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Linden/Georgetown hire car drivers protest relocation


Several hire car drivers plying the Linden/ Georgetown route have on Monday staged protest action outside the office of the Linden Mayor and Town Council (LM&TC) to register their opposition to a decision by

Protesters meeting with Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland

the Council to relocate them from being stationed along the Co-op Crescent roadway to the Linden/Georgetown minibus park. The decision went into effect on September 1st but the dissatisfied drivers are up in arms, hoisting placards and voicing their concerns over the move, citing issues such as safety and what they described as the “ill- prepared state” of that section of the park to facilitate them. Some drivers have also posited that the LMTC did not have the authority to move them.
Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland invited the protesters into his office for discussion shortly after the protest started, and has noted that discussions were “fruitful.” He refuted claims that the Council did not have the authority to relocate drivers, and explained that after several consultations with the drivers and their association, an agreement was arrived at to facilitate the move.
He, however, said there appeared to be some miscommunication between some drivers who were not involved, and he deemed them “misguided”. The Mayor said the Council, in an effort to bring order to the system of operation, facilitated the move, adding that the Linden-Georgetown park was also underutilized. He said the Council is seeking to have proper systems in place to better facilitate the drivers, such as proper separation and different entry and exit points for minibuses and cars. Holland said proper park markings are also expected to be completed today, and the Council would be ensuring security measures by having constables present to maintain order on the park. He added that the Police have also pledged to do their part in ensuring security at the location.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The current administration seems to be taking the country in that direction. The AFC/PNC tax collectors will show up at their funerals to stop the final rites until they get a last chance to collect more taxes.

Interesting times ahead.


guyanese missing bj and ppp juss like america missing obama.  you never miss the water.  ppp left guyana is great shape, pnc breaking it up.  ppp had problems corrupt they say, but pnc got bigger problems.  i tought pnc would be better pnc wach out ppp 2020.

Lady Bird posted:

guyanese missing bj and ppp juss like america missing obama.  you never miss the water.  ppp left guyana is great shape, pnc breaking it up.  ppp had problems corrupt they say, but pnc got bigger problems.  i tought pnc would be better pnc wach out ppp 2020.

Lady Kiskadee, so you think the PPP would win in 2020? How come you have similar writing style to Ramenauth? You know him or you guys to the same school? Just wondering. Do you have a catamaran?

Lady Bird posted:

guyanese missing bj and ppp juss like america missing obama.  you never miss the water.  ppp left guyana is great shape, pnc breaking it up.  ppp had problems corrupt they say, but pnc got bigger problems.  i tought pnc would be better pnc wach out ppp 2020.

Lady B,

Granger intends to rig. The bigger question is how will the people get rid of a PNC dictator ? Will you take to the streets in protest ?

skeldon_man posted:
Lady Bird posted:

guyanese missing bj and ppp juss like america missing obama.  you never miss the water.  ppp left guyana is great shape, pnc breaking it up.  ppp had problems corrupt they say, but pnc got bigger problems.  i tought pnc would be better pnc wach out ppp 2020.

Lady Kiskadee, so you think the PPP would win in 2020? How come you have similar writing style to Ramenauth? You know him or you guys to the same school? Just wondering. Do you have a catamaran?

bai you never know wid these tings.  we see nah come 2020.  nah dont know who ramenauth i is 56 old woman in queens.  i see he posting but gone when hoochi mama bb try to scoop he in she man o man revolving door but look like ramenauth smell the fish mouth stinka from far and run way.  no catamaran but hubby and friends got a boat we does go fishing sometimes.

Lady Bird posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Lady Bird posted:

guyanese missing bj and ppp juss like america missing obama.  you never miss the water.  ppp left guyana is great shape, pnc breaking it up.  ppp had problems corrupt they say, but pnc got bigger problems.  i tought pnc would be better pnc wach out ppp 2020.

Lady Kiskadee, so you think the PPP would win in 2020? How come you have similar writing style to Ramenauth? You know him or you guys to the same school? Just wondering. Do you have a catamaran?

bai you never know wid these tings.  we see nah come 2020.  nah dont know who ramenauth i is 56 old woman in queens.  i see he posting but gone when hoochi mama bb try to scoop he in she man o man revolving door but look like ramenauth smell the fish mouth stinka from far and run way.  no catamaran but hubby and friends got a boat we does go fishing sometimes.

Lady Kiskadee, you can prappa tell some tall tales.

Drugb posted:

Soon they will return to cannibalism when life get so hard under their pNC that they can't af

I see that the Indo KKK is in full form today now that Lady Bird is a new recruit.

Here is what you PPP Indo KKK types don't understand. Black people are not slaves. When the PNC does something that they don't like they protest.

This is unlike PPP supporters who are al greased up in their rear and ready to be get roughly plundered by BJ and the rest of his ilk. BJ is a good name as in fact this is what he demands PPP supporters to do.

The issue is that PPP supporters do this so they cannot understand that PNC supporters draw the line when their party does wrong.

caribny posted:
Black people are not slaves. When the PNC does something that they don't like they protest.


I fully endorse this statement. During Burnham's time, black people carried out some daring protest actions. For example, in 1971 stevedores in the Guyana Labour Union, whose Honorary President was Burnham himself, went on strike to protest insufficient representation by their union leaders. They even assembled outside Burnham's office in the Public Buildings. I passed by and had to stop and watch that rowdy crowd taunting Burnham who stood on the balcony facing them. 

Then around that same time Lindeners went on strike against the just nationalized bauxite company, nearly falling out with Burnham. Under the Canadian-owned DEMBA, the workers and their company contributed to a RILA pension fund that was locked in for 10 years. At nationalization, the government wanted that fund to be transferred from Canada to Guyana and put in a new local account. The workers objected vehemently, saying they preferred the Canadians to run the fund for them. In other words, they didn't trust Burnham with their pension money, even though they had voted PNC. Burnham had to travel to Linden to quell the disturbance. He wanted quick resumption of bauxite production to take advantage of good overseas markets.

Later in the 1970s came other black protests involving Walter Rodney, Eusi Kwayana etc which are well recorded and known.

As Carib observed, there were no comparative massive protests by Indians against the PPP government. 

Nehru posted:

Gilly, where were you went Indiaans protested against the PPP Govt in Berbice, Essequibo, WEst DEmerara and other places?

My key word is "comparative". Yes, Indians protested against PPP but not on the same scale as blacks against Burnham. And, just to illustrate, Burnham killed black protesters like Rodney and other WPA activists. PPP didn't have cause to kill any Indian protest leader.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Is only Rodney and the WPA protested and Many other races protested with Rodney. Look closely and you will realize it is Hogwash Ian Smith selling you.

You're quicker than me on the keyboard. I added a piece to my comment above. Black protesters paid with their lives under Burnham. 

Nehru posted:

Not true Bholanauth and Ramsunder( I may have the names incorrectly) were killed by Bunham when they protested against Election FRAUD.

True. But here's the catch: the 1973 ballot box martyrs were staunch Indian PPP supporters who protested against a black government.

No Indian protester was killed by the PPP government because no existential threat was posed to the PPP government. The WPA and Lindeners posed an existential threat to Burnham. They openly declared that they wanted to overthrow him. Dem seh: massa day done.

Gilbakka posted:

I fully endorse this statement. During Burnham's time, black people carried out some daring protest actions. For example, in 1971 stevedores in the Guyana Labour Union, whose Honorary President was Burnham himself, went on strike to protest insufficient representation by their union leaders. They even assembled outside Burnham's office in the Public Buildings. I passed by and had to stop and watch that rowdy crowd taunting Burnham who stood on the balcony facing them. 

Then around that same time Lindeners went on strike against the just nationalized bauxite company, nearly falling out with Burnham. Under the Canadian-owned DEMBA, the workers and their company contributed to a RILA pension fund that was locked in for 10 years. At nationalization, the government wanted that fund to be transferred from Canada to Guyana and put in a new local account. The workers objected vehemently, saying they preferred the Canadians to run the fund for them. In other words, they didn't trust Burnham with their pension money, even though they had voted PNC. Burnham had to travel to Linden to quell the disturbance. He wanted quick resumption of bauxite production to take advantage of good overseas markets.

Later in the 1970s came other black protests involving Walter Rodney, Eusi Kwayana etc which are well recorded and known.

As Carib observed, there were no comparative massive protests by Indians against the PPP government. 

Bai Gilly, like you developing a taste fuh black bigan or what? Maybe what caribj observed as though he was inventing the wheel, is what the rest of us know all along, that the Indo Guyanese are passive by nature and will not stand up for their rights regardless of which govt in power. Blacks folks in Guyana have had a history of rioting and burning when they don't get their way, naturally they are more apt to protest. CaribJ is making no revelation, he is just regurgitating a trait of the passive Indian.  Also what he neglected to observer is that the Indos like yourself have protested against the PPP by leaving the party and taken up fetching slop can for the PNC.  

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Bai Gilly, like you developing a taste fuh black bigan or what? Maybe what caribj observed as though he was inventing the wheel, is what the rest of us know all along, that the Indo Guyanese are passive by nature and will not stand up for their rights regardless of which govt in power. .

So black people will stand up against a black government which they voted for.  They were instrumental in the formation of the WPA which so terrified Burnham that his, goons, yes the SAME ones who are now with Jagdeo, beat up protesters. He eventually killed Rodney.

The PPP destroys the livelihood of Indians by seriously damaging Guysuco. and now they have oiled up their bam bams waiting to be plundered, and following Jagdeo but said NOTHING when he closed down other estates and gave away the lands to his  cronies.

Indos aren't passive when it comes to engaging in drunken brawls and wife beating.


Druggie leaving the PPP isn't protesting.  Openly confronting Jagdeo WITHIN the PPP is.

PNC Congresses can be heated events and they will confront Granger.  Not that long ago Granger was run out of Linden.

Its not that Indians are passive.  Its that the PPP has dumped them into mental slavery.  They think that to talk against Jagdeo is to betray Indians.


Drugb posted: Bai Gilly, like you developing a taste fuh...the wheel.... CaribJ is making no revelation, he is just...against the PPP.... 

Hear ye, hear ye, Drugb. Gilly speaketh not Shakespearean English. In plain standard English and pure grassroots creolese, Gilly said repeatedly he done wid APNU/PNC+AFC. And because of you and your ilk, Gilly done wid the P-P-Porters too.

Right now, Gilly seriously considering lending some support to the David Hinds wing of the WPA. Not the Thomas-Roopnarine wing, mind you. The David Hinds wing has shown that it ent tekking any eyepass from Granger.

What thinketh thou about Gilly's idea, Drugb? Bring me not any of thine deceitful roguish Iago-like talk, only thy pure well-meaning opinion, sirrah.


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