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Former Member

2 hours ago

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Your admission ticket money at work. Call him and tell him what you think.
Banna, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for posting this  here when you do no less.

With your "negra" here and "negra" there and insistence of the "negras" being of poor social habits and work skills compared to your brilliance given your "lil bit a white" someone should drop a rock on your head.

I could not imagine the mind set of the individual who says he could not attend Howard because he walked the yard and saw  too many "negras"! You are an evil, ungrateful skunk because it is a howard grad that made it possible for you to even get an education here much less attend your preference for a  white school!
You are in America..address the issues that affect you. You did not experience Guyanese life; yet you spill your hog wash here. You seem to be an expert on Guyana, yet you cannot tell a sakawanki(squirrel monkey) from a parrot.

Can't help you hate Indians and love blacks. It's your choice. You are the racist one here. You continue to bash Indians because a your ex wife ran away with a coolie man and no other woman, except a black woman took pity on you..let it go now. Time will heal.

Sir, let me reiterate, you are a nasty, malicious cretin. We live lives as transplanted people so Guyana is and will remain my home and it is the place from which my identity comes and where my sense of being located in this world exists.  Addressing the caustic ignorance from a shallow racist as you is doing my duty to my fellow citizens where I live and from whence I come. You insulted both groups.


Had I live in Guyana but one year ,it would be enough to ground me there.. I am here almost 34 years an nothing here can take away my history, my sense of  people hood and my tribal heritage. Most of my immediate ancestors are interred in that nations soil. No a cretinous bauble head racist like you and not the PPP who is my concern can take that away


How can I bash what is essentially one half of my being you scumbag? Do you think that your bilious hatred of black people and me telling you it is so immediately confers the label "racist"? Do you think reminding you of the dredges from which our Indian ancestry came and the hypocrisy of idiots like you to claim pedigree is "racist". I am reminding you to look at the historical attrition of caustic prejudices in hope it may temper your senseless and overt racism.


Anyone like you who are such craven bigots needs to be called out and told you have no pedigree except as humans. Your creed, your culture, your social organization, your rituals create no better humans than the next group be they black, Portuguese, Chinese or Amerind. 


I would not give a damn if you believe you are the ground of divine wisdom and all others are at your feet except you speak your drivel here and you plant your poison in our society. On that account I call you a stupid bigot who need lots of life lessons to be a fully functioning human being.


BTW I do not have ex wife or wives. I have and have had the only wife I ever married. Only a shallow fool would think one develop hatred for an entire race because an  ex girlfriend married someone of that race. I have a few dozen ex girlfriends ranging from Chinese, Danes Swedes, French, Spain etc and I am sure they married someone of some race. By your accounting I should be hating the world.!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Storm is caught lying once again. He is on record posting that his ex wife is of Indian origin and has two daughters from his ex wife. He is a great storyteller.


He also attacks other posters and their mothers and is the worst with name calling.


It is about he get a dose of this own medicine. He runs to admin and hit his chest and cry foul when fire is returned with fire.


Cry baby anyone ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm is caught lying once again. He is on record posting that his ex wife is of Indian origin and has two daughters from his ex wife. He is a great storyteller.


He also attacks other posters and their mothers and is the worst with name calling.


It is about he get a dose of this own medicine. He runs to admin and hit his chest and cry foul when fire is returned with fire.


Cry baby anyone ?

As I said, you on account of relying too much on fantasy, have only false memories. I said I have two daughters born here and spent who spent their  childhood in India and not that I have an Indian wife.


As for attacking mothers, I spoke specifically to  you and your incapacity to keep things straight. I said one possible explanation is your mother was unfortunate to have a blue baby. I still think it is possible to account for  your pervasive addled brained manner of  mixing reality and fiction.



Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

too many of y'all treat the sh!ttings of deranged racists like bhai "Skelly" and bhai "rev" as sport - that's the real problem!


typical . . . here you are focusing on Stormborn's ironic use of the "ape" appelation, one of a choice selection of bloody pus skeldon_man squeezes off whenever the need to 'elevate' his sorryass existence by dehumanizing those he considers "negroid/negra" compels


i guess it's ONLY 'anti-PNC' after all, rite?


that comfort level i spoke about before . . . hmmmm?

Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

Kari I believe Stormie is saying

these Funny Fellas and Crab louse

like UGee, Councie, Kwame & Skelly,

were all born in Guyana...

at Monkey Mountain.

Nothing is wrong with that....


At Monkey Mountain

Buggerism is Practiced openly,

and yuh will find

many House of Israel Thugs there too...

Some claim they are Black Hindus....


It seems they all

migrated from Congress Place

under Jagdeo Govt.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm is caught lying once again. He is on record posting that his ex wife is of Indian origin and has two daughters from his ex wife. He is a great storyteller.


He also attacks other posters and their mothers and is the worst with name calling.


It is about he get a dose of this own medicine. He runs to admin and hit his chest and cry foul when fire is returned with fire.


Cry baby anyone ?

The stormsewer can never accept the truth. He calls all Indians dalits. Little does he realise that his grandfather might have been the king of the dalits. When the truth hits him, he spews his nonsense garbage.  




His racist attacks on Indo Guyanese is unacceptable. He calls all Indo Guyanese dalits. He is grossly misinformed about Indo Guyanese origin.


Skeldon, what do you expect from a cry baby who is also a racist and attacks Indo Guyanese on a daily basis ?


Let him disgrace himself further since has been caught lying several times here. He is a disgrace to his Dougla race.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 . . . He calls all Indo Guyanese dalits. He is grossly misinformed about Indo Guyanese origin.

so . . . what would be the 'proper' percentage panditji?

Check and see what percentage of crud is stuck in your kaka hole after your last antiman encounter.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

So Karim Karimullah, are you part of the storm sewer system?


Kahari is part of the gutter rat gang and defends the actions of vile and vulgar posters.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

 . . . He calls all Indo Guyanese dalits. He is grossly misinformed about Indo Guyanese origin.

so . . . what would be the 'proper' percentage panditji?

Check and see what percentage of crud is stuck in your kaka hole after your last antiman encounter.

stupid people with low IQs do not do wit very well . . . word to the not so wise


mmmmmmm . . .?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm is caught lying once again. He is on record posting that his ex wife is of Indian origin and has two daughters from his ex wife. He is a great storyteller.


He also attacks other posters and their mothers and is the worst with name calling.


It is about he get a dose of this own medicine. He runs to admin and hit his chest and cry foul when fire is returned with fire.


Cry baby anyone ?

The stormsewer can never accept the truth. He calls all Indians dalits. Little does he realise that his grandfather might have been the king of the dalits. When the truth hits him, he spews his nonsense garbage.  

What truths are you speaking of? The racist belief structure yous o amply illustrate is integral to who  you are?


I do not call all indians dalits. I said

The tribes we originated from were dalits, an umbrella term for peoples deemed untouchables in India. I further said the word originated in prejudice and 6000 year of suffering. I only call those who believe in similar silly prejudicial systems dalits. You represent nicely


My great grandfather definitely fell under the rubric of official "dalitdom" but he represented the injustices of the term. He was smart and life was good to him.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



His racist attacks on Indo Guyanese is unacceptable. He calls all Indo Guyanese dalits. He is grossly misinformed about Indo Guyanese origin.


Skeldon, what do you expect from a cry baby who is also a racist and attacks Indo Guyanese on a daily basis ?


Let him disgrace himself further since has been caught lying several times here. He is a disgrace to his Dougla race.

What an ignorant fool you are. You just cannot help yourself.


And where did I misrepresent the origins of the Guyanese Indian? They are exactly what I said> indeed we have a few sepoys trying to escape the noose but the record speaks for itself about our dalit origins.


The literal use of the word dougla speaks to the label Indians give to their union with Africans. It means bastards. I guess you still think that has sting! What an ignorant fool.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

too many of y'all treat the sh!ttings of deranged racists like bhai "Skelly" and bhai "rev" as sport - that's the real problem!


typical . . . here you are focusing on Stormborn's ironic use of the "ape" appelation, one of a choice selection of bloody pus skeldon_man squeezes off whenever the need to 'elevate' his sorryass existence by dehumanizing those he considers "negroid/negra" compels


i guess it's ONLY 'anti-PNC' after all, rite?


that comfort level i spoke about before . . . hmmmm?

Reduxion bhai, we should all try to fight evil by not stooping to its level. We have arsenals that are more powerful than than what the devil uses. Skelly can be Hitler and Shaitaan combined, Stormy has the right to call him an ape - no problem here - but all I entreat him and you too is to show how better he is that he can knock Skelly back to the dark ages without the use of the word "ape".


Ya gotta lighten up are too bitter......anger saps your energy....use smarts not gutter "ape".

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

So Karim Karimullah, are you part of the storm sewer system?

Why you don't shut yuh patacake!

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

So Karim Karimullah, are you part of the storm sewer system?


Kahari is part of the gutter rat gang and defends the actions of vile and vulgar posters.

Don't you have a sewer pipe to crawl back to, shit-face?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

So Karim Karimullah, are you part of the storm sewer system?


Kahari is part of the gutter rat gang and defends the actions of vile and vulgar posters.

YUJI, yu come out to PEEP.  You and David.  LOL

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



His racist attacks on Indo Guyanese is unacceptable. He calls all Indo Guyanese dalits. He is grossly misinformed about Indo Guyanese origin.


Skeldon, what do you expect from a cry baby who is also a racist and attacks Indo Guyanese on a daily basis ?


Let him disgrace himself further since has been caught lying several times here. He is a disgrace to his Dougla race.

What an ignorant fool you are. You just cannot help yourself.


And where did I misrepresent the origins of the Guyanese Indian? They are exactly what I said> indeed we have a few sepoys trying to escape the noose but the record speaks for itself about our dalit origins.


The literal use of the word dougla speaks to the label Indians give to their union with Africans. It means bastards. I guess you still think that has sting! What an ignorant fool.


You Holler RACE RACE but if an Indo Guyanese speak out against PNC racism you constantly attack them by calling them Dalits.


Your disgraceful attacks and name calling must come to and end for your to receive respect.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

So Karim Karimullah, are you part of the storm sewer system?


Kahari is part of the gutter rat gang and defends the actions of vile and vulgar posters.

YUJI, yu come out to PEEP.  You and David.  LOL


Ker you....


You fold the board with your nonsense. Amral better get flood insurance.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

So Karim Karimullah, are you part of the storm sewer system?


Kahari is part of the gutter rat gang and defends the actions of vile and vulgar posters.

Don't you have a sewer pipe to crawl back to, shit-face?


Take a very close look at yours, shit head.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

So Karim Karimullah, are you part of the storm sewer system?


Kahari is part of the gutter rat gang and defends the actions of vile and vulgar posters.

YUJI, yu come out to PEEP.  You and David.  LOL


Ker you....


You fold the board with your nonsense. Amral better get flood insurance.

Yu copy Ramjutan,  Haul yu rass.  LOL.


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Not nice title - the word "Ape" in reference to Skelly. You should edit it. It makes you a better person and makes your point more effective. "Ape" takes away from your point. That shouldn't be too difficult to see.

too many of y'all treat the sh!ttings of deranged racists like bhai "Skelly" and bhai "rev" as sport - that's the real problem!


typical . . . here you are focusing on Stormborn's ironic use of the "ape" appelation, one of a choice selection of bloody pus skeldon_man squeezes off whenever the need to 'elevate' his sorryass existence by dehumanizing those he considers "negroid/negra" compels


i guess it's ONLY 'anti-PNC' after all, rite?


that comfort level i spoke about before . . . hmmmm?

Reduxion bhai, we should all try to fight evil by not stooping to its level. We have arsenals that are more powerful than than what the devil uses. Skelly can be Hitler and Shaitaan combined, Stormy has the right to call him an ape - no problem here - but all I entreat him and you too is to show how better he is that he can knock Skelly back to the dark ages without the use of the word "ape".


Ya gotta lighten up are too bitter......anger saps your energy....use smarts not gutter "ape".

obviously u did not care to properly read what i posted before striking yuh pose; or, perhaps "ironic" is an adjective not readily accessible even to someone of your 'high' learning and intellect . . . hmmmm?


dude, you can pretend all you want that bhais "skelly" and "rev" and the rest are simply "evil" abstractions on GNI who can be shown the error of their ways by 'our' goodness and example . . . the hypocrite in you must be having a good laugh with this


but lissen up Karimullah, i do not post here to show that I am "better" than anyone. i post here to EXPOSE the closeted racists, thieves, hypocrites and their ENABLERS who, in their stupidity and thirst for tribal revenge, are leading Guyana resolutely over a cliff


Indeed, i suggest u follow the stern advice u gave to yugee and "shut yuh patacake" on this matter. . . no one is impressed by your [high] horse except fellow google-trained psychologists and other deluded dankey riders posing on this BB

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



His racist attacks on Indo Guyanese is unacceptable. He calls all Indo Guyanese dalits. He is grossly misinformed about Indo Guyanese origin.


Skeldon, what do you expect from a cry baby who is also a racist and attacks Indo Guyanese on a daily basis ?


Let him disgrace himself further since has been caught lying several times here. He is a disgrace to his Dougla race.

What an ignorant fool you are. You just cannot help yourself.


And where did I misrepresent the origins of the Guyanese Indian? They are exactly what I said> indeed we have a few sepoys trying to escape the noose but the record speaks for itself about our dalit origins.


The literal use of the word dougla speaks to the label Indians give to their union with Africans. It means bastards. I guess you still think that has sting! What an ignorant fool.


You Holler RACE RACE but if an Indo Guyanese speak out against PNC racism you constantly attack them by calling them Dalits.


Your disgraceful attacks and name calling must come to and end for your to receive respect.

There  is a difference between speaking out  against the PNC and persistent race baiting on the inferiority people of African origins. Indians are by India's official declaration, of dalit origins.   I have a different view of the word.


Who needs respect from you? That would be like getting a recommendation from Beelzebub.

Originally Posted by redux:
obviously u did not care to properly read what i posted before striking yuh pose; or, perhaps "ironic" is an adjective not readily accessible even to someone of your 'high' learning and intellect . . . hmmmm?


dude, you can pretend all you want that bhais "skelly" and "rev" and the rest are simply "evil" abstractions on GNI who can be shown the error of their ways by 'our' goodness and example . . . the hypocrite in you must be having a good laugh with this


but lissen up Karimullah, i do not post here to show that I am "better" than anyone. i post here to EXPOSE the closeted racists, thieves, hypocrites and their ENABLERS who, in their stupidity and thirst for tribal revenge, are leading Guyana resolutely over a cliff


Indeed, i suggest u follow the stern advice u gave to yugee and "shut yuh patacake" on this matter. . . no one is impressed by your [high] horse except fellow google-trained psychologists and other deluded dankey riders posing on this BB

I give up know'll succeed in your endeavors.......don't worry about us fools who have failed in our lives....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I give up know'll succeed in your endeavors.......don't worry about us fools who have failed in our lives....

lameass red herrings . . . but carry on smartly

You obviously have no idea what sarcasm is. Hehe. You're a lost cause.

ahmmmm . . . in the broad sense,"non sequitur," "sarcasm," "red herring" are not mutually exclusive


all three in play here . . . look it up!


think of this as my contribution to [your] higher learning, arite?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I give up know'll succeed in your endeavors.......don't worry about us fools who have failed in our lives....

lameass red herrings . . . but carry on smartly

You obviously have no idea what sarcasm is. Hehe. You're a lost cause.

ahmmmm . . . in the broad sense,"non sequitur," "sarcasm," "red herring" are not mutually exclusive


all three in play here . . . look it up!


think of this as my contribution to [your] higher learning, arite?

very Stormy-esque.........

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I give up know'll succeed in your endeavors.......don't worry about us fools who have failed in our lives....

lameass red herrings . . . but carry on smartly

You obviously have no idea what sarcasm is. Hehe. You're a lost cause.

ahmmmm . . . in the broad sense,"non sequitur," "sarcasm," "red herring" are not mutually exclusive


all three in play here . . . look it up!


think of this as my contribution to [your] higher learning, arite?

very Stormy-esque.........

u had all night to 'google' and rebut and all u come up with is a snarky one-liner


again, wanna challenge anything i said . . . hmmmmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I give up know'll succeed in your endeavors.......don't worry about us fools who have failed in our lives....

lameass red herrings . . . but carry on smartly

You obviously have no idea what sarcasm is. Hehe. You're a lost cause.

ahmmmm . . . in the broad sense,"non sequitur," "sarcasm," "red herring" are not mutually exclusive


all three in play here . . . look it up!


think of this as my contribution to [your] higher learning, arite?

very Stormy-esque.........

Leave me out of your crap. I did not get into your convenient ignoring of caustic racism to address propriety in speech. Sometimes, addressing these fellows in bawdy terms is the only way of getting across.  Actually, it is their only present form of communication.


Now fool, what is un stormy-esque...the pathetic bland prose that comes you and the position of never to take a stand?



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