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This is the largest turnout at a funeral parlor for a Guyanese-American in New York City that I've seen. Friday night at the Leahy Funeral parlor on Atlantic and 111 St in Richmond Hill, Queens, NY saw lots of Guyanese including a lot of AFC supporters. Churchill got into a heated debate with some PPP diehards.


There was a private AFC gathering featuring those close to Lionel Peters who traveled to New York to pay their respects - Attorneys Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan and Dr. Verasammy Ramaya.


It is clear that the AFC believes in what I would call "soft power" to advance its cause against poor governance by the PPP/C. The Parliamentary maneuver of a vote of no-confidence is just part of the tools at its disposal. For this it requires the collaboration of an adversary, the APNU.


The AFC clearly disavows street protests of any situation that would lead to physical confrontation. It also clearly has no business with a pre-poll coalition with the APNU. That said, it's Parliamentary maneuver is not so much politics breeding strange bedfellows but a necessary tactic to terminate the current PPP/C government and have elections in early January at the latest.


Interestingly this is the only political party that has had a member of both major races as its Presidential candidates. For the next election cycle Moses Nagamootoo will be the Presidential Candidate. The AFC, its 3rd party status notwithstanding is aiming for a majority vote even if that means 34% to 33% each for the other two main parties.


One theme that permeates the AFC's crusade is the misappropriation of State assets and unconstitutional use of the Treasury, especially in government contracts and general procurement. The action against Dr. Ashni Singh, the Finance Minister, against spending it deems to be ultra vires is one such action. The vote of no-confidence is another.


It was interesting to see the confluence of tributes to Lionel Peters from PPP supporters as well as the AFC. It was the largest crowd at a funeral parlor (where my neighbor works) for a Guyanese-American that I've witnessed.

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The Alliance for Change (AFC) mourns the passing of Lionel Peters, one of its foremost fighters, who died peacefully after prolonged illness, in New York Saturday morning.


At the time of his death, Lionel Peters was the Chairman/General Secretary  of the AFC’s New York/New Jersey Chapter and in the past held the position of  Chairman of the Queens Section.  He also served the Alliance For Change as a co-opted member of the party’s Management Committee.


During his prolonged illness and his final days, AFC’s leaders visited him in hospital, and were in constant communication with his wife Christine, and offered support. The party expresses appreciation to Dr. Rohan Somar, Mr. Sankar Nirahu and Ms. Kamla Balbachan-Frank for their timely initiatives.


The party will be represented from Guyana at the funeral services and cremation of the late AFC stalwart, by its leader Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan, Vice-Chairman Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and Executive Dr. Veerasammy Ramayya, all three of whom are also Members of Parliament.


Lionel Peters has had a distinguished career as a Berbice cricketer and courageous political activist that spanned over 40 years. Formerly from Whim Village on the Corentyne, Lionel was to become a leader of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO), and an Organiser for the People’s Progressive Party, from which he resigned. He enlisted in the Alliance for Change for the 2006 and 2011 elections, and became one of the party’s militant fighters in the USA.

Before his untimely passing, Lionel Peters had drafted a campaign song and an elections manifesto and celebrated the AFC’s no-confidence motion against the minority government.


AFC pays tribute to this outstanding Guyanese son, and assures him that his struggles for unity and clean governance of his beloved Guyana would not be in vain.

AFC sends sincere condolences to all bereaved persons, including Lio’s wife and children, his mother and several siblings, and grandchildren.


Monday August 25, 2014

Georgetown, Guyana


Thanks for posting this report, Kari. Much appreciated.

Apart from being an AFC militant, Lionel Peters was a fine sports enthusiast and organizer.

I'm suggesting here and will follow-up with the AFC the idea of holding an annual Lionel Peters Memorial Sports Event to honor him. His death anniversary would be an appropriate date.


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