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Former Member

Lil Sharma nah deh pon de list!

Aug 18, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists 0, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...nah-deh-pon-de-list/

Dem Boys Seh…

De Rig-adier legacy gone international. Dem boys remember how de Rig-adier bin spread de virus wah does cause rigging, recounting and recanting. De Bingo tried fuh rig with a spreadsheet and den with a bed sheet.

De virus cause GEE-CUM fuh had to do a recount. But no sooner de recount start, de virus cause de Coal-a-shun fuh recant dem story how dem bin win de elections.

Was dah same virus – wah does cause rigging, recounting and recanting – dat cause de death of Owen de Arthur. De man bin afraid dat de virus would ah spread to dem small island Caribbean states.

De man nah live fuh see he fears come to past. But de Rig-adier see how he legacy spread to de Trinidad. Nobody bin expect Kam-la fuh stand up and tek she licks like a man. After all, she is not a man. But dem nah bin expect she fuh call fuh recount. De recount tekking place and is showing how de Row-Lee chap win de same areas wah gat fuh recount. So dem boys hear how Kam-La party cause disturbance during the recount. Is de Rig-adier party dem learn dah from.

De Rig-adier virus spread to Eastern Europe. Dem had elections in Belarus and de man wah lose de election nah wan give up. Like de Rig-adier, he calling fuh power sharing. But de real winners nah accepting dat.

Some people gat to accept and bless wah dem get. Some of dem nah gat to ride bicycle no more. Dem going into parliament. De WPA get in.

Dem boys know dat de APNU nah good with counting but dem boys still nah understand how Tabee Ta Ta get wan seat when de party wah she head can’t get 70 votes, much less 7,000 wah dem bin seh is necessary fug get a seat in parliament.

Dem boys sorry fuh Lil Sharma. He bin seh dat he shall serve only Soulja Bai and Soulja Bai alone… Well Soulja Bai lef he alone. He either get lef off de list or he nah bin interested.

Talk half and rememba some pension mo important dan others!

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Granger splits PNC: Volda Lawrence, Amna Ally, Basil Williams, Aubrey Norton snubbed

A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) has finished the list of proposed parliamentarians they have to submit to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), but that list has excluded some key names from the coalition’s top brass.

Among the names said to have been excluded from the list is the coalition party’s leader himself, former President David Granger. Granger had faced mounting calls from various quarters for him to step down from the leadership of the party, but had always maintained that he is going nowhere.

Also said to be absent is former Attorney General Basil Williams, who lost numerous significant legal battles for the then Government; a former Chairman of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). Another name said to be absent is PNCR Chairperson Volda Lawrence. Her exclusion, however, did not go down well with a section of the PNC party.

Former PNCR parliamentarian and Attorney-at-Law James Bond took to social media on Monday blasting his party for snubbing Lawrence, widely seen as a powerhouse in the PNC. He called it grossly disrespectful.

“It is grossly disrespectful to the members of the PNCR, the Georgetown District of the PNCR and the office of the Chairman of the PNCR to snub Lawrence for a seat in the National Assembly.”

“Time to rescue the PNCR from inept, ineffectual and aloof leadership. This is now a battle for the soul of what it means to be PNC. Enough of mediocrity. It is time I personally rewrite your legacy sir,” Bond said in his post.

Additionally, Bond, in a live video on Facebook, further expressed his dissatisfaction, warning David Granger and Amna Ally that “I want you to know that I am coming for you”.

The young politician contended that “David Arthur Granger, you are not my friend, Amna Ally, you are not my friend so whenever you see me know you are not looking at a comrade.”

Turning his attention specifically to former President Granger, Bond asserted that “Your leadership cost us an election…the reason we are in opposition is because of your leadership.”

In further venting his anger at certain members, including himself, being left out of the parliamentary list, Bond signalled his intention to boycott party activities, asking who will the party now call upon to organise protests in the city.

According to Bond, it is disrespectful that certain members were “snubbed”, especially so that they were not informed by the party, but had to read about it in the press.

Meanwhile, APNU/AFC’s Chief Whip in the 11th Parliament, former Social Protection Minister Amna Ally, was also excluded. When contacted by this publication, she confirmed that she is not returning to Parliament.

Another conspicuous exclusion from the list is former Minister of Youth Affairs Simona Broomes, who is currently before the courts alongside her driver, Dexter Austin on charges of assault and discharging a loaded firearm respectively. In fact, the pair made a court appearance before Magistrate Leron Daly on Monday, where they were both placed on bail.

However, former Minister of State Joseph Harmon, former Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Karen Cummings and former Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan will be making a return. Former Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson and former Minister of Natural Resource Raphael Trotman are also slated to return.

Some new faces include General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU), Coretta McDonald, former Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond; former Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan; Juretha Fernandes and Devin Sears.

In addition, reports indicate that attorney-at-law and Senior Counsel, Roysdale Forde, has been included.

AFC “settle” for only 9 seats

Meanwhile, in a statement on Monday evening, the AFC Executive said that it recognises that the party could easily have chosen many more worthy of a seat in Parliament but, had to “settle” on nine. It added that the party will also have a rotation of seats where, midterm, some of the members will be considered to replace seated parliamentarians from the initial list.

Efforts to verify the full APNU list proved futile.


Meanwhile, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is currently working on their list of parliamentarians. In an interview with this publication, Agriculture Minister and PPP Executive Secretary, Zulfikar Mustapha was optimistic that the list would be finished within days. He also made it clear that their list will be composed of fresh, high-calibre individuals.

“We have a lot of fresh faces, because those persons who were appointed as Ministers are new people. Young people and fresh people. So those are fresh faces. People like Sonia Parag, Susan Rodrigues, and other young people,” Mustapha said.

“You have Indar and a number of other young people who were appointed as Ministers. They will be in there. And as usual, our list reflects the diversity of our country and also youth and experience. Like Cabinet. Our Cabinet is a youthful Cabinet, but it also has experience.”

On August 5, President Dr Irfaan Ali swore in 19 members of his new Cabinet. Included in the group were several new, vibrant and youthful faces, who President Ali had lauded as bringing multifaceted skillsets and experience.

The new faces had included Hugh Todd, as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation; Vickram Bharrat, as Minister of Natural Resources; Charles Ramson Jr, as Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport; Sonia Parag, as Minister of Public Service; Oneidge Walrond, as Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce; Colin Croal, as Minister of Housing and Water; Susan Rodrigues, as Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water.

Other debutant Ministers were Dr Vindhya Persaud, as Minister of Human Services and Social Security; Nigel Dharamlall, as Minister of Local Government and Regional Development; Anand Persaud, as Minister within the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development; and Deodat Indar, as Minister within the Ministry of Public Infrastructure.

Meanwhile, returning Cabinet Ministers had included Dr Frank Anthony, as the new Minister of Health (former Culture, Youth and Sport Minister) and Robeson Benn, as Minister of Home Affairs (former Public Works Minister). Former Ministers who were returned to their previous Ministries were Minister of Education Priya Manickchand and Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai.

The lists of prospective parliamentarians first have to go to GECOM, after which the names are extracted and sent to the National Assembly. This publication has confirmed with Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Issacs that he has so far received no names.

The joinder parties – comprising of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP), A New and United Guyana (ANUG), and The New Movement (TNM), have already submitted the name of former National Toshao Council (NTC) Vice Chairman Lenox Shuman to represent them in Parliament. (G30)


To be unbiased, this is a good move from a strategic standpoint. These are the rouge elements that hurt the PNC. Smart move by Granger. 

Sadly, no more Basil Jackass William, Big truck Amna and Election thief Volda.  Sharma is of no value to the coalition.

Last edited by Former Member

Bond suggests Lawrence was excluded from Parliament because she would have had to be Opposition Leader Lawrence

In what has now evolved into a major power struggle between leading factions of the Peoples National Congress (PNC) over who should represent the party in the 12th Parliament, senior member James Bond has continued to express his disgust over the manner in which the selection process was carried out.

In his latest social media post on Tuesday, Bond suggested that PNC Chairwoman Volda Lawrence was excluded from the list because if she was selected, she would have been made the Opposition Leader; the first woman to have been appointed to such a position in Guyana’s history.

“They know if you go to Parliament you would have had to be made Opposition Leader. The first woman OL in our Parliament’s history. #WomenDenied #fascist,” Bond shared in a Facebook post earlier today.

Former Minister of State and APNU/AFC’s strongman, Joseph Harmon, who reportedly was selected by Coalition Leader David Granger, is likely to take on the role as Opposition Leader since Granger will not be returning to Parliament.

In a previous post directly targeting Granger, Bond declared: “We’ve done our best we’ve sacrificed and we will not be taken for granted. Time for NEW LEADERSHIP NEW DISPENSATION #WorstLeadershipInHistory #Fascist.”

On Monday evening, Bond took to social media to declare war against the Granger, labelling his leadership as “ineffective” and “mediocre”.

Bond specifically blasted the party for snubbing Lawrence, who served as the Minister of Public Health under the Coalition Government.

James Bond

Lawrence’s exclusion came as a surprise to many since she is widely viewed as very influential within the party in terms of mobilising its support base.

“It is grossly disrespectful to the members of the PNCR, the Georgetown District of the PNCR and the Office of the Chairman of the PNCR to snub Lawrence for a seat in the National Assembly,” Bond declared.

Bond went further to blame Granger’s leadership for causing the party’s defeat at the March 2 General and Regional Elections as he threatened to “rewrite” the former president’s legacy.

“I want you to know I am coming for you…David Arthur Granger, you are not my friend; Amna Ally, you are not my friend, so whenever you see me, know you are not looking at a comrade,” Bond asserted.

He added that it is “time to rescue the PNCR from inept, ineffectual and aloof leadership. This is now a battle for the soul of what it means to be PNC. Enough of mediocrity. It is time I personally rewrite your legacy sir.”

According to media reports, a lot of prominent PNC/APNU members will not be making a return to parliament. These include Amna Ally, Basil Williams, and Aubrey Norton. Granger himself will also not be making a return.

In addition to Harmon, former Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Karen Cummings and former Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan will be making a return. Former Public Infrastructure Minister David Patterson and former Minister of Natural Resource Raphael Trotman are also slated to return.

Some new faces include General Secretary of the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU), Coretta McDonald, former Magistrate Geeta Chandon-Edmonds; former Deputy Mayor Sherod Duncan; Juretha Fernandes and Devin Sears.

In addition, reports indicate that Attorney-at-Law and Senior Counsel, Roysdale Forde, has been included on the list.


PNC tries to contain firestorm over MPs selection; now says ‘youth’ a major criterion

, Source - Geeta Chandan-Edmond, Roysdale Forde, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, Ganesh Mahipaul, Coretta McDonald

Amid a major strife within the party over the selection of the new parliamentarians, the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNC/R) has issued a statement contending that “youth” was a major criterion in the decisions taken.

Young PNC politician James Bond took to social media to blast the party for excluding certain members, including himself, from serving as a Member of Parliament in the 12th Parliament.

Bond criticised that PNC and its current leadership for not consulting with the party’s membership before making its decision on the parliamentarians.

But the PNC, in a statement on Tuesday, stated that it is time to rebuild the party.

The party, however, failed to directly address the concerns raised by Bond who threatened to challenge the current PNC leadership.

Among the names excluded from the list of parliamentarians are Volda Lawrence, Basil Williams, Amna Ally, Aubrey Norton, George Norton, and Simona Broomes. The party’s leader, former president David Granger will also not be returning to parliament.

L-R: James Bond and David Granger

See full list of APNU/AFC parliamentarians:


Juretha Fernandes
Cathy Hughes
Sherod Duncan
David Patterson
Haimraj Rajkumar
Khemraj Ramjattan
Deonarine Ramsaroop
Devin Sears
Raphael Trotman


Geeta Chandan-Edmond
Dr. Karen Cummings
Annette Ferguson
Nima Flue-Bess
Tabitha Sarabo-Halley
Dawn Hastings-Williams
Dr. Nicolette Henry
Coretta McDonald
Maureen Philadelphia
Natasha Singh-Lewis
Amanza Walton-Desir
Ronald Cox
Jermaine Figuiera
Roysdale Forde
Joseph Harmon
Vincent Henry
Shurwayne Holder
Dineshwar Jaipersaud
Christopher Jones
Vinceroy Jordan
Ganesh Mahipal
Richard Sinclair


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