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Lindeners “no show” for electricity hike protest, ANPU disappointed

Lindeners on Tuesday never turned up for a planned street protest in Georgetown, to denounce the government’s plan to increase their electricity tariff from July 1.
The protest was planned for in front the office of the president in Georgetown, however no one showed up.
The protest was organized by the main opposition A Partnership for National Unity, after the Donald Ramotar government announced last week that it will be moving forward with a plan to increase the Linden electricity tariff come July 1.

An APNU executive told Inews Guyana on Tuesday that he is “not too sure” what may have cause the protestors not to turn up but noted that efforts are being made to stage the demonstration on Wednesday, but expressed disappointment.

When asked about the residents of Buxton who were expected to join the protest, the official said they were asked not to come since Lindeners had abandoned their plans for the day’s protest.

APNU’s Aubrey Norton and Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon told a public meeting in Wismar, Linden Saturday that residents cannot allow the government to move forward with the plan since the region cannot afford to pay more for electricity.

“We have to be prepared to do what is required to achieve our objective. We stand at the gateway to the interior. I say no more…we must mobilize our children, we must mobilize the youth, we must mobilize ourselves and we must be ready to do what we require to stop this government from bringing repression to the people of Linden” Norton told Lindeners.

Region Ten Chairman Sharma Solomon meanwhile said that Lindeners have been able to mobile themselves and “we can shut things down so I am saying to you that our actions are not many. Our action remains one- our act is that we are not going to pay a single cent increase”.

An office of the president official in an invited comment said that Lindeners falling to show up for the protest is an indication that they are willing to part ways with the “Old PNC tactics of Street protest being the order of the day.”

When asked if the government will reconsider its position on the Linden tariff, possibly a delay in the increase, increase the official said ” I am not in a position to answer that question, you have to direct it to the relevant personnel”.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Linden is not a state within a state!, its time for them to pay for their electricity consumption

Now a more intelligent govt would use the low energy rates to attract investment to Linden, reduce its almost total dependency on bauxite and increase the ability of its residents to pay more for their electricity a smore of them find gainful well paying jobs.


But its only black people who live there so all they need are charity projects built by PPP supporters who enrich themselves in the process.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Fear of phantomizing got them backside in check. hahahahha

Dont worry druggie those phantoms soon tire of the masters when not paid enough...and eventually turn on them when some one pays them more.


Why do you think that there is so much gun violence in Guyana with small business people (many being Indians) being the main victims.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Fear of phantomizing got them backside in check. hahahahha

Dont worry druggie those phantoms soon tire of the masters when not paid enough...and eventually turn on them when some one pays them more.


Why do you think that there is so much gun violence in Guyana with small business people (many being Indians) being the main victims.

That is what you predicted years ago but it didn't come true.  They didn't find a cure for the common cold but they sure did find a cure for mo fiah slow fiah. hahhahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Fear of phantomizing got them backside in check. hahahahha

Dont worry druggie those phantoms soon tire of the masters when not paid enough...and eventually turn on them when some one pays them more.


Why do you think that there is so much gun violence in Guyana with small business people (many being Indians) being the main victims.

That is what you predicted years ago but it didn't come true.  They didn't find a cure for the common cold but they sure did find a cure for mo fiah slow fiah. hahhahaha

Druggie even Rohee admits that there has been a serious increase in gun violence this year.  Where do this little boys get their guns. From unscrupulous people like you who give it them out of a misguided notion that they will protect you.


The residents of Linden has to realize that Linden is not a state within a state, now they are integrated on the National grid, they will pay the tariff for electricity same  as the citizens of the rest of the country.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie even Rohee admits that there has been a serious increase in gun violence this year.  Where do this little boys get their guns. From unscrupulous people like you who give it them out of a misguided notion that they will protect you.

What is the correlation? Guns are smuggled over the border by PNC/AFC operatives and sold to street thugs. Then the Phantoms have to neutralize them. ahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie even Rohee admits that there has been a serious increase in gun violence this year.  Where do this little boys get their guns. From unscrupulous people like you who give it them out of a misguided notion that they will protect you.

What is the correlation? Guns are smuggled over the border by PNC/AFC operatives and sold to street thugs. Then the Phantoms have to neutralize them. ahahahah

Since when the PNC has money to do anything?  And if the PNC is indeed to blame how come you all PPP types havent arrested them?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie even Rohee admits that there has been a serious increase in gun violence this year.  Where do this little boys get their guns. From unscrupulous people like you who give it them out of a misguided notion that they will protect you.

What is the correlation? Guns are smuggled over the border by PNC/AFC operatives and sold to street thugs. Then the Phantoms have to neutralize them. ahahahah

Since when the PNC has money to do anything?  And if the PNC is indeed to blame how come you all PPP types havent arrested them?

There is a lot of smuggling, guns and other wise.  Most have little to do with politics.


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