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"Pervasive poverty among the common people is one of the main impediments to progress. The standard of living โ€“ measured by the cost of essential goods, net household income, life expectancy, access to health care and human safety โ€“ is low for many residents. Earlier economic experiments such as the Linden Economic Advancement Fund (LEAF) โ€“ the successor to the Linden Economic Advancement Programme (LEAP) have been starved of refinancing thereby depriving many poor of the opportunity to escape from the poverty trap.
Educational attainment, an essential element in economic recovery, is below expectations." 


Quoted from the APNU website.


The people of Linden must learn from the people of Guyana who work off the land and get rich.


The must get off their rear and start sweating like the rest of Guyana to earn a living for once and stop demanding everything as millions and millions in free electricity.


They must get out of the entitlement trap that the PNC drilled in their heads.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

The people of Linden must learn from the people of Guyana who work off the land and get rich.


The must get off their rear and start sweating like the rest of Guyana to earn a living for once and stop demanding everything as millions and millions in free electricity.


The must get out of the entitlement trap that the PNC drilled in their heads.

ramakant_pussard good marnin!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The people of Linden must learn from the people of Guyana who work off the land and get rich.


The must get off their rear and start sweating like the rest of Guyana to earn a living for once and stop demanding everything as millions and millions in free electricity.


They must get out of the entitlement trap that the PNC drilled in their heads.

So why the PPP killing the bauxite industry?


So why the PPP has not made one single tangible proper investment in the INTERMEDIATE SAVANNAH?


So why the PPP has not supported the logging industry of Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice like they did for the Indian company COFFE DAY?



You got to come better with your fry harse shyte YUJI?


Get your facts right since we will bust up your LIES and PROPAGANDA any day, any time, any place.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Industries are not confident in investing in Linden due to violence. Investment is all about confidence. Yuji invests in millions and as an investor, it is all about confidence.


The people of Linden must stop looting and burning, it scares off investors. They have been brainwashed by the PNC.

What pig shyte you shooting?


There is violence all over Guyana, there is violence in Suriname yet Suriname continues to attract far more investment than Guyana.




It has little to do with violence.


It has much to do that INVESTORS have lost confidence in the Ramutar (Lamutar) administration.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I figured that you lack the basics of investing. It all about confidence and Linden has a history of looting and burning. Investors will stay away from Linden.


PNC/AFC party used the good people of Linden as political pawns. Investors are now scared to infuse capital in Linden.

OK, OK,  you all see right.  I talk about Surname and violence but any human with a human brain would have engaged the question.


But can I expect that from a GOAT brain??


Nah, all I can expect is GOTE DHALLL TUME GOTE DHALL.





Where is the grass for YUJI?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Kishan is now like Chanderpaul. He ducks and dodges from the bouncers.

Look YUJI, you want to dwell in shyte all day be my guest, but do not expect me to follow you.


Until you can answer why Suriname with the same amount of violence is getting more investment than Guyana  - SPEAK TO MY HAND.  I am done with you since you clearly cannot emancipate your self from mental stupidity.


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