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Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

That is why Guyanese Proyestor must be careful. GPF is NOT well trained to deal with disturbances. You kno what they say about catching crabs.

Oi, mr short-term memory . . . wasn't it YOU rhapsodizng yesterday about "our Professional Police Force" . . .


what a sorry ass clown, smh

You are NOT only a JACKASS but a PROVEN DUNCE. Cant a Professional Police Force not [be] well trained in dealing with disturbances??? What a blood FOOL.

ummmm . . . now, why would a "Professional" GPF send a crew not "well trained in dealing with disturbances" to police a "disturbance" that was advertised well in advance . . . ?


sometimes it really is better to just STFU! OK

Early yesterday morning when reporters from this newspaper arrived in Linden, the mining town appeared to be a war zone with burnt out buildings creating the impression of a massive airstrike; while burnt debris and the charred remains of a truck and excavator littered the roadway.
Peaceful demonstrators...I wouldn't like to see them mad!
Originally Posted by TI:
Early yesterday morning when reporters from this newspaper arrived in Linden, the mining town appeared to be a war zone with burnt out buildings creating the impression of a massive airstrike; while burnt debris and the charred remains of a truck and excavator littered the roadway.
Peaceful demonstrators...I wouldn't like to see them mad!

Poor people, on the bridge they were singing Marley and drumming and then the were deemed violent and shot. On being angered by the murder of their siblings and injuries to others they strike back.


Then along saunters in you and  guess what? you get a self fulfilling prophesy


"see the violent people!" They cannot win for losing.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You twisting this thing to suit your own imagination. The police were facing a situation in which lawlessness would have prevailed if they did not act. In hindsight we are all the wiser.

 No I am not. I am taking their words...parsing it against the videos and pictures posted across the internet and the word of the police they were resisting being moved.To the contrary, I can safely say you have not one iota of evidence these people on that bridge with their children in tow were there to do battle with armed cops.


I am sure the months of vociferous protests across American and European cities which left no dead in its wake ought to inform you that something grossly out of place happened here. That is the disrespect for lives and the autocratic culture in the police that places little value on person hood or lives of citizens.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

They had started a five day protest and when they got to the meeting they were already hyped up. Why can't you accept that they were instigated by rabble rousers from the opposition?

Why should I believe you, who provide no evidence to the contrary to the prevailing narrative from friends on site, and from accounts of many others in the press?


I can also say with some certainty, Gerhard is no rabble rouser. Further, having read his his views for over a year and having some knowledge of him , I believe him to be  a man of  integrity. He also has a detailed piece on his views of the matter. You know little of that. I trust him  beyond you who write from no support foundation.


D2  was one of those rabble rousers who advocated unfair electricity subsidy for Linden and now cock up and scratch in the US as the town give itself a black eye with the burning, looting and these deaths. A few more examples will set their mind right as the Linden trouble makers now trying to monopolize on their gateway to the interior status.  Just like South Central LA they will drive away business and hurt themselves.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2  was one of those rabble rousers who advocated unfair electricity subsidy for Linden and now cock up and scratch in the US as the town give itself a black eye with the burning, looting and these deaths. A few more examples will set their mind right as the Linden trouble makers now trying to monopolize on their gateway to the interior status.  Just like South Central LA they will drive away business and hurt themselves.

I believe you got it wrong. I said subsidy should be decreased in sensible ways. I agree that the economic circumstance of linden presents distinct economic  measures no less than that of the corentyne where sugar is suffering and a gradual malaise is setting in as workers are laid off and families become cash strapped.


There is and has been an active ongoing program of  subsidy of the sugar industry and it surely benefits  people here. No one sets out to  cast them in the light of parasites. The Government currently asks for 4 billion more exclusive to what is in the pipeline to subsidize the industry. Sometimes subsidies are  needed and if the idea it is needed here what makes it different in Linden? Their industrial base has been crippled by decades of corruption and mismanagement.


I am against the deliberate maligning of lindeners as panhandlers when others get subsidies no less.  Further, we are all panhandlers since Guyana has never balanced a budget on earnings. It has always begged  or used  the investment of pirate multinationals  spent in pillaging  of our national resources as  a line item in our income column. We never get any residuals from these thieves.


Hardly any industry works now in Guyana. The mirage of growth as we spend borrowed money or others spend money to exploit us is what you see and what the PPP highlight. Actually the only thing that turns a profit is the drug trade and here most of the names and faces in business are active in that trade.


I doubt you know South Central or its history so I leave you bigoted assumption to ferment on its own silliness with the comparison in your last sentence.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2  was one of those rabble rousers who advocated unfair electricity subsidy for Linden and now cock up and scratch in the US as the town give itself a black eye with the burning, looting and these deaths. A few more examples will set their mind right as the Linden trouble makers now trying to monopolize on their gateway to the interior status.  Just like South Central LA they will drive away business and hurt themselves.

I believe you got it wrong. I said subsidy should be decreased in sensible ways. I agree that the economic circumstance of linden presents distinct economic  measures no less than that of the corentyne where sugar is suffering and a gradual malaise is setting in as workers are laid off and families become cash strapped.


There is and has been an active ongoing program of  subsidy of the sugar industry and it surely benefits  people here. No one sets out to  cast them in the light of parasites. The Government currently asks for 4 billion more exclusive to what is in the pipeline to subsidize the industry. Sometimes subsidies are  needed and if the idea it is needed here what makes it different in Linden? Their industrial base has been crippled by decades of corruption and mismanagement.


I am against the deliberate maligning of lindeners as panhandlers when others get subsidies no less.  Further, we are all panhandlers since Guyana has never balanced a budget on earnings. It has always begged  or used  the investment of pirate multinationals  spent in pillaging  of our national resources as  a line item in our income column. We never get any residuals from these thieves.


Hardly any industry works now in Guyana. The mirage of growth as we spend borrowed money or others spend money to exploit us is what you see and what the PPP highlight. Actually the only thing that turns a profit is the drug trade and here most of the names and faces in business are active in that trade.


I doubt you know South Central or its history so I leave you bigoted assumption to ferment on its own silliness with the comparison in your last sentence.


You used to be considered a person of integrity, now you have sold your soul to fuel your hatred of the PPP. How many cane cutters get free electricity or other subsidies? Your example of the subsidizing of the sugar industry is a joke, it is well documented by the donkey cart man tk that the sugar industry supports low wage jobs. The sugar workers are poorly paid, the subsidy to sugar is to protect the foreign exchange that it provides rather than supporting the "high life" of cane cutters as you claim.


It is unbelievable that you folks can justify these subsidies from viewpoint of fairness. Any reasonable person will conclude that the subsidies for electricity is unfair to the rest of the nation. Meanwhile the same Lindeners have money to party and sport with loud music ever other day, and yet 70% unemployment and poverty is claimed.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


You used to be considered a person of integrity, now you have sold your soul to fuel your hatred of the PPP. How many cane cutters get free electricity or other subsidies? Your example of the subsidizing of the sugar industry is a joke, it is well documented by the donkey cart man tk that the sugar industry supports low wage jobs. The sugar workers are poorly paid, the subsidy to sugar is to protect the foreign exchange that it provides rather than supporting the "high life" of cane cutters as you claim.


It is unbelievable that you folks can justify these subsidies from viewpoint of fairness. Any reasonable person will conclude that the subsidies for electricity is unfair to the rest of the nation. Meanwhile the same Lindeners have money to party and sport with loud music ever other day, and yet 70% unemployment and poverty is claimed.  

Good synopsis.  But why "unbelievable", for some even fineman's rampage was a "reaction" to injustice.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2  was one of those rabble rousers who advocated unfair electricity subsidy for Linden and now cock up and scratch in the US as the town give itself a black eye with the burning, looting and these deaths. A few more examples will set their mind right as the Linden trouble makers now trying to monopolize on their gateway to the interior status.  Just like South Central LA they will drive away business and hurt themselves.

I believe you got it wrong. I said subsidy should be decreased in sensible ways. I agree that the economic circumstance of linden presents distinct economic  measures no less than that of the corentyne where sugar is suffering and a gradual malaise is setting in as workers are laid off and families become cash strapped.


There is and has been an active ongoing program of  subsidy of the sugar industry and it surely benefits  people here. No one sets out to  cast them in the light of parasites. The Government currently asks for 4 billion more exclusive to what is in the pipeline to subsidize the industry. Sometimes subsidies are  needed and if the idea it is needed here what makes it different in Linden? Their industrial base has been crippled by decades of corruption and mismanagement.


I am against the deliberate maligning of lindeners as panhandlers when others get subsidies no less.  Further, we are all panhandlers since Guyana has never balanced a budget on earnings. It has always begged  or used  the investment of pirate multinationals  spent in pillaging  of our national resources as  a line item in our income column. We never get any residuals from these thieves.


Hardly any industry works now in Guyana. The mirage of growth as we spend borrowed money or others spend money to exploit us is what you see and what the PPP highlight. Actually the only thing that turns a profit is the drug trade and here most of the names and faces in business are active in that trade.


I doubt you know South Central or its history so I leave you bigoted assumption to ferment on its own silliness with the comparison in your last sentence.


You used to be considered a person of integrity, now you have sold your soul to fuel your hatred of the PPP. How many cane cutters get free electricity or other subsidies? Your example of the subsidizing of the sugar industry is a joke, it is well documented by the donkey cart man tk that the sugar industry supports low wage jobs. The sugar workers are poorly paid, the subsidy to sugar is to protect the foreign exchange that it provides rather than supporting the "high life" of cane cutters as you claim.


It is unbelievable that you folks can justify these subsidies from viewpoint of fairness. Any reasonable person will conclude that the subsidies for electricity is unfair to the rest of the nation. Meanwhile the same Lindeners have money to party and sport with loud music ever other day, and yet 70% unemployment and poverty is claimed.  

My integrity is not linked to me liking the PPP. It is a synoptic view of the scope of my life. 


I must say I was duped. I thought the represented a difference and that changed in 2002. Murdering citizens is not something legitimate government do.


Subsidy is subsidy. They sugar industry has been a leech on the nation for close to a decade. That 250 white elephant did not come from Indian pockets alone. The money, to fix it is not yet fully met. Remember it was to supply 10 mega watt of cheep electricity to the environs.


Again subsidy is subsidy The 4 billion  being requested was construed  by the PPP as a subsidy  to dependent families in the sugar belt who are in want. The manner of their framing of it is recorded here on this site if  you care to look at the postings about the budget. 


They blamed  the cuts to these subsidies as an attempt to take food out of the mouth of 20 thousand people. You conveniently forget that argument because you racism blind you to that realty. Again unless you believe the PPP are going to pocket the money, on their word it is to subsidize the local population who needs it to survive.


That the sugar workers are poorly paid and even under employed has nothing to do with the subsidy. In linden they are poor also. Your presumption that they are into a sporting life is simply your racist bilge. Every night practically every cane cutter is under some bottom house or in some rumshop sipping  cheap liquor. One or the other are two of the same kind of wastrel living if such is how you may construe it.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This verbosity of yours is hardly justification that Lindeners should not pay their fair share. And that is the crux of the protests. They don't want to pay an increase that was by no means unaffordable. Why?

 They should pay their fair share. However, where they are and why they are there is not because they bullied their way into favorable contracts. Their contract was abrogated through no fault of their own. Their industry failed and it was given to another. Bringing them up to parity is to be negotiated and phased in.


However, the PPP in their arrogance decided to force it down their throats. Over the past few weeks it had its agents writing articles after articles painting these people as freeloaders and parasites. Far from it. they are not the only one receiving subsidies!


My detailed writings are not for you. Your mind is set. It is on the path of blind belief that these Negroes has to be put in their place.  That is why you ask a stupid question by swallowing whole the administration position. 


April 2, 2012 9:53 PM

Political grandstanding by APNUAFC is unrealistic with the challenges that confronts the Sugar Industry, regardless if they consider government subsidy as a ''bail out'' suggests that the opposition gang rather see the "drowning" of this vital industry that thousands of families directly and indirectly depends on the goods and services offered. The fact of the matter is that the Sugar Industry is simply too big to fail and government intervention is certainly warranted and is necessary for the recovery of this Agricultural giant.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

The gov't has said on more than one occasions that the increases will be phased in, go read the literature. But the agents of the opposition went into Linden and lit the fuse. As to Stormborn's rantings they will be addressed as appropriate.   

They know very well what's right and wrong.  Just the bully trait still reside after 3 decades of it being "business as usual".  They get a couple Indo power-hungry political opportunists and all's vindicated.


The APNU realizes the bully model is dead but some dead-enders think it will be resurrected.  A few vengeful political opportunists hope to remain relevant chanting "black-cause", hoping to score cheap points, but seems no one's home.


The closest they came was last election, but they know that "one-trick-pony" is spent.  Time to settle in for the new reality. The soup is too sweet, but some crying sour milk.


Stormborn: So far our exchanges have been based on the usual give and take. Your so-called 'detailed writing' is your concern. But when you say that my 'mind is set. It is on the path of blind belief that these Negroes (sic) has to be put in their place" you are off base. Nowhere have I stated this implicitly or otherwise nor have I mentioned anything about a particular race. In fact in one of my posts I said that Linden has many races and they will have to pay up. Speak for yourself but do not presume to state, in this case wrongly, what others believe.        

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Stormborn: So far our exchanges have been based on the usual give and take. Your so-called 'detailed writing' is your concern. But when you say that my 'mind is set. It is on the path of blind belief that these Negroes (sic) has to be put in their place" you are off base. Nowhere have I stated this implicitly or otherwise nor have I mentioned anything about a particular race. In fact in one of my posts I said that Linden has many races and they will have to pay up. Speak for yourself but do not presume to state, in this case wrongly, what others believe.        

The man's a cheap-shit drunk.  Nuff talk, no message.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2  was one of those rabble rousers who advocated unfair electricity subsidy for Linden and now cock up and scratch in the US as the town give itself a black eye with the burning, looting and these deaths. A few more examples will set their mind right as the Linden trouble makers now trying to monopolize on their gateway to the interior status.  Just like South Central LA they will drive away business and hurt themselves.

I believe you got it wrong. I said subsidy should be decreased in sensible ways. I agree that the economic circumstance of linden presents distinct economic  measures no less than that of the corentyne where sugar is suffering and a gradual malaise is setting in as workers are laid off and families become cash strapped.


There is and has been an active ongoing program of  subsidy of the sugar industry and it surely benefits  people here. No one sets out to  cast them in the light of parasites. The Government currently asks for 4 billion more exclusive to what is in the pipeline to subsidize the industry. Sometimes subsidies are  needed and if the idea it is needed here what makes it different in Linden? Their industrial base has been crippled by decades of corruption and mismanagement.


I am against the deliberate maligning of lindeners as panhandlers when others get subsidies no less.  Further, we are all panhandlers since Guyana has never balanced a budget on earnings. It has always begged  or used  the investment of pirate multinationals  spent in pillaging  of our national resources as  a line item in our income column. We never get any residuals from these thieves.


Hardly any industry works now in Guyana. The mirage of growth as we spend borrowed money or others spend money to exploit us is what you see and what the PPP highlight. Actually the only thing that turns a profit is the drug trade and here most of the names and faces in business are active in that trade.


I doubt you know South Central or its history so I leave you bigoted assumption to ferment on its own silliness with the comparison in your last sentence.


You used to be considered a person of integrity, now you have sold your soul to fuel your hatred of the PPP. How many cane cutters get free electricity or other subsidies? Your example of the subsidizing of the sugar industry is a joke, it is well documented by the donkey cart man tk that the sugar industry supports low wage jobs. The sugar workers are poorly paid, the subsidy to sugar is to protect the foreign exchange that it provides rather than supporting the "high life" of cane cutters as you claim.


It is unbelievable that you folks can justify these subsidies from viewpoint of fairness. Any reasonable person will conclude that the subsidies for electricity is unfair to the rest of the nation. Meanwhile the same Lindeners have money to party and sport with loud music ever other day, and yet 70% unemployment and poverty is claimed.  


D2 has lost his way. Well said BGuard. The truth is harsh sometimes but someone must speak out and you have called a spade a spade.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

D2  was one of those rabble rousers who advocated unfair electricity subsidy for Linden and now cock up and scratch in the US as the town give itself a black eye with the burning, looting and these deaths. A few more examples will set their mind right as the Linden trouble makers now trying to monopolize on their gateway to the interior status.  Just like South Central LA they will drive away business and hurt themselves.

I believe you got it wrong. I said subsidy should be decreased in sensible ways. I agree that the economic circumstance of linden presents distinct economic  measures no less than that of the corentyne where sugar is suffering and a gradual malaise is setting in as workers are laid off and families become cash strapped.


There is and has been an active ongoing program of  subsidy of the sugar industry and it surely benefits  people here. No one sets out to  cast them in the light of parasites. The Government currently asks for 4 billion more exclusive to what is in the pipeline to subsidize the industry. Sometimes subsidies are  needed and if the idea it is needed here what makes it different in Linden? Their industrial base has been crippled by decades of corruption and mismanagement.


I am against the deliberate maligning of lindeners as panhandlers when others get subsidies no less.  Further, we are all panhandlers since Guyana has never balanced a budget on earnings. It has always begged  or used  the investment of pirate multinationals  spent in pillaging  of our national resources as  a line item in our income column. We never get any residuals from these thieves.


Hardly any industry works now in Guyana. The mirage of growth as we spend borrowed money or others spend money to exploit us is what you see and what the PPP highlight. Actually the only thing that turns a profit is the drug trade and here most of the names and faces in business are active in that trade.


I doubt you know South Central or its history so I leave you bigoted assumption to ferment on its own silliness with the comparison in your last sentence.


You used to be considered a person of integrity, now you have sold your soul to fuel your hatred of the PPP. How many cane cutters get free electricity or other subsidies? Your example of the subsidizing of the sugar industry is a joke, it is well documented by the donkey cart man tk that the sugar industry supports low wage jobs. The sugar workers are poorly paid, the subsidy to sugar is to protect the foreign exchange that it provides rather than supporting the "high life" of cane cutters as you claim.


It is unbelievable that you folks can justify these subsidies from viewpoint of fairness. Any reasonable person will conclude that the subsidies for electricity is unfair to the rest of the nation. Meanwhile the same Lindeners have money to party and sport with loud music ever other day, and yet 70% unemployment and poverty is claimed.  


D2 has lost his way. Well said BGuard. The truth is harsh sometimes but someone must speak out and you have called a spade a spade.

 I do not know who is D2 bur since you are addressing my post I will respond.  Durgabeer  or you are in no way to assess my integrity. Addressing the PPP's gross mismanagement and corruption cannot stain my character nor you by parroting his biased writing. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
OK when you say this you show you racist you are.  BOSAI hired a few hundred.  Clearly a drop of the labor pool.  Linden is surrounded by infertile sand so offers few other opportunities.



What does that have to o with racism, yo

Because you deny their right to protest. Linden is a very depressed town and every one who visits there knows this. 


As I keep on telling you the issue is not whether or not they deserve a rate increase.


The issue is that their right to protest was met by bullets from a racist PPP which knows full well that Linden has its unque challenges. 


If people who know Linden say there is mass poverty, accept it as a fact because it is clear that you know NOTHING of Linden and your attitude is motivated only because of which race accounts for the majority....incidentally the racists who wrote that crap in that PPP news rag having the same view.


Now run along and whine excuses about why Guysuco is subsidized by a factory that is a white elephantr, the non implementation of labor saving devices which would throw many people out of work if implemented, and the fact that the Demerara estates, long known to be money losers, are kept open.


Had the sugar industry been privatized like the bauxite with cost cutting measures implemented many areas will be experiencing the same hardships that Linden suffers.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
OK when you say this you show you racist you are.  BOSAI hired a few hundred.  Clearly a drop of the labor pool.  Linden is surrounded by infertile sand so offers few other opportunities.



What does that have to o with racism, yo

Because you deny their right to protest. Linden is a very depressed town and every one who visits there knows this. 

According to credible police reports and the top brass, Leroy Brummel, there was violence and destruction of property which led to the unfortunate confrontation.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

This verbosity of yours is hardly justification that Lindeners should not pay their fair share. And that is the crux of the protests. They don't want to pay an increase that was by no means unaffordable. Why?

Apparently you feel that if Lindeners think that the severely depressed nature of that town means a continued subsidy is reason enough to be shot.


The issue is not the subsidy.  Its the fact that under the PPP black peole arent allowed to protest.  We saw attacks on black old ladies and kids after the last election, with tear gas even entering a school and kids who had nothing to do with the march being traumatized.


And here we go again. 


If you think that its OK for Ramotar to kill blacks because he doesnt like what they say then you should have been perfectly fine when Burnam attacked sugar workers for precisely the same reasons.  Both will; claim that the actions of the protesters were illegal, and damaging to the economy and so justified the brutal reaction. 




AccordingOriginally  to credible police reports and the top brass, Leroy Brummel, there was violence and destruction of property which led to the unfortunate confrontation.

And where is the evidence?  Your video didnt show it.  Indeed the reason why you all black haters posted the video was to show that the protesters refused to move.  You thought that this would vindicate your actions.


Having been told that Blomberg killed no one and Mubarak killed several, you all now perpetrate some Nancy Story when all the video showed was tear gas.  The motorists, who certainly would have wanted the raod clear, were not warning of a burning bridge.  They were warning about tear gas.


Sorry your video tactic FAILED.


I see the PPP continue sto be run by idiots even after you all lost control of the parliament.


Furthermore you all talk out of borth sides of your mouths, claiming that no oder was sent to shoot.  Well that being the case the PPP should NOT be tryingto divert the discussion from the shooting to whether Lindeners deserve or do not deserve cheap electricity.

Originally Posted by caribny:

AccordingOriginally  to credible police reports and the top brass, Leroy Brummel, there was violence and destruction of property which led to the unfortunate confrontation.

And where is the evidence?  Your video didnt show it.

Did you see video of the actual shooting event? Alot must have happened in the missing pieces.  Now, that being said, I think a thorough investigation is warranted because it IS a far stretch from what we saw in the videos to use of live ammo.  But don't rush to judgement.  The police reported a group of known "extremist" were operating in the protests.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

They had started a five day protest and when they got to the meeting they were already hyped up. Why can't you accept that they were instigated by rabble rousers from the opposition?

They have a DEMOCRATIC right to protest.  Syria, Egypt under Mubarak and Iran kill protesters.  Democratic countries dont.


Your attempt to justify murder reveal what a racist you are.  Striking sugar workers blocking up factories and no police shooting them.  INDIANS!!!!! No wonder they get different treatment.


Then you all wonder why the PPP is rejected by 95% of the black and mixed vote.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Did you see video of the actual shooting event? .

4 people dead so we know that the police killed them.  We also know that a video that was shown to us to justify this only showed the people refusing to move and the police instigating violence through tear hassing the crowd.


Even the man driving the tanker which was attacked said that it began AFTER the police fired into the crowd.  He then became a target for their rage.


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