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Guyana gov't puts electricity hike "on hold": opposition sees grey areas

Written by Denis Scott Chabrol  
Wednesday, 25 July 2012 21:07

The Guyana government Wednesday night announced that it has put a hold on increase in electricity rates from July 1, paving the way for a technical team to examine the feasibility of a tariff hike.

The terms of reference for the Technical Team would be hammered out by representatives of government and the Region 10 Administration, according to a statement from the office of the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon.

Government also said the two sides have agreed to explore economic initiatives and business financing. The Region 10 administration, according to the government, has agreed to submit investment proposals to government by the end of August.

But A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Aubrey Norton said his side remained uncomfortable with government putting on “hold” rather than “suspending” the tariff hike.

“Our negotiating team said we are comfortable with it being suspended and a competent qualified commission selected by both sides should be put together to deal with the electricity tariffs,” Norton told Demerara Waves Online News (

Norton explained that putting the tariff increase on hold signalled that it would be done in the future but suspension would provide for electricity to be provided at a cheaper rate if the commission finds that is possible.

Norton said he was unaware of the region committing itself to table proposals by next month end. “We never had any agreement like that with them,” he said, adding that proposals have been already tabled and would now be the subject of negotiations.

In the wake of government’s announcement, Norton said the status of the week-long protest by Lindeners would have to be determined by the community there. “The question of protest will be determined by the people of Linden. When the people of Linden make their decisions we, the people who are elected to lead and guide, will merely follow their dictate.”

Three men were shot and killed on Wednesday July 18 during clashes with police. Since then, roads in Linden- a gateway to many interior locations- have remained blocked. Commercial banks have reported being low on cash. BOSAI's bauxite operations have ground to a halt and fuel was allowed in by protesters only for electricity generation to the community.

Following is the full text of the statement by the Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon.

Since the July 18th incident the Administration has been meeting practically on a daily basis with stakeholders to address concerns that arose since the protest and, specifically since the shooting deaths.

The recent engagement, which the regional chairman Mr. Solomon and his delegation took place on Monday, July 23rd subsequent to an invitation extended by the President to Mr. Solomon. His delegation included Ms.Vanessa Kissoon, the Geographic Member of Parliament, from Region 10, Mr. Aubrey Norton, Dr. Rupert Roopnarine and Mr. Nigel Hughes. Accompanying the President were Ministers; Clement Rohee, Robeson Benn, Ashni Singh and the Presidential Advisor on the Government’s side Ms. Gail Teixeira and the Cabinet Secretary and the Presidential Adviser Mr. Lumumba

The atmosphere at that engagement was candid and frankness characterized the exchanges. Both sides were committed to finding ways towards the resolution of the issues and a return of normalcy within the mining community of Linden. As a result of the engagement, the government side has prepared its submission and submitted it to Mr. Solomon reflecting the Government of Guyana’s positions on important issues to which the RDC chairman undertook to respond which regards to the electricity tariffs in the most critical and on the resulting event for the protest, the government undertook to put on hold the July 1 deadline for the decision of the increase of the tariffs rate. In the interim, the government also undertook to establish a technical team to look into all aspects of the electricity tariff system in Lindenand, this review would include all available and practical options and the attendant implications, financial and otherwise. Also, the government undertook to have the composition, the members of the technical team named from collaboration on both sides and the team will draft terms of reference that would have been agreed upon by both sides.

The Government side and the Region 10 administrative delegations undertook to have the technical team established as soon as possible, once the points - one and two previously mentioned were implemented.

The second undertaking dealt with the economic initiatives and the Government side undertook - it actually reiterated its commitments made in the April 2012 budget talks with the parliamentary opposition APNU and AFC with regards to the resuscitation of the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN), the successor to the Linden Economic Advancement Programme, the establishment of a microcredit scheme for the region, along the lines of the Women of Worth microcredit scheme already in existence.

The Government also reaffirmed that it had been and will continue the exploration leading to the introduction of such a scheme by a commercial bank for Region 10 specifically and for Lindenin particular. Further the government side also undertook to encourage the regional chairman and the RDC in consultation with the community to submit its priority of economic activities that in its opinion would benefit the Lindencommunity and Region 10 in the short, medium and long-term, taking of course into consideration the existing investment programme and other proposals. The region will submit its proposals to the Government side   within one month or by the end of August 2012.

Additionally the Government side undertook to have the Ministry of Agriculture working with farmers in the West Watooka area and other farmers in Lindento realize Region 10’s agriculture potential.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Extrcated: In the interim, the government also undertook to establish a technical team to look into all aspects of the electricity tariff system in Lindenand, this review would include all available and practical options and the attendant implications, financial and otherwise. Also, the government undertook to have the composition, the members of the technical team named from collaboration on both sides and the team will draft terms of reference that would have been agreed upon by both sides.


It's great to see Mr. Ramotar is willing to reach out to the other side.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Ramotar caved in to the political agitators, kicking the can down the road.

Nah, he clutched and going into low gear...for now.  He knows the rate hike must come.

Originally Posted by baseman:

It's the appropriate thing to do to diffuse the situation, but Linden MUST pay what everyone else is paying.  They have no more or no less rights and privileges.

Am I correct in saying that the money collected from the Lindeners for the electricity doe snot go to GPL, but to the Chinese government since the electricity is supplied by a foreign country? If that is the case why is it any concern of those not on the same electricity grid what Lindeners should be pay9ing? In a free market economy operated by the communist PPP and Chinese owned Bosai such practices are the domain of capitalism.  

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It's the appropriate thing to do to diffuse the situation, but Linden MUST pay what everyone else is paying.  They have no more or no less rights and privileges.

Am I correct in saying that the money collected from the Lindeners for the electricity doe snot go to GPL, but to the Chinese government since the electricity is supplied by a foreign country? If that is the case why is it any concern of those not on the same electricity grid what Lindeners should be pay9ing? In a free market economy operated by the communist PPP and Chinese owned Bosai such practices are the domain of capitalism.  

This arrangement was likely a legacy of past practice.  The GoG needs to now assert it's domain and ensure there is equity in the nation as a whole.  The GoG is on the correct path, but the speed could be a point of discussion.  As a national policy, limited subsidies should be considered for enterprises, with conditions, but never to consumers carte-blanche.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It's the appropriate thing to do to diffuse the situation, but Linden MUST pay what everyone else is paying.  They have no more or no less rights and privileges.

Am I correct in saying that the money collected from the Lindeners for the electricity doe snot go to GPL, but to the Chinese government since the electricity is supplied by a foreign country? If that is the case why is it any concern of those not on the same electricity grid what Lindeners should be pay9ing? In a free market economy operated by the communist PPP and Chinese owned Bosai such practices are the domain of capitalism.  

This arrangement was likely a legacy of past practice.  The GoG needs to now assert it's domain and ensure there is equity in the nation as a whole.  The GoG is on the correct path, but the speed could be a point of discussion.  As a national policy, limited subsidies should be considered for enterprises, with conditions, but never to consumers carte-blanche.

Then why are Berbicians paying more to cross the Jagdeo shaky floating bridge than Demerarians paying to cross the Burnham floating bridge?
In Ontario the rates are not the same and OH sells its excess to the USA at a rate far below the local rates.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It's the appropriate thing to do to diffuse the situation, but Linden MUST pay what everyone else is paying.  They have no more or no less rights and privileges.

Am I correct in saying that the money collected from the Lindeners for the electricity doe snot go to GPL, but to the Chinese government since the electricity is supplied by a foreign country? If that is the case why is it any concern of those not on the same electricity grid what Lindeners should be pay9ing? In a free market economy operated by the communist PPP and Chinese owned Bosai such practices are the domain of capitalism.  

This arrangement was likely a legacy of past practice.  The GoG needs to now assert it's domain and ensure there is equity in the nation as a whole.  The GoG is on the correct path, but the speed could be a point of discussion.  As a national policy, limited subsidies should be considered for enterprises, with conditions, but never to consumers carte-blanche.

Then why are Berbicians paying more to cross the Jagdeo shaky floating bridge than Demerarians paying to cross the Burnham floating bridge?
In Ontario the rates are not the same and OH sells its excess to the USA at a rate far below the local rates.

Exactly what's the relevance of this with Linden?  Are you out of taking points or ideas?  Maybe the PPP is prejudice against Bbce for voting with Nagamootoo? Try that for the AFC's next talking point, it comes rather cheap and low risk.  They don't loot and burn.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Extrcated: In the interim, the government also undertook to establish a technical team to look into all aspects of the electricity tariff system in Lindenand, this review would include all available and practical options and the attendant implications, financial and otherwise. Also, the government undertook to have the composition, the members of the technical team named from collaboration on both sides and the team will draft terms of reference that would have been agreed upon by both sides.


It's great to see Mr. Ramotar is willing to reach out to the other side.

The Guyana government Wednesday night announced that it has put a hold on increase in electricity rates from July 1, paving the way for a technical team to examine the feasibility of a tariff hike.

Why wasnt this done before and now after the damage is already done ? Arrogance or just plain stupidity . I would be angry if I lived in another region and was paying a higher rate than Lindeners which might encourage me to move to Linden. Is Linden becoming the welfare region of Guyana ?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by baseman:

It's the appropriate thing to do to diffuse the situation, but Linden MUST pay what everyone else is paying.  They have no more or no less rights and privileges.

Am I correct in saying that the money collected from the Lindeners for the electricity doe snot go to GPL, but to the Chinese government since the electricity is supplied by a foreign country? If that is the case why is it any concern of those not on the same electricity grid what Lindeners should be pay9ing? In a free market economy operated by the communist PPP and Chinese owned Bosai such practices are the domain of capitalism.  

This arrangement was likely a legacy of past practice.  The GoG needs to now assert it's domain and ensure there is equity in the nation as a whole.  The GoG is on the correct path, but the speed could be a point of discussion.  As a national policy, limited subsidies should be considered for enterprises, with conditions, but never to consumers carte-blanche.

Then why are Berbicians paying more to cross the Jagdeo shaky floating bridge than Demerarians paying to cross the Burnham floating bridge?
In Ontario the rates are not the same and OH sells its excess to the USA at a rate far below the local rates.

Exactly what's the relevance of this with Linden?  Are you out of taking points or ideas?  Maybe the PPP is prejudice against Bbce for voting with Nagamootoo? Try that for the AFC's next talking point, it comes rather cheap and low risk.  They don't loot and burn.

Under your racist cap, you are the one talking about equity. The people of Berbice need to rise up and fight for equality. Look at how the PPP is slowly killing New Amsterdam.




Emile_Mervin 3 hours ago EXtracted from SN

Not only should the hike be on hold until the depressed economy is lifted, but we need a comprehensive study to determine how the hell Bosai came up with their rates for Lindeners, given that Bosai has to produce electricity for its own operations, and the excess of that electricity production is what is passed on to Lindeners. In fact, we need to know if Bosai made a profit of GY$119M the last two years and how did they figure out this.


The Ramotar administration owns this tragedy because of its politically
vindictive and insensitive timing in delivering the announcement to eliminate the electrical subsidy, and also owes Lindeners an apology and to ensure the families of the deceased and wounded are more than adequately compensated for their loss and pain and suffering.


Less than 6 months after Donald Ramotar promised that with the introduction of the Amalia Falls hydro, the government subsidy of electricity to Linden will be reduced, the government claimed that its decision to expedite the reduction was triggered by the parliamentary opposition's Budget cuts. Government had budgeted almost $3B for Lindeners as an electricity subsidy. The opposition, however, had argued during the budget debate earlier this year that GPL should move to cut waste and reduced the subsidy by $1B (see "Lindeners to pay more for electricity from July 1," KN, June 15).


What the government subsidy to Linden had to do with the GPL's recurring waste that results in increasing rates is not clear, but it has become clearer that the reduced subsidy was a retaliation for Lindeners voting overwhelmingly for APNU last November and for the opposition cutting the GPL's budget, because the government did not go after any other community and there is not link between Linden and the GPL.


Therefore, when the police riot squad showed up in Linden and shot dead three protestors while wounding several others, the commander on the ground, the police commissioner and the Home Affairs Minister had to be apprised of the type of riot gear, equipment and weapons the squad was traveling with and the standard operating procedures to be employed in event there is need for crowd control or dispersion


That the riot squad fired live rounds, contradicting police claims of pellets and rubber bullets, showed a break down took place somewhere, and this tragedy is now owned by the government, no matter how it tries to pass it off on to the police. The government should be on public trial and be asked to resign, because the same unprovoked shooting took place last December against APNU street demonstrators. A pattern has long been established that Blacks have been at the receiving end of whatever the PPP regime deems to be justice, and this has to stop.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Then why are Berbicians paying more to cross the Jagdeo shaky floating bridge than Demerarians paying to cross the Burnham floating bridge?

In Ontario the rates are not the same and OH sells its excess to the USA at a rate far below the local rates.

Exactly what's the relevance of this with Linden?  Are you out of taking points or ideas?  Maybe the PPP is prejudice against Bbce for voting with Nagamootoo? Try that for the AFC's next talking point, it comes rather cheap and low risk.  They don't loot and burn.

Under your racist cap, you are the one talking about equity. The people of Berbice need to rise up and fight for equality. Look at how the PPP is slowly killing New Amsterdam.


The people of Bbce know what they need to do.  They don't need political opportunists to lead them down any naive and foolish path.  They know what's good for them, they were conned once.  Yes, why is Linden rate equity not equity.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Then why are Berbicians paying more to cross the Jagdeo shaky floating bridge than Demerarians paying to cross the Burnham floating bridge?

In Ontario the rates are not the same and OH sells its excess to the USA at a rate far below the local rates.

Exactly what's the relevance of this with Linden?  Are you out of taking points or ideas?  Maybe the PPP is prejudice against Bbce for voting with Nagamootoo? Try that for the AFC's next talking point, it comes rather cheap and low risk.  They don't loot and burn.

Under your racist cap, you are the one talking about equity. The people of Berbice need to rise up and fight for equality. Look at how the PPP is slowly killing New Amsterdam.


The people of Bbce know what they need to do.  They don't need political opportunists to lead them down any naive and foolish path.  They know what's good for them, they were conned once.  Yes, why is Linden rate equity not equity.

Why should Linderners be made to pay for the waste at GPL when GPL is not their supplier? Before the election Ramotar promised cheaper electricity. Why the PPP did not raise the rates prior to the election? Your PPP is doing things ass backwards. See how they have back peddled and now willing to sit down and talk about phasing in the increase?


The PPP have created 3 black martyrs with a possible 4th.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Then why are Berbicians paying more to cross the Jagdeo shaky floating bridge than Demerarians paying to cross the Burnham floating bridge?

In Ontario the rates are not the same and OH sells its excess to the USA at a rate far below the local rates.

Exactly what's the relevance of this with Linden?  Are you out of taking points or ideas?  Maybe the PPP is prejudice against Bbce for voting with Nagamootoo? Try that for the AFC's next talking point, it comes rather cheap and low risk.  They don't loot and burn.

Under your racist cap, you are the one talking about equity. The people of Berbice need to rise up and fight for equality. Look at how the PPP is slowly killing New Amsterdam.


The people of Bbce know what they need to do.  They don't need political opportunists to lead them down any naive and foolish path.  They know what's good for them, they were conned once.  Yes, why is Linden rate equity not equity.

Why should Linderners be made to pay for the waste at GPL when GPL is not their supplier? Before the election Ramotar promised cheaper electricity. Why the PPP did not raise the rates prior to the election? Your PPP is doing things ass backwards. See how they have back peddled and now willing to sit down and talk about phasing in the increase?


The PPP have created 3 black martyrs with a possible 4th.

Is that the new line?  So are you asserting that GPL operates on a 80% waste ratio.  Now if that's not a bunch of crock and you can only shovel this to the opportunists, the naive and those seeking to benefit from low rates.  As the crap you posted there further confirms political pandering and the masses have seen through it all.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Then why are Berbicians paying more to cross the Jagdeo shaky floating bridge than Demerarians paying to cross the Burnham floating bridge?

In Ontario the rates are not the same and OH sells its excess to the USA at a rate far below the local rates.

Exactly what's the relevance of this with Linden?  Are you out of taking points or ideas?  Maybe the PPP is prejudice against Bbce for voting with Nagamootoo? Try that for the AFC's next talking point, it comes rather cheap and low risk.  They don't loot and burn.

Under your racist cap, you are the one talking about equity. The people of Berbice need to rise up and fight for equality. Look at how the PPP is slowly killing New Amsterdam.


The people of Bbce know what they need to do.  They don't need political opportunists to lead them down any naive and foolish path.  They know what's good for them, they were conned once.  Yes, why is Linden rate equity not equity.

Why should Linderners be made to pay for the waste at GPL when GPL is not their supplier? Before the election Ramotar promised cheaper electricity. Why the PPP did not raise the rates prior to the election? Your PPP is doing things ass backwards. See how they have back peddled and now willing to sit down and talk about phasing in the increase?


The PPP have created 3 black martyrs with a possible 4th.

Is that the new line?  So are you asserting that GPL operates on a 80% waste ratio.  Now if that's not a bunch of crock and you can only shovel this to the opportunists, the naive and those seeking to benefit from low rates.  As the crap you posted there further confirms political pandering and the masses have seen through it all.

The crap you are posting reveals your racism.

Who is GPL renting  the generator from for which they are paying an amount for the year which is almost equivalent to the purchase price?

Wanna bet that the owner is a PPP crony?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:


The people of Bbce know what they need to do.  They don't need political opportunists to lead them down any naive and foolish path.  They know what's good for them, they were conned once.  Yes, why is Linden rate equity not equity.

Why should Linderners be made to pay for the waste at GPL when GPL is not their supplier? Before the election Ramotar promised cheaper electricity. Why the PPP did not raise the rates prior to the election? Your PPP is doing things ass backwards. See how they have back peddled and now willing to sit down and talk about phasing in the increase?


The PPP have created 3 black martyrs with a possible 4th.

Is that the new line?  So are you asserting that GPL operates on a 80% waste ratio.  Now if that's not a bunch of crock and you can only shovel this to the opportunists, the naive and those seeking to benefit from low rates.  As the crap you posted there further confirms political pandering and the masses have seen through it all.

The crap you are posting reveals your racism.

Who is GPL renting  the generator from for which they are paying an amount for the year which is almost equivalent to the purchase price?

Wanna bet that the owner is a PPP crony?

Why is it racism, cuz I dont agree with Lindeners and their unreasonable demand?  As I said, you guys are coming across as cheap opportunists and will pay the price, you will see.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:


The people of Bbce know what they need to do.  They don't need political opportunists to lead them down any naive and foolish path.  They know what's good for them, they were conned once.  Yes, why is Linden rate equity not equity.

Why should Linderners be made to pay for the waste at GPL when GPL is not their supplier? Before the election Ramotar promised cheaper electricity. Why the PPP did not raise the rates prior to the election? Your PPP is doing things ass backwards. See how they have back peddled and now willing to sit down and talk about phasing in the increase?


The PPP have created 3 black martyrs with a possible 4th.

Is that the new line?  So are you asserting that GPL operates on a 80% waste ratio.  Now if that's not a bunch of crock and you can only shovel this to the opportunists, the naive and those seeking to benefit from low rates.  As the crap you posted there further confirms political pandering and the masses have seen through it all.

The crap you are posting reveals your racism.

Who is GPL renting  the generator from for which they are paying an amount for the year which is almost equivalent to the purchase price?

Wanna bet that the owner is a PPP crony?

Why is it racism, cuz I dont agree with Lindeners and their unreasonable demand?  As I said, you guys are coming across as cheap opportunists and will pay the price, you will see.

Your statements to Stormy and about Gajraj, are proofs that you are a racist.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Is that the new line?  So are you asserting that GPL operates on a 80% waste ratio.  Now if that's not a bunch of crock and you can only shovel this to the opportunists, the naive and those seeking to benefit from low rates.  As the crap you posted there further confirms political pandering and the masses have seen through it all.

The crap you are posting reveals your racism.

Who is GPL renting  the generator from for which they are paying an amount for the year which is almost equivalent to the purchase price?

Wanna bet that the owner is a PPP crony?

Why is it racism, cuz I dont agree with Lindeners and their unreasonable demand?  As I said, you guys are coming across as cheap opportunists and will pay the price, you will see.

Your statements to Stormy and about Gajraj, are proofs that you are a racist.

What's so racist about Gajraj prevented from preventing Lusignan and Bartica?  The gang that did it escaped his dragnet which will well executed.

Originally Posted by baseman:

It's the appropriate thing to do to diffuse the situation, but Linden MUST pay what everyone else is paying.  They have no more or no less rights and privileges.

Base, Ramotar is the weakest poitical leader of all times. Any leader must be firm but fair. He is neither. He gives hugs to thugs. Look who he was negotiating with on the Linden situation. All those thugs were the ones who riled up the people of Linden to riot. As I said month's ago whatever the PNC/APNU/AFC want Ramotar would give them. His gut is full of Hot air. I would not be surprised if the thugs tell him to bend over and  to offer him their big black night stick. Indian people in Guyana should riot like rass to get what they want. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:



It's great to see Mr. Ramotar is willing to reach out to the other side.

No it is not.  He is only PRETENDING to do so because the diplomatic representations made by the EU, the UK, Canada and the USA have embarrassed him into explaining why four people were murdered because they refused to follow police orders.  In all of these countries there have been protests, many unauthorized, some even unruly and at times blocking infrastructure, yet they havent resorted to killing protesters.


So they are aghast at the PPPs behavior.


This is like that teenage boy whose genitals were burnt by the cops.  Were there any long term changes in Guyana?  No.  Just a few people scape goated because they engaged in behaviors that they assumed were tolerated, and usually are when the eyes of the world arent watching.

.they have back peddled and now willing to sit down and talk about phasing in the increase?


Why is it racism, cuz I dont agree with Lindeners and their unreasonable demand?  As I said, you guys are coming across as cheap opportunists and will pay the price, you will see.

It is racist when you justify the murder and injury of several people because you dont like what they want.  The only reason why you do so is because of their race.  The day that sugar workers are shot at by police men and there are deaths you will be screaming at AfroGuyanese slaughtering Indians and that the PNC has to be behind it.


You are free to disagree with the demands of Lindeners.  You are NOT free to justify their deaths at the hands of entities acting on behalf of the govt.


The only direction that this discussion should ahve taken is an examination of the murder of the police, to what extent this was justifioed and remedies and reforms that must be enacted to prevent its reoccurrence.


The Linden subsidy is adifferent topic and from what we are now hearing it is not evident that any subsidy is being paid, or if Lindeners are the big beneficiaries if there are subsidies.  BOSAI is NOT losing money providing power so if BOSAI is being paid by the govt why are they being paid so much more than they need to cover their costs?


Your closed mindedness in light of the additional information that we are receiving on this issue shows us your high degree of hatred of blacks.  There are many questions but you arent even demanding answers. You are just drinking PPP propaganda because it serves your racist notions that blacks are inferior and do not matter.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
. Indian people in Guyana should riot like rass to get what they want. 

And if the police kill them what will you say.  NOTHING based on your glee wbout the murder and injury of Lindeners.  After all if a police commander takes it upon himself to kill you endorse this behavior.  Or do you only do so when the victims are black.


This reminds me of a few years ago when Corentyne people burned down a police station during protests.  Your logic suggests that the poilice were well within their rights to fire guns into the crowd....but no you will weasle out of this because the victims would have been Indians.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Is that the new line?  So are you asserting that GPL operates on a 80% waste ratio.  Now if that's not a bunch of crock and you can only shovel this to the opportunists, the naive and those seeking to benefit from low rates.  As the crap you posted there further confirms political pandering and the masses have seen through it all.

What ever GPLs wastage rates are is irrelevant given that they do not supply Linden. Discussions about the rates that Lindeners should pay should be based on what it costs BOSAI to supply them.  BOSAI not only covers its costs but generates a surplus.


So where is this surplus coming from?  Why arent you demanding answers to that question?

Originally Posted by caribny:
.they have back peddled and now willing to sit down and talk about phasing in the increase?


Why is it racism, cuz I dont agree with Lindeners and their unreasonable demand?  As I said, you guys are coming across as cheap opportunists and will pay the price, you will see.

It is racist when you justify the murder and injury of several people because you dont like what they want.

Where did I ever justify it?  I said all along the use of deadly force was disproportionate and uncalled-for and warrants a full and independent investigation.


However, the reasons for the protest were unjustifiable as Lindeners are entitled to no more or no less privileges and rights as the rest of the nation.  This has been my position all along and never changed.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Is that the new line?  So are you asserting that GPL operates on a 80% waste ratio.  Now if that's not a bunch of crock and you can only shovel this to the opportunists, the naive and those seeking to benefit from low rates.  As the crap you posted there further confirms political pandering and the masses have seen through it all.

What ever

Always a cop-out opening position.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:



It's great to see Mr. Ramotar is willing to reach out to the other side.

No it is not.  He is only PRETENDING to do so because the diplomatic representations made by the EU, the UK, Canada and the USA have embarrassed him into explaining why four people were murdered because they refused to follow police orders.  In all of these countries there have been protests, many unauthorized, some even unruly and at times blocking infrastructure, yet they havent resorted to killing protesters.


So they are aghast at the PPPs behavior.


This is like that teenage boy whose genitals were burnt by the cops.  Were there any long term changes in Guyana?  No.  Just a few people scape goated because they engaged in behaviors that they assumed were tolerated, and usually are when the eyes of the world arent watching.

Do you know that in Southwestern Ontario, Canada peaceful aboriginal protestors were gunned down by the Ontario Provincial Police in a Park? There were allegations that the Premier (Mike Harris) gave the order. Calls for a Commission of Enquiry got the thumbs down. Are you aware that if a citizen with a knife advances towards a Police, the Police can shoot to kill to defend himself. This happens in Canada. Canada also tells China to clean up its human rights when Canada still discriminate against its first peoples. So other countries like to tell others what to do even though they are doing the same damn thing in their own backyard.


you asking a town or region with 75% UNEMPLOYMENT to  pay what they cannot afford at the moment,and this the only region that is making revenue for the goverment in the gold field,these people have one TV station. one radio station maybe they should look at this region to rule themself as a state  and collect rate to use to develop they region the gold field alone will make this town rich,rav dave was touthing this concept once in guyana.they have it in the USA and canada.sugar is running guyana bankrupt and the goverment still keeping the estate open.well the region which linden is in making money for this goverment so why not help the people  

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
. Indian people in Guyana should riot like rass to get what they want. 

And if the police kill them what will you say.  NOTHING based on your glee wbout the murder and injury of Lindeners.  After all if a police commander takes it upon himself to kill you endorse this behavior.  Or do you only do so when the victims are black.


This reminds me of a few years ago when Corentyne people burned down a police station during protests.  Your logic suggests that the poilice were well within their rights to fire guns into the crowd....but no you will weasle out of this because the victims would have been Indians.

In Corentyne when the people try to protect the Ballot boxes they were gunned down by the PNC thugs in the GDF. For protecting Democracy man. Why aren't they Martyr's? Oh! they were not fighting for freeness.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

In Corentyne when the people try to protect the Ballot boxes they were gunned down by the PNC thugs in the GDF. For protecting Democracy man. Why aren't they Martyr's? Oh! they were not fighting for freeness.

er, ahmmm, ahem . . .

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Dondadda:
. Indian people in Guyana should riot like rass to get what they want. 

And if the police kill them what will you say.  NOTHING based on your glee wbout the murder and injury of Lindeners.  After all if a police commander takes it upon himself to kill you endorse this behavior.  Or do you only do so when the victims are black.


This reminds me of a few years ago when Corentyne people burned down a police station during protests.  Your logic suggests that the poilice were well within their rights to fire guns into the crowd....but no you will weasle out of this because the victims would have been Indians.

The PPP gave Buxton a new dance hall -Tiperary Hall after the village cuddled, fed and hid the murderers of the innocent people of Lusignan and Bartica. The talk then was that Buxtonians were being marginalized. But like I said Black people think that the world owe them something. In your own US of A black people hanging out close to the Social Security office telling CNN journalist that they like to stay on Social Security because they don't want to work -that USA owe them that for what they did to Black people.


Where did I ever justify it?  I said all along the use of deadly force was disproportionate and uncalled-for and warrants a full and independent investigation.


However, the reasons for the protest were unjustifiable as Lindeners are entitled to no more or no less privileges and rights as the rest of the nation.  This has been my position all along and never changed.

Given that we are hearing that GPL does not supply Linden and yet you still prattle that theur demands are unjustifiable when we do not know what the true facts are.


Answer two questions.


1. If BOSAI PROFITABLY generates electricity more cheaply that GPL why should Lindenere pay what others pay?  The rest of Guyana should demand answsers as to why electricity in Guyana is among the most expensive in the Caribbean when its labor costs are the lowest and the cost of fuel is the same as elsewhere.


2.  If BOSAI is paid by the govt to generate electricty why is the govt overpaying BOSAI to the point where there are generating surpluses?


You have no answers toi either question and shouldk insist that any discussion of increaed rates ought to be tabled until the correct responses are generated.


But your basic hatred of blacks forces you not to understand this logic.


You are also behaving like the NRA after that lunatic killed 12 people in Colorado.  The question that you need to focus on is not your disagreement with Lindeners but the fcat that you are peddling the PPP version of the events when you know full qwell that they are telling lies to look good in front of the diplomatic community and have no interest in resolving what happened.



FACT 4 were killed and many others injured becauede they disoebyed and order and refused to move even after tear gassed.  FACt.  the violence that did occur happened after live rounds were fired by the police.


FACT the PPP is now peddling a lie that the guns werent police rounds when INDEPENDENT forensics experts are poking holes in their claims.


OK so we have blacks being killed at Lindo Creek.  NO ANSWERS.


Blacks being injured after the elections in a protest. NO ANSWERS


Now blacks being attacked again after a protest.  Please forgive us if we are skeptical about any interest in the PPP resolving this issue in a fair matter.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Where did I ever justify it?  I said all along the use of deadly force was disproportionate and uncalled-for and warrants a full and independent investigation.


However, the reasons for the protest were unjustifiable as Lindeners are entitled to no more or no less privileges and rights as the rest of the nation.  This has been my position all along and never changed.

Given that we are hearing that GPL does not supply Linden and yet you still prattle that theur demands are unjustifiable when we do not know what the true facts are.


Answer two questions.


1. If BOSAI PROFITABLY generates electricity more cheaply that GPL why should Lindenere pay what others pay?  The rest of Guyana should demand answsers as to why electricity in Guyana is among the most expensive in the Caribbean when its labor costs are the lowest and the cost of fuel is the same as elsewhere.


2.  If BOSAI is paid by the govt to generate electricty why is the govt overpaying BOSAI to the point where there are generating surpluses?

BOSAI's FBMC is $58/KWH while GPL is $53.  BOSAI should not be allowed to charge incremental and leave the burden on the rest of its ops depressing true profitability and as such, national tax revenues or pass the costs back o the Govt.  However, in fairness to Lindeners, the GoG should offset the $5 difference as it's not fair to Lindeners to pay more.


Why is the Govt overpaying BOSAI, are they?  The issue should not be whether or not BOSAI makes a profit, this is an accounting issue.  The Govt has a license with BOSAI and the generation of electricity is likely a sub-clause in their contract and they do need to compensate BOSAI for their costs.  BOSAI then needs to pass the costs onto the customer.


Your question is much more simplistic that you can imagine.  It's not the way things work in a license arrangement.  You have to get the whole picture, but clearly BOSAI is not there are power generation or charitable purposes.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

In Corentyne when the people try to protect the Ballot boxes they were gunned down by the PNC thugs in the GDF. For protecting Democracy man. Why aren't they Martyr's? Oh! they were not fighting for freeness.

So PNC kills Indians and PPP kills blacks.  PPP=PNC.  I a not arguing with you about the PNC.  I am tellingt you that the PPP is no different.


The difference between me and you is I am telling you that the PNC was racist.  Using similar tactics I am telling you that the PPP is also racist.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

The PPP gave Buxton a new dance hall -Tiperary Hall after the village cuddled, fed and hid the murderers of the innocent people of Lusignan and Bartica. The talk then was that Buxtonians were being marginalized. But like I said Black people think that the world owe them something. In your own US of A black people hanging out close to the Social Security office telling CNN journalist that they like to stay on Social Security because they don't want to work -that USA owe them that for what they did to Black people.

Sooo . . . this PNC talk is just a convenient cover story after all.


If Burnham never lived, you'd be just another sad dalit agonizing over rejection by the hood & sheet crowd.


wish 'sledge' er . . . 'base' would be as 'honest'



BOSAI's FBMC is $58/KWH while GPL is $53.  BOSAI should not be allowed to charge incremental and leave the burden on the rest of its ops depressing true profitability and as such, national tax revenues or pass the costs back o the Govt.  However, in fairness to Lindeners, the GoG should offset the $5 difference as it's not fair to Lindeners to pay more.


Why is the Govt overpaying BOSAI, are they?  The issue should not be whether or not BOSAI makes a profit, this is an accounting issue.  The Govt has a license with BOSAI and the generation of electricity is likely a sub-clause in their contract and they do need to compensate BOSAI for their costs.  BOSAI then needs to pass the costs onto the customer.


Your question is much more simplistic that you can imagine.  It's not the way things work in a license arrangement.  You have to get the whole picture, but clearly BOSAI is not there are power generation or charitable purposes.

1.  Is the govt paying BOSAI to generate electricity for sale to Linden?  If no then the matter is over.  If Linden pays less because the supplier is more efficient than it is unfair for them to have to pay more.


2.  If BOSAI is making a profit because they receive a subsidy from the govt then its simple. The govt should initially cut the subsidy to remove BOSAI's profit and to allow it to cover its costs.  It should never have been the intent for BOSAI to generate surpluses at the expense of the Guyanese taxpayer and if the license doesnt address that it is just further signs of PPP incompetence.


But scape goating black people is more your speed.


What has now become obvious is that the cost that Lindeners pay for electricity has NOTHING to do with what the rest of Guyana pays and so their tariffs should not be analyzed in comparison with what GPL charges. What is also obvious is that there is no way that BOSAI is not going to cover their costs by providing a service that is not core to their operations.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by caribny:

The PPP gave Buxton a new dance hall -Tiperary Hall after the village cuddled, fed and hid the murderers of the innocent people of Lusignan and Bartica. The talk then was that Buxtonians were being marginalized. But like I said Black people think that the world owe them something. In your own US of A black people hanging out close to the Social Security office telling CNN journalist that they like to stay on Social Security because they don't want to work -that USA owe them that for what they did to Black people.

And this dance hall has generated jobs for Buxton. I wonder who built it and who was employed in its construction.  And did Buxtonians as a whole say that they wanted it, or was this to reward some soup lickers.


The rest of your rage is just your attempt to ensure that every Trinidadian Indian who reports how racist Guyanese Indians are will bemade to look as if they are telling the truth.  This is a racist rant.


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