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Linden’s rich heritage documented – publication launched as part of Jubilee activities

Written by  , Published in Ministry of Education, Georgetown, GINA, April 18, 2016,

The Mayor of Linden, Carwyn Holland receives a copy of the Linden Heritage Publication from Chief Executive Officer, National Trust Guyana, Nirvana Persaud The Mayor of Linden, Carwyn Holland receives a copy of the Linden Heritage Publication from Chief Executive Officer, National Trust Guyana, Nirvana Persaud
National Trust Guyana has launched its newest, in its series of “Heritage Trail” publications, which serves to document the cultural heritage and resources within Guyana’s townscapes, as well as add to the national inventory and data base on monuments and sites.
This latest publication highlights the richness of the municipality of Linden, Region Ten, through 42 monuments and sites (some of which are no longer visible), which have contributed to the legacy of the township.
The 48-page booklet was launched today at simple ceremony at the Egbert Benjamin Centre in McKenzie, Linden, as part of the country’s Golden Jubilee celebration and observance of International Day of Monuments and Sites 2016.
Present were Chief Executive Officer, National Trust Guyana, Nirvana Persaud, Region 10 Chairman, Renis Morian, Mayor of Linden, Carwyn Holland, past Chairman, Linden Inter-Management Committee Linden (IMC) Orrin Gordon, and several stakeholders and contributors to the publication.
The publication is in keeping with the National Trust’s mandate by law of safeguarding Guyana’s tangible cultural heritage, Persaud explained.
She said that putting together the booklet was no easy task. “Moving it from an idea to fruition was dedicated and relatively tedious…,” she said.  According to Persaud work on the publication began in 2015, but there were constant reviews. “As we published this new piece of heritage resources, I am satisfied with this final and finished product…it is certainly an important stepping stone in documenting aspects of Linden’s heritage,” Persaud added.
She noted that the publication comes at the timely Jubilee Independence celebration which serves to promote and showcase some of the historic sites in Linden which persons can visit. She urged persons to appreciate the publication’s reality, noting that there is always room for improvement and that the National Trust welcomes feedback.
Meanwhile, both Regional Chairman Morian, and Mayor Holland, in their remarks underscored the need to safeguard the rich history of the municipality for future generations.
Morian noted that there is a great void between those who know and are aware of the monuments and younger people, who will have to preserve those sites and monuments for the future. He called for more attention to be placed on getting children to value and cherish what the monuments and sites signify.
Morian also called for greater attention to be placed on the preservation of the monuments and sites in the region. He noted that this is an area in which the region is struggling and which the regional administration has highlighted for address.
Holland noted that the municipality’s rich heritage is its link to its future. “The future that we aspire to attain must be premeditated on a solid foundation, derived from our exemplary and stalwart heritage of our people,” he noted.
The journey of the “Linden Heritage Trail” begins at the Soesdyke/Linden Highway located in Amelia’s Ward. The trail then passes through the wards of Mackenzie, Wismar and Christiansburg and ends at Blue Lakes and White Sand in Wisroc.  Some of the monument and sites captured are:  the Wismar-Rockstone Railway, which provided access through British Guiana’s primeval forest leading to the Essequibo-Potaro gold fields in the early 19th century, the Christiansburg Waterwheel, which is regarded as one of the earliest engineering structures to be built in Linden, (the waterwheel was built as part of a hydro-powered sawmill in 1855,) and the Mackenzie Post Office, which first opened its doors on December 4, 1964.
Horace James, Winslow Parris and Orrin Gordon’s inputs were critical to the completion of the publication.
The Linden Publication is the third in the series of the National Trust of Guyana’s “Heritage” Publication. The first publication treated with the monument and sites of the municipality of Georgetown and the second, the municipality of New Amsterdam.
The “Heritage Trail “publications are expected to serve as a medium through which local, national and international agencies, institutions, tourists and the general population can explore and rediscover some of the municipalities’ historical treasures. In addition to highlighting the monuments and sites, the publication also includes a map that serves as a guide to easily locate the heritage sites listed in the publication and reference points for visitors desirous of taking a self-guided tour of the towns.
April 18 is celebrated as the International Day for Monuments and Sites each year around the world. Approved by the General Assembly of UNESCO in 1983, the event is aimed to promote awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage of humanity, their vulnerability and the efforts required for their protection and conservation.

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