptable in 1st world countries.  

caribny posted:

You have proven NOTHING.  Do you think that your shark comment is evidence.

Now I repeat. Please explain why the suicide rate in all of the majority black Caribbean countries, even the hell hole called Haiti, is lower than in the countries with significant Indian populations.

There is a problem within the rural Hindu family which is causing higher levels of suicide and you ought to be urging a discussion on how this can be fixed.




Still no evidence is produced despite your bogus links. 

However, let me humor you and pretend that you are correct about suicide being more prevalent among IndoGuyanese than AfroGuyanese.

There is a quite logical explanation that you may not like to hear.

IndoGuyanese tend to come from a very structured culture where cultural norms violations are punished by social stigma and castigation.

Meanwhile in Afro communities where the morals are much looser and deviant behavior is the norm, there is no social pressure from the Afro community , despite backballing, multiple sexual partners, multiple child fathers, living together out of wedlock etc.  

Drugb posted:

Overseas in 1st world countries, yes, and you need to pass the lpn/rpn  2 year and 4 year college. They didn't just show up from Guyana with their hoggish bedside manners and get these jobs. They had to get the proper education and certification in the US. Come on now keep it real.

In 3rd world countries the requirements are much less and not acceptable in 1st world countries.  

Shet you r@ss,

some areas of study are universal,in the US all levels of the nursing profession you have to be Licensed,you can start with a few months courses in Nursing Assistant,write the State Exams and you are in,most employer pay if you want to achieve higher levels,that's how it works in the State of Connecticut,also other state license are not accepted easily,you have to go thru a process for acceptance.

I had to write a State Exam and also pass a Practical test,to be Licensed as an Electronics Technician.My experience from back home was accepted,i back it up with a few courses i have done here.

I advised one of my country man an Electrician studied at Guysuso to apply for License,they accepted his studies from the homeland went thru the process and is a licensed Electrician 8 yrs ago,he was reluctant to apply thinking they will not accept his studies.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:

Overseas in 1st world countries, yes, and you need to pass the lpn/rpn

Caribbean nurses are actively recruited into the USA, Canada and the UK and among them are Guyanese.  In fact when the Islanders leave for these countries the Caribbean islands then recruit Guyanese. So Guyana faces two levels of brain drain.

Then you wonder about the low level of nursing in Guyana. They cannot even pass the local exam, with almost all failing.  This is because the quality of teaching is poor because they better Guyanese nurses are training nurses in Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

You have proven NOTHING.  Do you think that your shark comment is evidence.

Now I repeat. Please explain why the suicide rate in all of the majority black Caribbean countries, even the hell hole called Haiti, is lower than in the countries with significant Indian populations.

There is a problem within the rural Hindu family which is causing higher levels of suicide and you ought to be urging a discussion on how this can be fixed.




Still no evidence is produced despite your bogus links. 


IndoGuyanese tend to come from a very structured culture where cultural norms violations are punished by social stigma and castigation.


And this is why suicide rates among Caribbean Indians is high.  Suicide victims live in a world which operates differently from that of their families. This creates tension and their families CREATE the problem rather then helping them solve it.  

The stress doesn't come from an inability to live up to societal norms. Its the stress that comes fom the FAMILY aggressively punishing or stigmatizing those who fail to live up to their expectations.

PRECISELY because the family is so important to these individuals a sense of hopelessness by being alienated from this core support system is what cause so many to lose hope and to then kill themselves.

Afro Caribbean people don't have the problem to the same degree, hence the rate of suicide is lower, even though poverty is indeed a definite stress factor.  Haitians don't kill themselves to the same degree that Indo Guyanese do, even though logic would suggest that they should.

Drugb it is clear that your literacy level is so low that you cannot even read the headlines.  It is clear that there is a suicide problem among the East Indian populations of Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad.

It is clear that you are so racist that you refuse to see that YOU ought to be offering a solution rather than screaming that Indians are better than blacks.  You go screaming and blaming blacks when it becomes clear that Indians aren't perfect.

So you look stupid when it is shown that this problem is hardly confined to Guyana, and in fact became WORSE when the PPP assumed power, and the worst impacted region is the Corentyne, which has a low black population.

Last edited by Former Member

BTW since when is the London School of Economics a bogus link, or a link to a conference where PAHO and WHO were actively involved.

Only druggie will be so asinine as to scream that the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization are PNC controlled outfits or are bogus.

Its also apparent that you think that suicide is an indication of cultural superiority. NO druggie its an indication of a cultural DEFECT.  It indicates a society which doesn't give its members coping strategies to want to live, so they end it by committing suicide. Its an indicator of a culture that is so callous that it cares nothing about this, and does nothing to find solutions. Its an indication of a culture which would rather denigrate that of another than to seek solutions to problems which exist within it.

Wife beating and rampant alcoholism, quite prevalent among Indo Guyanese, isn't an indicator of a healthy culture, even as you arrogantly scream that it is.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

BTW since when is the London School of Economics a bogus link, or a link to a conference where PAHO and WHO were actively involved.

Only druggie will be so asinine as to scream that the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization are PNC controlled outfits or are bogus.

Its also apparent that you think that suicide is an indication of cultural superiority. NO druggie its an indication of a cultural DEFECT.  It indicates a society which doesn't give its members coping strategies to want to live, so they end it by committing suicide. Its an indicator of a culture that is so callous that it cares nothing about this, and does nothing to find solutions. Its an indication of a culture which would rather denigrate that of another than to seek solutions to problems which exist within it.

Wife beating and rampant alcoholism, quite prevalent among Indo Guyanese, isn't an indicator of a healthy culture, even as you arrogantly scream that it is.

Don't let the title 'London' fool you. You seem to swallow any the white man give you. 

Suicide among the high achieving groups are high due to the higher expectation and subsequent castigation if one does not conform to the norms of that society. Black in Guyana tend to not have high expectation from their offspring, if a son or daughter get affluent from a life of crime, it is applauded.  Blackie and the Freedom fighters are prime examples. The Indo's in Guyana on the other hand expect their kids to excel in school, life and have a stable family. Black Guyanese will have 17 child mothers or fathers and it is perfectly acceptable withing their social circle. I would not be surprised if you have many brothers from other mothers. 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Drugb it is clear that your literacy level is so low that you cannot even read the headlines.  It is clear that there is a suicide problem among the East Indian populations of Guyana, Suriname and Trinidad.

It is clear that you are so racist that you refuse to see that YOU ought to be offering a solution rather than screaming that Indians are better than blacks.  You go screaming and blaming blacks when it becomes clear that Indians aren't perfect.

So you look stupid when it is shown that this problem is hardly confined to Guyana, and in fact became WORSE when the PPP assumed power, and the worst impacted region is the Corentyne, which has a low black population.

My literacy level is just fine, I tend not to concentrate on the negative. If a Black does well I applaud him/her.  If an Indian does well, I say do better as"'well" is just the status quo.  This is the high expectation that I have been trying to hammer into your head in the past decade or so. 


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