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A day before the massive rally in the mining town of Linden....the buzz around is that....most of the people in the town will be attending the P.P.P/C rally....the Lindeners are wise..and is supporting the truly nationalist party...they are supporting progress..they are supporting a better future for all Guyana...the are supporting the pro-working class party...the are supporting a realistic manifesto...they are supporting the P.P.P/C.......

A victory for the P.P.P/ a victory for all Guyanese

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Originally posted by albert:
The P.P.P/C are receiving positive responses from the residents of Linden...they are well please of the development of the country...and will endorse the P.P.P/C....thus ensuring progress continues...

Are the people of Linden happy about being restricted to PPP-govt controlled TV and radio which do not cater to their cultural tastes?

Are Lindeners pleased with the declining quality of life in their community?

The answer is a resounding NO.
Albert, there is no way in either earth, heaven or hell that people living in Linden will ever vote for the PPP. For you to think that means one (or both) of two things. 1. You are living in a fantasy world. 2. You are lying to the guy at Freedom House who pays you so that he can continue to give you pay checks. Albert, guys on this board are not dump enough to think this is real.
PPP to name PM candidate in Linden Sunday
October 15, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

Will Samuel Hinds return at the PPP/C’s PM Candidate?

Donald Ramotar will announce his running mate this Sunday at a rally in Linden. The incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is also contending that this rally will be “significant.”

The PPP has customarily had a team headlining its elections campaign, but this time around, its supporters have had to wait the wait and dabble in speculation, with outgoing President Bharrat Jagdeo anchoring Ramotar along the campaign trail thus far.

It was almost a foregone conclusion that Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who has occupied that position for the most part since 1992, would not be heading the Civic slate again.

But yesterday, Robert Persaud, one of the PPP’s campaign directors, refused to deny or confirm that Hinds had made himself available. Persaud also did not get into details about the process that was used to select the Prime Ministerial candidate.

Early after he was announced Presidential Candidate, Ramotar seemed to have favoured having a woman candidate stand behind him.

Months have passed since Ramotar was identified as Presidential Candidate, and the re-election campaign is well along to the November 28 polls.

Ramotar, a career politician with a degree in economics, has been hitting the campaign trail with Jagdeo by his side.

The PPP, under Dr Cheddi Jagan, formed the Civic alliance. He then picked Hinds to ensure victory at the October 5, 1992 elections that were hailed as the return of democracy to Guyana.

The formula of choosing a Presidential Candidate from the PPP and a Prime Ministerial Candidate from the Civic arm continue for the elections of 1997, 2001 and 2006.

Ramotar himself had said that the alliance had matured to the point where that formula could very well be set aside to contest these elections, but there is no clear indication that that was done in this case.
Linden will not vote PPP to continue getting 1 TV station or propaganda and 1 radio station of propaganda.

Linden will not vote PPP so their bauxite workers can continue to have no rights under a PPP govt and so that their workers who were fired by rusal were not paid severance.

Linden will not vote PPP for failing to do any significant work to get the road to lethem built. Only an AFC govt seems to have the plans, the will and the knowledge to do this.
Originally posted by albert:
The A.F.C goons continues to strive on character assassination...their snakeoil salesmen seems hard at work....but the Lindeners would not be fooled by the A.F.C....the Lindeners will vote for continued progress they will be voting P.P.P/C
You can lie to yourself all day but Linden will again be strong in the PNC camp with the AFC securing the seat the PPP stole.
Dont tell that to Caribj. In fact, I would not be surprise if he was in the Crowd shouting at you.
Originally posted by Wally:
Demerara Guy and Albert, I dare the two of you to come from Canada and New York and wear PPP t-shirts and walk in the MacKenzie, Wismar and the Christianburgh area in the morning or night without Police protection and see what happens. Those areas that you are calling PPP areas I was there once and I would not go back in those areas unless I am fully armed with both my Ruger and my walther. The amount of death wishes and coolie crab dog calls I got was unbelievable. Some of those persons were behaving like they never saw an indian person before. So I cannot see the PPP having any support in those areas since 1955, It is only a figment of your imagination that the PPP has support there..
Originally posted by Wally:

Demerara Guy and Albert, I dare the two of you to come from Canada and New York and wear PPP t-shirts and walk in the MacKenzie, Wismar and the Christianburgh area in the morning or night without Police protection and see what happens.

Those areas that you are calling PPP areas I was there once and I would not go back in those areas unless I am fully armed with both my Ruger and my walther. The amount of death wishes and coolie crab dog calls I got was unbelievable.

Some of those persons were behaving like they never saw an indian person before.

So I cannot see the PPP having any support in those areas since 1955, It is only a figment of your imagination that the PPP has support there..

1. I grew up and lived at MacKenzie for many years.

2. After completing university studies abroad, I was the Specialist Engineer, Government of Guyana.

3. I have visited MacKenzie and surrounding areas in official plus private capacities.

4. Guyanese of Indian origin lived at MacKenzie and surrounding areas way before 1953.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Wally:

Demerara Guy and Albert, I dare the two of you to come from Canada and New York and wear PPP t-shirts and walk in the MacKenzie, Wismar and the Christianburgh area in the morning or night without Police protection and see what happens.

Those areas that you are calling PPP areas I was there once and I would not go back in those areas unless I am fully armed with both my Ruger and my walther. The amount of death wishes and coolie crab dog calls I got was unbelievable.

Some of those persons were behaving like they never saw an indian person before.

So I cannot see the PPP having any support in those areas since 1955, It is only a figment of your imagination that the PPP has support there..

1. I grew up and lived at MacKenzie for many years.

2. After completing university studies abroad, I was the Specialist Engineer, Government of Guyana.

3. I have visited MacKenzie and surrounding areas in official plus private capacities.

4. Guyanese of Indian origin lived at MacKenzie and surrounding areas way before 1953.

So what exactly are you saying? Are you saying you lived in MacKenzie before the earth cooled? We know you are old but I did not realize that you were fossil. Well, maybe a certain part of your anatomy anyway. partybanana
Originally posted by Wally:
I have been deep into Buxton and I have been into the heart land of the American Neo- Nazi movement of Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. As an indian man I never feared for my life as I feared going into Linden. After visiting those areas I know what it is like for a black man to enter a southern American KKK racist white Town or city.

I have visited almost every state in the USA without uncomfortable feelings nor negative experiences.
Originally posted by Wally:
Demerara Guy, I am telling you my experiences in those areas. I have been deep into Buxton and I have been into the heart land of the American Neo- Nazi movement of Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. As an indian man I never feared for my life as I feared going into Linden. After visiting those areas I know what it is like for a black man to enter a southern American KKK racist white Town or city.

DG is closer to the truth here.

Wally, the Mackenzie/Wismar/Christianburg you describe must be from the time of the 1964 pogrom.

I know Indian Guyanese who live quite comfortably in Linden today - most with pre 1964 roots in the area. In fact, the recent past president of the Linden Chamber of Commerce was Indian.

That said, this is PNC territory . . . but I expect the AFC to give them a surprising run for their money in 2011.

PPP winning or even making a creditable showing in Region 10 is pure comedy.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Wally:

Demerara Guy and Albert, I dare the two of you to come from Canada and New York and wear PPP t-shirts and walk in the MacKenzie, Wismar and the Christianburgh area in the morning or night without Police protection and see what happens.

Those areas that you are calling PPP areas I was there once and I would not go back in those areas unless I am fully armed with both my Ruger and my walther. The amount of death wishes and coolie crab dog calls I got was unbelievable.

Some of those persons were behaving like they never saw an indian person before.

So I cannot see the PPP having any support in those areas since 1955, It is only a figment of your imagination that the PPP has support there..

1. I grew up and lived at MacKenzie for many years.

2. After completing university studies abroad, I was the Specialist Engineer, Government of Guyana.

3. I have visited MacKenzie and surrounding areas in official plus private capacities.

4. Guyanese of Indian origin lived at MacKenzie and surrounding areas way before 1953.

DG you have to be very OLD. I have to give you credits for a OLD MAN to be on this Forum and Rant with these young blood. cheers
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Vanessa:

DG you have to be very OLD.

I have to give you credits for a OLD MAN to be on this Forum and Rant with these young blood. cheers

Age is not an issue, Vanessa. wavey

Relevance and accuracy of information is important in discussions. Big Grin

Vanessa like de ole fella finally trying hard to get it right.

but poor thing just a few minutes before his information turn out ......not to be accurate.

Relevance and accuracy of information

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Teachers stage sit-in over conditions at Linden school
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Teachers at a secondary school in Linden staged a sit-in on Friday to press the region to fast-track repairs to the school, saying that the conditions are dangerous.

As a result of the situation, head teacher Cleveland Thomas of the Christianburg-Wismar Secondary School instituted a half-day session, while saying that he supported the teachers’ action since their work environment has been compromised. During recent downpours, the school building has been flooded, including the staff rooms and two apartments on the ground floor.

When teachers arrived at the school on Friday, a number of rooms, including the senior masters’ room, were flooded. Several floors were waterlogged, while texts books and records wereâ€Ķ..
Originally posted by squingy:
So sorry Albert, even the PNC, I mean APNU had a bigger crowd in Wismar last night. This is your grand Linden Rally 20 mins ago:

And this is with those trucked in from outside. Notice the truck nearby.

No big bands from Barbados. They are saying the PPP is too cheap.

However it looks more than the 100 that the AFC had.

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