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Residents of Linden during the weekend rebuffed efforts by extreme elements aligned to the political opposition to further incite unrest in that community.  As a result the Alliance for Change's Nigel Hughes, Freddie Kissoon, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis and Christopher Ram were prevented from addressing a rally organized to update residents on the progress of the agreement signed by the government and that region.  During the mid part of 2012 a series of demonstrations in that community against proposed electricity hikes became violent after these very individuals incited members of the community to block bridges, dig up roads etc. Demonstrators became hostile and things reached a tipping point when 3 persons were killed with the police receiving the blame.

Lewis, Hughes, Kissoon and others used the opportunity to foment violence by encouraging residents to become violent charging that it is their constitutional right to do so. Access to the interior via that community was then cut off with some persons being robbed or charged exorbitant sums in exchange for passage.



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Residents of Linden during the weekend rebuffed efforts by extreme elements aligned to the political opposition to further incite unrest in that community.  As a result the Alliance for Change's Nigel Hughes, Freddie Kissoon, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis and Christopher Ram were prevented from addressing a rally organized to update residents on the progress of the agreement signed by the government and that region.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Residents of Linden during the weekend rebuffed efforts by extreme elements aligned to the political opposition to further incite unrest in that community.  As a result the terrorists in the Alliance for Change's Nigel Hughes, Freddie Kissoon, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis and Christopher Ram were prevented from addressing a rally organized to update residents on the progress of the agreement signed by the government and that region. 

The terrorists in the AFC incited riots in Linden in 2012 that caused this:


700 linden school children had their school burned to the ground because of the dastardly acts of the AFC terrorists.



Guyana would be a more peaceful society if the AFC terrorists are burned to the ground the next time they forment violence in Guyana.






In their meeting of last Saturday, Linden’s APNU MP Renis Morian bemoaned the unemployment situation in their township. “Look around Region 10â€Ķ the average male is unemployed.” Trade union representative Leslie Gonsalves invoked then PPP’s presidential candidate Donald Ramotar’s words about “bringing jobs to Linden”. But these wankers deliberately closed their eyes to the realities of the world and their own responsibilities for Linden’s unemployment travails.

Governments in the modern world don’t “create” jobs – they create conditions under which companies may be encouraged to invest and create those jobs. We’ve just heard about the 700 jobs created by the Chinese company Bai Shan Lin at the industrial site it’s opening up at Providence. The government has worked for years behind the scenes to create the conditions – land, water, infrastructure, tax-regime etc – to attract that company’s investment.

For Linden, the people and their APNU representatives want to ignore the fact that it was the PNC that destroyed the once-vibrant bauxite industry that had employed over 5000 persons. They were the highest paid workers in Guyana. But the PNC’s political adventures brought it to its knees. They also want to ignore that it was the PNC under Desmond Hoyte who started the massive “retrenchments”.

The PPP stood on its head – and then some – after 1992 to attract Cambior and then Bosai to take over the industry. Serious concessions had to be made – including the government taking over the responsibility from Linmine for supplying electricity to the community. But does the opposition ever mention these efforts to save and then increase jobs in the Linden area. Not in this life!!

In fact, during their ‘protests’ to prevent a gradual equalisation of the electricity tariffs with the rest of the country – as billions of dollars went up in smoke from arson in Linden – workers all stayed off their jobs from Bosai for weeks! When concerned persons mentioned the losses Bosai might be facing, Sharma Solomon, the Region 10 strongman, sneered that Bosai could leave if they wanted. He and his crew could find alternative employment for the strikers!

Well, Bosai has now revealed its losses due to the strike – an 18 per cent shortfall in RASC bauxite and 21 per cent of SCGBâ€Ķ representing billions in lost revenues. And the Linden leaders want to know why the promised expansion by Bosai in its operations hasn’t occurred! This is a perfect example of ‘cutting your nose to spite your face’.
Will the good people of Linden be asking Solomon where are the jobs he vowed he could get with a snap of his fingers?!






Well, Bosai has now revealed its losses due to the strike – an 18 per cent shortfall in RASC bauxite and 21 per cent of SCGBâ€Ķ representing billions in lost revenues. And the Linden leaders want to know why the promised expansion by Bosai in its operations hasn’t occurred! This is a perfect example of ‘cutting your nose to spite your face’.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The residents of Linden will never allow the opportunistic elements of the joint opposition to protest and derail their community from development.

No evidence furnished that Lindeners refused to listen.  What evidence we do have is that MORE people voted in 2011 than in 2006 and yet the PPP received FEWER votes.


Quit attempting to pretend that Lindeners sympathize with the PPP.

Originally Posted by Conscience:



In their meeting of last Saturday, Linden’s APNU MP Renis Morian bemoaned the unemployment situation in their township. “Look around Region 10â€Ķ the average male is unemployed.” Trade union representative Leslie Gonsalves invoked then PPP’s presidential candidate Donald Ramotar’s words about “bringing jobs to Linden”. But these wankers deliberately closed their eyes to the realities of the world and their own responsibilities for Linden’s unemployment travails.

Governments in the modern world don’t “create” jobs – they create conditions under which companies may be encouraged to invest and create those jobs. We’ve just heard about the 700 jobs created by the Chinese company Bai Shan Lin at the industrial site it’s opening up at Providence. The government has worked for years behind the scenes to create the conditions – land, water, infrastructure, tax-regime etc – to attract that company’s investment.

For Linden, the people and their APNU representatives want to ignore the fact that it was the PNC that destroyed the once-vibrant bauxite industry that had employed over 5000 persons. They were the highest paid workers in Guyana. But the PNC’s political adventures brought it to its knees. They also want to ignore that it was the PNC under Desmond Hoyte who started the massive “retrenchments”.

The PPP stood on its head – and then some – after 1992 to attract Cambior and then Bosai to take over the industry. Serious concessions had to be made – including the government taking over the responsibility from Linmine for supplying electricity to the community. But does the opposition ever mention these efforts to save and then increase jobs in the Linden area. Not in this life!!

In fact, during their ‘protests’ to prevent a gradual equalisation of the electricity tariffs with the rest of the country – as billions of dollars went up in smoke from arson in Linden – workers all stayed off their jobs from Bosai for weeks! When concerned persons mentioned the losses Bosai might be facing, Sharma Solomon, the Region 10 strongman, sneered that Bosai could leave if they wanted. He and his crew could find alternative employment for the strikers!

Well, Bosai has now revealed its losses due to the strike – an 18 per cent shortfall in RASC bauxite and 21 per cent of SCGBâ€Ķ representing billions in lost revenues. And the Linden leaders want to know why the promised expansion by Bosai in its operations hasn’t occurred! This is a perfect example of ‘cutting your nose to spite your face’.
Will the good people of Linden be asking Solomon where are the jobs he vowed he could get with a snap of his fingers?!

Notwithstanding this rant MORE people voted in 2011 compared to 2006.  The PPP received FEWER votes.  Lindeners clearly arent impressed with Sam Hinds.  They overwhelmingly supported APNU.


The PPP really needs to stop pretending that black people like them.  They do NOT.  They consider the PPP to be an Indo Nazi party which is comprised of Indian elites, rules for the benefit of Indo eleites and has no interest in what AfroGuyanese think. 


When does the PPP ever engage in serious dialogue with the people whop AfroGuyanese voted for to represent them.  The PPP needs to respect the fact that AfroGuyanese chose APNU to represent their interests.  At least 95% of them rejected the PPP.  So unless the PPP wishes to send the message that they have no interest in what AfroGuyanese think they will have to dialogue with those chosen to represent them.


As to those who lead Region 10.  Well the PPP should have NOTHING to say about them because they have refused to give Lindeners (and other Guyanese) the opportunity to select their local governments.


Residents of Linden during the weekend rebuffed efforts by extreme elements aligned to the political opposition to further incite unrest in that community.  As a result the Alliance for Change's Nigel Hughes, Freddie Kissoon, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis and Christopher Ram were prevented from addressing a rally organized to update residents on the progress of the agreement signed by the government and that region.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Residents of Linden during the weekend rebuffed efforts by extreme elements aligned to the political opposition to further incite unrest in that community.  As a result the Alliance for Change's Nigel Hughes, Freddie Kissoon, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis and Christopher Ram were prevented from addressing a rally organized to update residents on the progress of the agreement signed by the government and that region.

I wonder who prevented these gentlemen for talking?  NOteworthy is the fcat that we werent told of this.


Region 10 local govt?  Well Lindeners havent had a chance to chose their leadership in 18 years and even international agencies are demanding answerds to this.


So if the Region 10 leaders are dictators its because the PPP wishes them to be.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Residents of Linden during the weekend rebuffed efforts by extreme elements aligned to the political opposition to further incite unrest in that community.  As a result the Alliance for Change's Nigel Hughes, Freddie Kissoon, Mark Benschop, Lincoln Lewis and Christopher Ram were prevented from addressing a rally organized to update residents on the progress of the agreement signed by the government and that region.

I guess you will be happy if APNU was responsible for this....and then tomorrow you will blame every on on "de PNC".

Originally Posted by warrior:

the ppp will be so happy if the whole of guyana will remain stupid,so the ppp cronies  can thief the taxpayer blind,when they is a protest against the ppp bullying act the rest of the nation is distructive.i say done the bulshit, buy arms and start killing the ppp hell with this shit


when they is a protest


Oh unfortunate one of unsound mind; please seek mental help or intervention from the almighty.

Originally Posted by warrior:

the indian people was trying to kill burham,so why people cannot start killing these thiefing ppp ass,i will donate money to this cause

Meanwhile you flourish in Guyana under the PPP with your house and land. hahahaha

The PPP must have taken away soup from you, hence your bitterness towards them. Why not advocate their removal the legal way via the polls rather than illegal guns and revolution from the minority ignoring the will of the majority?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by warrior:

the indian people was trying to kill burham,so why people cannot start killing these thiefing ppp ass,i will donate money to this cause

Meanwhile you flourish in Guyana under the PPP with your house and land. hahahaha

The PPP must have taken away soup from you, hence your bitterness towards them. Why not advocate their removal the legal way via the polls rather than illegal guns and revolution from the minority ignoring the will of the majority?


If I may be so bold as to address you as kind of a hominid for a moment (arguendo of course),


When it becomes impossible for change to occur within the existing constitutional/legal/political framework, then sizable Opposition groups will resort to "extra-parliamentary tactics." This is especially true of illiberal democracies controlling multiethnic states where the ruling regime believes that its plural majority is the be all and end all of "democracy."


The PPP has put a choke hold on the entire nation. And in a few years when a couple thousand more coolies leave for Merica and or Antigua, Indians will find themselves agitating for the Minority Rights just as the Blacks do today. Demographics is destiny as they say. And we Indos are on the wrong side of history here buddy.


I would like to know who specifically prevented these men from speaking. Obviously it is not the people of linden but some political entity purporting to represent the people.


That you presume they will speak to incite violence is another of your usual crass statements. You not any one does not have the right to prohibit speech on account you presume the speaker will incite violence. That is a newly minted form of censorship if not propaganda by the PPP.

Originally Posted by Henry:

The two fellas on this board who continue to issue ominous warnings that the AFC will "be forced to instigate violence" are D2 and Joker. They are apparently the Jihadist wing of the AFC.

Cyar yuh lying ass da side!!! I said that in instances like ours as racially bifurcated societies with marginal differences in population the one side takes all does not bode well. Every one of these societies with few exceptions cascaded into anarchy.


It is a foregone conclusions that there are not willing slaves to the authority of another when the only reason one is a slave is the other pretends it is the superior race. The PPP tells Indians daily that black people are prone to violence and are by nature thieves so they cannot be trusted in power.


Meanwhile they steal us blind and openly so. Now, take that as a warning of potential violence in the absence of democracy if you want because that is what the literature predicates


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