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@Spugum posted:

now you gone and upset snowflake

as if he didn't have enough on his plate already


Judging from snowflake size there's never enough on his plate

he gon come by muttering about kero, gasoline, and "destabilize". lol

It's about time people peacefully express their disapproval of the outright discrimination. As Black Box seh "gotta get up, gotta get up, ride on time, ride on time"

(fuh de uneducated, "black box" is not a political group" or anything revolutionary).

@Spugum posted:

now you gone and upset snowflake

as if he didn't have enough on his plate already


Lol! Who is snowflakes? Banna...I doan see why yuh celebrating. Public health knows no politics. Ok, better that it shut down than gatherin in public and spreadin delta. But what's de point? De people losing business. It sending a bad message to other supporters and muddy up the vaccine issue. much kero yuh store up so far? Or yuh will go down de rational road and win votes?

@Former Member posted:

Lol! Who is snowflakes? Banna...I doan see why yuh celebrating. Public health knows no politics. Ok, better that it shut down than gatherin in public and spreadin delta. But what's de point? De people losing business. It sending a bad message to other supporters and muddy up the vaccine issue. much kero yuh store up so far? Or yuh will go down de rational road and win votes?

i not celebrating bai. i took the vaccine as soon as i could but i respect the concerns people have about the vaccine. 75% of the region not vaccinated so guyana not unique in the neighbourhood. you got a lot a reasons for not wanting push back from government dictates

the people simply don't want to be bullied into taking the vaccine. can you understand that, snowflake? barbados and t&t leaders not taking their people down that road to risk division in their societies

why is there no opposition representation on the covid-19 taskforce in spite of them expressing an interest? why the lies and secrecy surrounding the purchase of vaccines? why the targeting of public servants to be vaccinated but not guysuco employees? why the lockouts by hospitals in black dominated areas but not so in indian dominated areas? you don't speak to these issues, too busy blowing kisses


My Doctor Niece said, data clearly shows that unvaccinated people are more affected in terms of hospitalization and deaths.

In Guyana, The Minister of Health pointed out that almost 99 percent of those who are hospitalized are unvaccinated.

He also mentioned, in terms of ICU admissions, in July 54 out of the 56 persons admitted to the ICU were unvaccinated; in August 87 of the 92 ICU patients were unvaccinated.

Perhaps this shutdown is a blessing in disguise.

@Spugum posted:

i not celebrating bai. i took the vaccine as soon as i could but i respect the concerns people have about the vaccine. 75% of the region not vaccinated so guyana not unique in the neighbourhood. you got a lot a reasons for not wanting push back from government dictates

the people simply don't want to be bullied into taking the vaccine. can you understand that, snowflake? barbados and t&t leaders not taking their people down that road to risk division in their societies

why is there no opposition representation on the covid-19 taskforce in spite of them expressing an interest? why the lies and secrecy surrounding the purchase of vaccines? why the targeting of public servants to be vaccinated but not guysuco employees? why the lockouts by hospitals in black dominated areas but not so in indian dominated areas? you don't speak to these issues, too busy blowing kisses

I doubt de govt bully Linden people to take de vaccine. This is pure political theatre. But I agree that PPP should have opposition on covid task force. Perhaps de opposition choose not to be on de task force? Yuh know like how de opposition does refuse to do parliament commitee wuk so that critical legislation doan pass? Yuh know dat sabotage don't only happen wid kero, rite?

@Former Member posted:

I doubt de govt bully Linden people to take de vaccine. This is pure political theatre. But I agree that PPP should have opposition on covid task force. Perhaps de opposition choose not to be on de task force? Yuh know like how de opposition does refuse to do parliament commitee wuk so that critical legislation doan pass? Yuh know dat sabotage don't only happen wid kero, rite?

you clearly either don't know what's happening in guyana or you're playing ignorant. i have little time for both, snowflake

btw, jagdeo said no jobs for people like you right now. the contry not getting enough money from oil yet. apparently there's money for them but not for you

Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

you clearly either don't know what's happening in guyana or you're playing ignorant. i have little time for both, snowflake

btw, jagdeo said no jobs for people like you right now. the contry not getting enough money from oil yet. apparently there's money for them but not for you

Lol! Like yuh tek my advice and talk to Jagdoe or what? I am sure he will let you in on de privileges


Cain, you and the people in Linden can send me the covid vaccines that you do not want.  I will take one for my booster shot and the rest I will sell to the highest bidders from the African continent.

You can have all of mine but should your pecker fall off or you become a prime target for Covid 1.9.2 or whatever the rass it is now, doan blame me.


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